The Stormwind Times
Thondalar Stormleaf
Feral / Blackfall
John Helsythe Amaltheria
20 posters
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The Stormwind Times
The Stormwind Times are recruiting!
Whenever you are a writer or a town crier the Stormwind Times need you! The times are a quite new newspaper company and we already have our happy custometers! We need Editors, Reporters and Town criers to make the Stormwind Times the best newspaper in the Alliance and we count on your help! Currently if you wish to help our cause please send a letter to Telaira Ambervein or find her ICly.
I created this guild because i thought people ICly should have a better view on things that happen in the city. i plan on releasing the newspaper every 1-2 weeks with a few pages. Also there is a possibility of me putting in your guild adverts into the paper so just find me in game or send me a message. I also want to inform you that you may send diffrent stories to either Telaira or Larnira so i can put them in the newspaper. I hope you will all enjoy reading it in the future. I will place them on the forum too (As import codes for GHI)-
Issue One (24.08)-
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- Code:
^`a`[fc|34|@Y:|7]|C^|7a[Z^O&itI|BN|7qI[cYbl\[.25165<6;(3c|Sh|7|3k|Qp|7HGDt|Oy|7ABM"|<'|7JKV+|F0|7|33e7|7|3:l>|7|3Ad\Nb_ jK|7nZTjZq\fhobdxatsuqpiyky )#z,"o-0*zx4, *19.2<573(1B=9SbizXhy@INK:Q8KDUTKRghi\YKEYaKWdcZahbWY_]207H&6If`]pczsfpg$ynl(jx#(r%'0*&3(/-9Dt<4&:7TB#|7FEz;D<JnC;8FP*<D:CM=XzLBFTYINTpc+O^`h#jgZ^_oW[r\bmkh^wdd!kq$ynl(wo(%-w'(+wOVgEU|:<Gw?7)=:UE&|7I.@4K93I=C=R@HFD@>WR[UQR``(LKJ_^Qh]UkeZ\gpcfj^u^nfkds!jdtuku6)ap,nz'$1ztx5w7##6;3'337::C80F?5=?CL5?CH?E?T>JSKYAEDCXWJa[PNcfPVR]dlozOrj\pm3xY|7!"-]%xj# >+g|7/0;k3+x1.H9u|7=.=7,*A:<*<?G<4JD97N<DB@<:SNWQFD[QQSYQG[QXXf[[iBd`d`k^d[slnmabrr icv$ixvxyoo:-bwq**3')/71&$;#+*+*9;C9<:.93<WL;GOH;<ELUODBYFUBTGW`cnCf^Pda&lM|7pq!Qtl^ro-- \|7$%0`|;e|7-|9J>`ON[E5w(&%-|7y@'*4;-;&Hei@4K9A?=97PKT>@OQPNYJPJ_8ZVZVaTZQ-+z9#10E43:K)9@b_q Sgdhjxz4EL];Ket0ys.y5)+1'"%%=7,&:B.;9HS(KC5IFeQ2|7UVa|4d9l=|7|3@c[Ma^ziJ|7mVmjcjb[smltwqmzsuce$mot6)Zwqn&t0-s,w"6+22:&04>,.3B)7.F>2>>BEMFIHF@;BIPOXEMONG^GQU^V\e_[hbWUlYhUgZj&t>jwkms ut!$yu'mwqlsr.wy#2t%)8Cs;3%96SA"|7E7/RG2D4>L;9O=;RALU<WDLNMFkz&7p%|:grGjbThe%pQ|7tflureqfza!fdklky6)ap,)vt'v2,(&z71& 4<6+)@-576/FC<C;4L5BA:QLHTNJWQFDIS]YMHZPUdKYPh^ddlaaoVq_gkl`jasr htlr%gul)sq,us/sr$x4x'+0#1;)?JzB:,@=^H)|7LMX-PH:NKiV7|7Z[f;^VH\YsdE|7h[biWURdWoWkkstncaxldwtrdtjx'pjn+s!'(u$2t4 380$00477@5-C*E2:<;4K:@N5PFLJIF@WE?S[XKWL`ISW]RP_h[PdTZ\b\q`ltnmuflf uq#eyzhkt*nu&w.u3>n6. 41Q<x|7@AL!D<.B?XXK,|7OP[0|;5|7X|9ui0zy+p`GSQPX|7IkRU_fXfQs5?gihaxAkoxp#Qzxkm o",)o z%z4.#!8132&'77@5-Cw>:>:E8>5i]waon(]ZI`JVcWY_gX\^gl[Yons#Svn`tq5!]|7%&1|44d=h|7|3k3+x1.J9u|7=55>=4;9C8:;5;7>>LD859;Irpw-fvu!2k |:bmBe]Oc`"kL|7op Psk]qn.yZ|7"ecepj&mw *$tr.&ytz3w#/%7#-3J=g*@:/7</FC<C;4L5BGIQC=LMVSBYRUSGO]`]V]UNfTNdTk^aeYpf\gif`wtmqkjpj$nt'trl"m$wt(1&*4)/$"0:0-#&)8OBz1+HS(KC5IFgQ2|7UVa6YQCWTr_@|7cdoDg_Qeb!mN|7qZqXj^u\jkmxee"zmyn5(PYzp-ss*ts,"))E8f 9#'>;*A+7D2,B2I6?@6NG8>FGEMV=KBZLFCURNTNcOKNUYWcYVenVjjrYmuodbylongqx%zow!o+m$s/$$#14v!",0<Gw?7)=:ZE&|7IJU*ME7KHaaT5|7XYd9|;>|7a|9#r9('4yiP\ZYa|7Rt[^hoaoZ!>Tvrvr"pvmslz%.Tt+ut-#**THbLZYn]\ctRb!0GD/=DLFBOEE@FMUJQQYNNF]WLNTNc]RL`h[^cembZpj_]tj`kmj!,\$wi"z>*f|7./:|4=mGq|7|3t<4&:7SB#|7FE=-43XK GEOG;GGKN@NPY@RF]FYWXLV]VdgV\eUdf\[Vj`f`udp9@Q/?|:&1a)!n'$A/k|734?o7/!52M=y|7A+,9-7>F>2>>BEENGI7ILBHBWCPNM\IQSQRZc\^PMYW]Wl[goVd[s_ciepfhnh"rr%zom)]$ $ +y$v3fz"%*#-4<j$.48B-*>4:4IC86?N5ABROACGAXGM[B]GVZTRMWgrGjbThe+pQ|7tu%Uxpbvs6#_|7'(3c+#p)&@1m|75y5#x!9"/607))A6==E,G5C65L>BGHQF>T@JKAY@NE]JVFOUqd>SQhac_]Wao\hXagu\jayeopf#gt sl)ppqq.B@62'z5/$"9m4040;.4+C99;A9/C9@@OO,;R@:>V@F[f;^VH\YydE|7hitIldVjg%%sT|7wx(X|;]|7%|9B6XGFS=-o yx%|7q8z",3%3y@]s.6:=+21H=5K7AB8l`zdrq+ut 1jz#V_RUZ\dYQgf]dblbecWeYYesvjlrhcff/$ynl(!#z#z*x#u2y()z702.2")@K C;-A>]I*|7MNY|4\1g5|7|38[SEYVraB|7efqFiaSgd&oP|7st$Twoaur2"^|7&'2b*"o(%F0l|745@p80"63Q>z|7BCN#F>0DA[L-|7PJ:Q8FRUD@B?R[PT^[FT[c]YfNRiPTgWeh^i\\tdpoqyreof#qj&h(vo#$nut0%)3C16)"9(.(#0)N|:EP%H@2FCcN/|7RS^3VN@TQjj]>|7abmB|;G|7j|9klmnopqrstuvwxyz !"#$%&'()*+,-J>`ON[FSef[UIcN[Zo^]duScbizXhx@EGOD<RLA?VJBURPBRHV`OZcNNT`RRjRjmGYaW`jZ(vecyxov"ke'2b*"o(%D0l|745@|4Cs|Yx|7@&452EP%H4ZK,|7^g[0SEU6|7hme:]In`A|7twpE|>J|7m3ab_r"Ru_iipz[|7#HrryycdVY]\USdc?fgZ7Br:2(4-'@!|7DEP%H<.54CN/|7e]2|T7|7Z[f;^ODXJXPIUgH|7k?QcU[aZdku%U|VZ|7"|8LR[eTq!mjN!"zoAK5@p8."/<x|7OK|4N#F,:;8-8>57KQ2|7d`5|Y:|7|Xi>|GC|7|3|4tI|=N|7'%"|4%U|IZ|7"Ugoenxh*5e|=j|7CB>n|Ms|7;LOJMVAL!D6*70I*|7M$FBFBM@F=U/EJCR]h=`GTSTMW^hI|7l9dehYpEe]v&V|P[|71.^|Kc|796f|Vk|73|8]clvk!1/-."OUCN#|L(|7\V|4Y.|J3|7ea6Y&"\=|7`8JRHQ[KJx!#'!&(%&r"R|HW|7z +[#theqs)e|7-Prtxq)2U+)/$"0'/0&@K|4
- Spoiler:
- The Stormwind Times
Are holidays destroying Stormwind?
Dear Readers,
We have noticed that from the start of the holidays the population on Stormwind streets has dropped. Thats not the biggest problem, it seems the guards are having holidays too! Because of this more crimes happen. We also had a few reports of shops closing down because they didnt have enough custometers to pay the rent or stock up.
Now we ask you... what do you think?
Please send the answers to our Town Crier Telaira Ambervein. Best 5 will be displayed in the next issueGnome Clown Murderer walking the streets of Stormwind
Now we do not know if you heard but the newspaper had gotten a few reports of a gnome in a purple hat with clothes matching it trying to attack citizens with a dagger. We where told that the gnome would come up to their victim and put on a horrendus grin and if he came closer he would try to stab him. Please watch out for him and report suspicious gnome clowns to the guards. Do not try to engage him alone, even if he is a gnome.Stormwindians Education
We want to point out one thing that most of the people are annoyed with. GOod education. Maybe we do have good schools and learning facilities but at the moment those are only affordable for the rich citizens. If those would cost less we surely would have more people working in libraries or other places. Whats your oppinion reader?Shortage of food
As most of your probobaly noticed, the stormwind food storage had counted out a huge loss of food and grain. The stolen grain and food could feed 30% of the Stormwind population! We had diffrent reports starting from gnolls stealing it and finishing on the Stormwind Regiment Major eating them all while in a drunken rage. Our reporters are currently investigating it
Most of the newspaper is edited by Telaira. if you have any ideas or want to be advertised just send me a message or /w me ingame.
Issue Two (31.08)
- Spoiler:
- Code:
d`bg[dd|34|@Y:|7]|C^|7a[Z^O&itI|BN|7|3|4$T|SY|7|3\$fsrslv",h|70X(),x4i2+:Eu=(7,(B#|7F]Z]]k_^n1_svfktiWb7|<<|7_`k@|WE|7QMYaTwLo\hZc:gfjgaugsy#_|7'y iwnl#q0;k3ww".wy)#<x|7)%19,O$|V)|7L|8v!*4):JHFG;hn\g<|LA|7uoD|QI|7! xM|OR|7uv&V|F[|7|3^5b|7|3e<i|7|3l|;q|79|9VJl[ZgQA(4219|7*L36@G9G2Tq,NJNJUHNE]7MRKZ"d&u4y,+@/.5F$43:K)9Sby`sl"!sz&jq"s*q &/$w2f-)-)4'-$<62?(55<*-?GBAJ97MLCJknu+dt$>TD[B]JSTJb[]Y]evi+2C!1<Vl\sjo`oqgnnt0#@GX6FRnpm%.#v1+ "("/87.5<(()1A>-D=3;B:3K:@I9HJ@?:N@sz0iy*OSSWZHV]eTZS]a]Rf\ccqjm\bv]p8z<CT2BIkh!q*lz ")#tw%y(//D96%%&,2,9B)7.F1C3=DD[Nkr(aqpw-fv5D[BNVS`NH^NeLgP][e^`nWVbc]]4v8?P.>Bun$Okuvj8+HO`>Ndw&x50/87.53=49*9;188>SHAC?C;8G\Q@<>;NW>LC[JOSSWZHV]eYQdavkYW_dpkjsmivakjhgivhr%gst)#sq-qx)z1x'-6%+9.53=%)15=--E.5AGXKho%^n-8FMUOKXQSAZ]DRTT`UX_^+h<^kadbVa[d&t6=N,<;BS1AJtx#i n#,%(rx1+'(O6SZkIYh15)1/Bg>8/19:JSy7?ïIJ9]qx.gw3EMCLVFa(UKO]bRW]ktFX`V_iY"|:y)|4,\4`|7|3c|;h|70|9MAcRQ^H8z+)(0|7!C*-7>0>)Kh$97N'IEIEPCI@X2HMFU^,TXYW[eB^VbX^Xm6ccj\kmv7+E/=<Q@?FW5EI o+*!(/q$2t&v/!20:73+7)7`Br;E8-F04K2MCFD<==LCJJ>JZOOG"_<Kb_JX_gf]dblegcg_\ktcixxRge!Uwsws#qwn+`v t(1 +4"*/1'-'<6+)@-9)7.Fo<@A?CMJF>J@F@U>KKRDSU]DRIa`W^eNM[ibU_Vnmdkislnjnfcr uq#xmk'Pnko,Rrx)%)3hz'x&0 ;]/%)7<,17EN 2:09C3NCGQv=?C<O/.Z,BTQMWGkc/\ZYhbWUl"$"%/rlbfv-2,/9""Wlj&mq "$,"zpsv2!,5w3y0#%%=OOPA.75.RGA64KD76CC:RHE;>AXnj[BPG_YNLc]RT^Qi!%mmeYb[dZ^lvplyreof#yx&%w#!+$&"&.2NUfDTC8|:=H|4K T$|7|3'|;,|7O|9l`'qp"gW>JHGO|7@bILV]O]Hj,CXVm7YVj_sdhdcer+ ujh$mgul)#sm&.r'+* y-6x8&4-"0>,*'9<REbVpZhg!kjq'`pov,eu#MQ[UJH_UGZ\daPQXaj]R`loWe[a^mvd^td cghr%lv"wn7,)w(x1+ y'6x8,.4&K>`@46<.EB5A6J1?M<A6=<SH@V=XF@NE]FVZYOQWQfMhVd]R`n\ZWil'uOdbycebvk$hu!v"*t$-q)'(w&-&47#'5%J=r,*A-7><F@5/CK:EN=9;ELB@DAAYHSv]z&7p%2JWP_h0aYUYXo"qJlhh`i^qnn=DU3CYhu!k"m-–1]t%’!-1%*Y`qO_t)-50GUIoHLy859;ISH@VPECZ&SGHPFTJM[]'.?x-DYa`Uhq=dbhow– GcuqjxCJ[9IHO`>Nezx4 $"1&:+/1:2@<0+=38SH7BKE:8O7E;QT@JQKBZIO]WLJa7QPeLZQiFXZeg`ZqYqtncax`kaegv2%Zom)lzp+.p!)&3%z!085(4)=7,*A:)6/F:<B4WL4HHPJ?=TC?AKRHTZ]RJ`ZOMdMZ^]aTkZenicaegph)w@mlmbpgiw&Rq"#"u o/c- y-5y(y',3<6+)@(6,BE3-C3J267AO=7E<>>VKSCQ[UQ^XMKbO^K]P`ujc`m[ce[]meftwflztjoh$!k'$rvw,x!#,1. 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Issue 4
- Spoiler:
- Stormwind Times:
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
Forwards such too:
Loreli Dundell (Melïssa)
Telaira Ambervein (telaira)
Remember Theramore
Dear readers,
I bet all of you know, Theramore is crumbled because of the horde attacks. What caused them you ask? As far as we know the attack and death of thousands of civilians was caused only because of Garrosh Hellscream's mania of conquering Azeroth. Even if its destroyed please join us in the mourning and give theramore 15 minutes of silence on riday the 19th of this month starting from 8PM... Remember theramore
Letter from Baron Mistmantle
Recently i have gotten a letter from Baron Mistmantle, i wasnt surprised to see it at all. He wrote about the controversial article about him kidnapping people, indeed we did publish letter from Lady Beaumont (still missing) but she sent it to us herself, so Baron Mistmantle take a second to think, we dont make things up, we continue on what the people say and think. So indeed Mister MIstmantle the people of the Alliance arent great fans of yours.
Lady Estherat, The Graceful Flame,Guardian of Discord. Enemy of our Kingdom!
Early this morning a letter arrived to what seems to be several orders of light among Stormwind and around it.
Following is a copy of what the letter said.
[IC] Open letter to the Church, the Disciples and the Chapter
by Melnerag Today at 11:22
This letter has been sent to the Church of the Holy Light and holy orders in Stormwind. Replying to it may be problematic, but most servants of the Light are likely to be able to read it. Unless higher-up authorities try to keep it a secret
Dear men and women of the Church,
Church of the Holy Light values life, in fact that is what you are all about – defending the innocents, upholding law and justice, fighting oppression and acting charitably. I can tell a lie when I see one, and I am calling you out on this one.
Light have mercy, what are you doing in that paladin training? You are not preparing holy warriors, you are brainwashing a team of suicidal maniacs! Why, in the name of all that is sensible, do your paladins insist on fighting to the last breath when outnumbered ten to one (that is, there are ten enemies and one of them) and they have been offered a chance to surrender and a guarantee that they will not be killed. Ideals are good, but you can take them too far. If there are suddenly two paladins and ten enemies, and one of them has been captured and second is allowed to go free if he stops fighting – he will insist on fighting to the very last as to not abandon his comrade, risking not only his own life but the very life of the one he is trying to save!
Why, I had the most sickening experience of my life when I accidentally captured one of your knights (such things happen). I have apologized for the misunderstanding and allowed her to leave unharmed, instead of going she drew the nearest sharp object and went for my heart shouting that I am a “Traitor to everything.” She was alone in a room with three enemies, unarmored and equipped with a kitchen utensil. That poor woman probably left behind children and friends!
And I not even began discussing your appalling behavior in undecided situations. Two groups face each other, they are evenly matched and neither has the advantage of the terrain. It is clear that any battle will be long and bloody, victors being no better off than the losers. Sensible people would break the standoff and go their ways. I understand that the defending party would refuse to go, after all they cannot abandon their task. But your paladins were on the offensive – they were assured that they can safely fall back, instead they chose to attack! They suffered terrible losses.
I feel offended that your Church forces me to fight drooling idiots whose place is in an asylum rather than a battlefield. Are you taking promising, skilled and sensible people and turning them into maniacs with a deathwish!? These lunatics can’t hear common sense over the sound of all the damned chanting in their ears. Is that a scheme of yours, drive me off-balance by sending wave after wave of nutjobs at me?
But why am I surprised, you are brainwashing children from the moment they can speak that the Light will be victorious no matter what! Half of them probably genuinely believed that they can defeat Sargeras himself armed with a toothpick, as long as they have faith.
Your paladins won’t even make deals! I trust them to be men of integrity and honor who would hold their oaths, so I offer to let them go unharmed as long as they swear never to reveal what they have learned in detention. What do they do, they threaten me! They threaten me while I have them in my power! That is madness! That is what Old God followers would do. What have you been teaching them? What have you done to these poor people? What normal person will try to provoke their captors, throwing all offers of freedom back in her face and refusing to make the most harmless of deals. They –want- to be killed. Is that another scheme of yours, thinking that if I kill enough of those three-year-olds in bodies of grown men I will feel remorse and come crawling into the Cathedral, begging for redemption?
I hereby lay the responsibility for death and injury of every paladin who abandoned common sense for madness and got himself killed while having every option to live at your feet! I swear that from now on I will make a list of every encounter and death related to idiocy and make you pay for that slaughter! I may kill innocents now and then, but you, you do much worse – you turn innocents in suicidal maniacs! What next, will you tie bombs to them and send them into my camp like some goblin sappers?
Best wishes,
Lady Estherat,
The Graceful Flame,
Guardian of Discord
Sophyra Bridlington our law enforcing witch!
In a former interview with Sophyra she said..
“I progressed to magistrate when Braiden Mistmantle was appointed Grand Magistrate.”
She is known to me now as Braiden Mistmantle’s pet witch. Now what does that say about our law system? No wonder, Braiden Mistmantle lets necromancers and fel users live…
In the light of the recent events, it has come to light that our Magistrate Sophyra Bridlington is in fact a woman practicing dark arts. She have been in a duel with a man of the chapter of Holy Anethion, using her dark powers. It is also questioned if she herself have corrupted several members of that order, given them power to resurrect upon death, her new minions have indeed not just attacked the Anethioneans, but also healed themselves through fel magic.
Her minions may not be so willingly, as they seem to be force fed with demon blood.
It seems like this Lady Esterath and Sophyra is working together. Sophyra have spent the last years not just taking over the economy of large industrial factories in and around Stormwind, scattered across the lands, but she have also done some nasty experiments in a lab not far from Stormwind. So claims the sources. It is also said she did not have any authorization to condone the experiements in Westfall three years ago, but that people were paid off to testify she had full permission from Kirin Tor to do what she did.
Kirin Tor have not offered any comments in this regard but considering they are supporting and have a pet necromancer, also known to us in Stormwind as Drustai and have let her live despite her breaking their laws while under their supervision one has to wonder…
Is Sophyra Birdling ton and Lady Esterath to be feared or are they too as many others victims of Braiden Mistmantle the most powerful man in Stormwind except for our King, and the most powerful magician around. For surely.. If he has brainwashed all of these people, then he is the true leader of the Discord, possibly.. also the Black Hand. People of Stormwind now is the time to get the torches!
We are allowing our own law enforces to kill innocent people.
(( OOC note: This article does not mean, this is facts. But who said a newspaper publishes only truths and not.. halftruths and some lies ))
Reihna Beaumont is still missing. Her letter to be forwarded to us this week have yet to arrive.
Also missing: Nilda Meyrick.
This letter was delivered to us:
In regards of your search of Nilda Meyrick,
I'm afraid she is missing at the current moment. Should you receive any clues on her where-abouts, I humbly ask that you inform me.
Best regards,
Rayne "Prowleye" Lieuth
of the Kingdom of Stromgarde
Death house in Duskwood
Lately we had gotten reports of mysterious screams coming from a house but when the night watch arrived the screams stopped. After some time patrols stopped checking the place until an unlucky fisherman came by the house and noticed the strange smell of decay. When he came in the strangely open house he couldnt stop but scream. In the house there were hooks with fresh limbs hanging on them, in the middle of the room a large table lay with a head on it, the head had a sewn mouth and two hands lay next to it. The night watch blames the Black hand but we arent that sure...
Know anything? Heard anything?
Send us a letter!
To Lady Esteherat The non Graceful Flame, Guardian of Discord.
It has come to the attention of Stormwind Times after sharing a word with the Inquisition of the Chapter of Holy Anethion that they would like to invite you over for tea.
To debate your letter in depth as well as to discuss the reasons for all the people you kill and your relation to the cult called Black Hand.
So if you would kindly forward a letter to them on how they can come in contact with you, they would be most appreciative.
- signed L.D.
Issue 5
- Spoiler:
- The Stormwind Times
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
Dead hand over the Anethion
A few days ago one of our traveling reporters spotted something dark on the top of the Anethion's Abbey. As she came closer she noticed what horrendous thing it was, it was a body dressed in Cultist clothes impaled on the spire of the abbey. From what we heard the people blame the well known cult called the Black Hand. We hope the Disciples and Anethion do something about them fast, some citizens are slowly getting too scared to even come out of the house!
The Trial and Death by fire
A few days ago two witches where found guilty of practicing dark arts by the Baron Torradan Goodwyn, they were burned on stakes later and it is unknown what happened with the ashes. Some of the people are annoyed, "Why would a random baron judge and burn people?! Its up for the magisters to do this!" they say. But please dont worry, Magister Mistmantle was present at the trial. Lets hope for more actions like this and we will purge the Alliance out of Fel and Shadow users soon!
Efforts in Pandaria
We bet most of the people heard about the new discovered continent called Pandaria. We also believe you know that the horde and alliance forces clash on the continent all the time, if -you- want to help, Enlist or donate money for new weapons for our soldiers! For the Alliance!
Freelancers, good or bad?
The Freelancers, a company leading expeditions for artifacts and different treasures had lost their director. From our sources we know that the last director Dwyburn killed a servant of the Minister of Justice and tried to chop the ministers arm off. We will keep you updated about the situation
Dear Readers, you may have noticed about how few articles we posted, this is because both of our reporters were taken by work and we had no chance of writing more. Please excuse us for this.
-Stormwind Times Owner, Telaira Ambervein
((we are sorry if this issue looks bad but we had a few problems lately aswell as i couldnt come online to search for things to write about))
Issue 6
- Spoiler:
- The Stormwind Times
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
Sophyra Bridlington and Minister/Magister/Count/Lord Braiden Mistmantle.
Most of our citizens have likely heard due to the council meeting some time ago how Braiden Mistmantle, the magister himself apprehended Sophyra Bridlington former Magister of Stormwind.
Sophyra a known leader of the cult Discord under the name Lady Estherat, a follower of Burning Legion and a shapeshifter. Yes, citizens of Stormwind, Sophyra is capable of being in many forms and thus with many faces. I am not sure if she can change gender, but beyond that her magic seems to know no limits.
Known as a dart art user for years, thrown out of Ironforge, accused of witchery and trialled, she have been during the past years. Still our Minister took it upon himself to ensure this woman turned into a magister of law for Stormwind. He claims he apprehended her through tricking her, but have we people of Stormwind heard of any trial or its outcome? No.
Have we citizens of Stormwind at all heard of any checks as to why, an explanation in full from our Minister about this? No.
Do we now however know that Sophyra Bridlington is once again roaming the lands freely? Yes we do!
How? One of my sources have told me a meeting over a cup of tea occurred with the demon worshipping, dark arts user. And she said straight out:
Yes, I was taken by Braiden. He needed to look good, and I could use a vacation. So, here we are.
Due to Sophyra herself not being a reliable witness, she was not apprehended. And even my source had tried to bring her in, it would be pointless. For they were not within the lands of Azeroth.
So dear citizens of Stormwind today I can announce the victory of Braiden Mistmantle, in cleaning himself with a willing person taking the fall for his own wrong doings. This is a day to rejoice citizens of Stormwind for clearly our Minister is a very law-abiding, light following man!
Stormwind Patriots Day
We all have to know about the Patriots day in Stormwind, its time where all the Stormwinders join together and celebrate! The day is also a huge opportunity to feast for the might of the Alliance aswell as enroll to the army! Most of the inn's in the city officially declared that the prices for food and drink on the one day will be lowered by 50%. For those uninformed the celebration starts at 19:30 on the Eight of December this year. The parade forms at the city gates and from there processes to the Cathedral square where the time for speeches will come, then finally at 21:30 the street parties will begin.
Slaughter in Stranglethorn vale?
A crusade was made apparently to fight back the forces of trolls that had come to Duskwood. The Chapter of Holy Anethion headed further into Stranglethorn vale. Where they did indeed slaughter down all the trolls they did encounter regardless of their age. Trolls are our enemies. They did encounter as most may have seen some Disciples and their head chaplain Valestrion was not pleased, so displeased with the knowledge of how they had killed young trolls that he announced it for all to see.
What have Stormwind come too? Do we now put mercy of our enemies before the well-being of our own people? Where will this mercy end? Are we to become so weak that even an army of young trolls could march upon our lands, rape, pillage, burn, kill and torture on their path because… We won’t kill young trolls? Trolls are savage, barbaric. They won’t shun from eating your heart out while you still live.
So we ask you citizens of Stormwind… Where is the fault in slaying our enemies? Killing them quickly?
When they torture our own, eat them, enslave them?
For once the Chapter did the right thing. So consider now people who is in the wrong here? The Chapter for defending our kingdom or the Disciples for being too naïve and merciful?
What the Disciple should have raged about was the relics and the hidden tomb.. That what my source believe was a Witch-Hunter and some mage, plundered and ran off with in the dark. Who knows, what they found in there. And my source claims: "They went there without hesitation, clearly knowing what they were looking for and where to find it. For they did not stay there for long".
Body of Anchorite Thelos... Stolen?
We recently got an information that the body of Thelos has been stolen from the Tomb of Lights. His coffin and body are the only stolen thing and its not yet known how did that aswell as the date of the robbery, it may have taken place yesterday or as far as last month.
Urgent News
Children from the orphanages are dissapearing from the Cathedral square, others have said that the children were kidnapped by a four eyed demon who roams the cathedral square quite often. We suspect cult activity so if you do not want to lose your child do make sure not to let him out alone.
Death notices:
1. Rumor claims that Karenza Melarorah Felori a noble of Gilneas is now dead, by the hands of an unknown worgen.
2. A man seems to be sitting on a chair close to the pumpkin patch at Wollerton Stead. Approaching it you'd first possibly think it's a scarecrow or something, yet smelling of a rotting corpse.
Upon closer inspection anyone would notice a male, his head severed placed in his lap, the arms keeping it in place. A lone black top hat placed on the head and dagger in his stomach under a strange angle with the hands holding it, some would say he has stabbed himself.
Some blood splatter is seen on the tree, probably from being decapitated, the eyes on the head seem to be just staring as if he was mesmerized before he died. On the back of the hat there is a grin carved on it and two droplets of blood as eyes.
Note: The body have not been removed so if you are missing someone. Go and check. The proper authorities should possibly head out and collect the body for inspection.
3. The ancient night elf sentinel Silshira did not return from her most recent Duskwood patrol. Her nightsaber mount returned alone and was found wandering Elwynn Forest, still bearing spare weaponry latched to his armor.
Tracking the cat back or searching Duskwood (a foolish endeavor, to be sure) would lead to western Brightwood Grove, and would provide only a hint of what transpired: rotted and torn patches of earth, the mark of an enormous axe slashed deep into a large tree, an axe-gash in blood-thickened dirt, and the ever-present taint of Shadow upon the ground. No corpse, however, was delivered, nor left to be found.
4. Jennifer Thompson.
No visible cause of death, but many broken bones from a long fall post-mortem, with undead flesh beneath torn fingernails, and the lower end of her dress stained with river water. She was a Westfall peasant who had been seen handing out leaflets on the Light.
5. Rheina Wood.
Founded dead in Stormwinds Cath Square. Charred body with mark of black hand grasping red heart. Marks of falling down from great hight. She was inherited a load of cash from herdead Uncle. She was looking forward to settling in Stormwind and enjoying the life.
Missing people:
Missing people considered: Dead but without their bodies found/abducted/lost in action.
Any info on these people are welcome.
Priestess Melarorah of the Chapter of Holy Anethion.
Priestess Yvienna of the Chapter of Holy Anethion.
Nilda Meyrick, Arathorian and a soldier of Blades for Hire.
Lady Reihna Beaumont: Last sighted heading towards Stranglethorn Vale.
Good news:
Torradan Goodwyn is not dead.
Lady Foxworth have given birth.
Lord Humphry Beaumont and Miss Kittrina Swift Married in Eastvale, congratulations!
Issue 7
- Spoiler:
The Stormwind Times
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
Who is the Silver Lion?
By Professor Warrington.
I recently took a visit to the small town of Darkshire, in Duskwood, after hearing about the recent cultist activity by a group calling themselves "The Black Hand". While speaking to several of the locals, they mentioned a note and a coin they found on the local message board, addressed to members of the Black Hand! (A transcript of the poster is given below, for my dear readers who do not wish to make the trip to Duskwood themselves.).
There was no name left with the poster, except for the curious coin left behind, which is stamped with a symbol of a proud, guarding lion. Some brave citizen clearly wishes to make a stand in whatever way they can, and this reporter, for one, wishes the Silver Lion good luck, and Light bless.
A Plea from the Royal Library of Stormwind.
The Royal Library of Stormwind would like to ask anyone to donate more books to help bolster the variety available. They would prefer to recieve some more scholarly books on various sciences or magical artefacts and practises. All donations to the Library is greatly appreciated.
Tropical Travels,
Or The Adventures of a gentleman in exotic locales.
By Professor Warrington.
Stranglethorn, Part One.
In this first article of Tropical Travels, I ventured into the deep, exotic depths of the mysterious peninsula of Stranglethorn, in an effort to see what secrets, mysteries and wonders lay hidden behind a screen of gushing rivers, calm jungles and exotic creatures.
Naturally, as all visitors to Stranglethorn must, I headed to the lawless, yet exciting shanty town by the name of Booty Bay.
Build into a hidden, weathered cove, Booty bay is a haphazardly built, weathered town, built from the very remains of old ships that once crashed against the coral reefs around it. My first steps into the town showed me exactly what the future in this town would hold - I was immediately assailed by the smell of blood, gunpowder, and alcohol, as well as the unsettling feeling that the entire town shifts itself in every direction according to the whims of the tide.
The goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel, the owners on Booty Bay, immediately gave me a warning - While weapons are allowed in the town, nobody was allowed to kill another on a whim. At this moment, this particular goblin gave a fearsome grin, and went on to say that they wouldn't interfere if I shot someone who cheated me at cards, but that they would take a cut from whatever was in the mans purse.
After spending a very sleep-deprived night in the local tavern, where I was kept away all night to the sounds of gunshots, yelling and drunken games until the early hours of the morning, I hired the services of a local guide, who offered to show me the various delights of the jungle for a small fee. At this point, I feel I must give a word of warning to anyone who does travel to Booty Bay - bring your own guide, the locals will take your gold then disappear into the sunset, never to be seen again.
When I finally managed to acquire a -reliable- guide, I finally set out into the creeping vines and exotic trees of the jungle itself. After travelling though the jungle for the best part of a day, the pair of us arrived at the infamous Gurubashi Arena, the first point of interest in Stranglethorn, situated north of Booty Bay.
The Arena itself, from the outside, in not much of a sight to look at. Its stone walls are large, but covered in moss, vines and dirt. However, the entrance to the arena is flanked by two large scultures of snakes, an imposing sight to any who would enter. After walking past these edifices, a long corridor leads to the arena itself, but the walls of this corridor are marked with various murals and runes.
After carefully cleaning off the dirt, bloodstains and moss from these walls, a beautifully painted story is revealed, of various trolls fighting in the arena, some lying dead and wounded, but others being showered in females and gifts for defeating various, devillish creatures. A few of these interesting murals even show some trolls with beams of light or other energy, as though they have obtained either the highest glory form the arena, or perhaps godship themselves. The beauty of these mosiacs and murals, even with the contents aside, is astounding. Even after all the harsh years, the great Catalcysm, and other events, the astounding paintwork and artistry still remains, nearly untouched by time.
After walking past the artwork, I reached the proper inside of the arena. crude stone seats line up all the center of the arena, for the spectators to watch the bloodshed in the main ring below. As for the main ring, its rather simple in comparision to its surroundings - merely baked, hot dirt, with small alcoves around the sides for whatever creatures the gladiators must face.
For now, I shall end this tale here, and continue with my adventures in the next edition.
The Stormwind Times staff wishes to thank the Royal Department of Inventions for the donation of a fully working snappograph! Thank you!
Urgent News
The Stormwind Times advise every citizen of the alliance to stay away from Duskwood, dangerous cultsts roam those lands, horde in the other place, is welcome to go there.
Death notices:
Thomas Atwell was found dead on the 3rd day of the 1st month of the current year, his ribcage was crushed and he was lying on the pier of one of the docks, its believed that he was crushed by a shipment of eleek's
Samantha Steelmane was killed by the Black Hand cult in Duskwood
Missing people:
Missing people considered: Dead but without their bodies found/abducted/lost in action.
Any info on these people are welcome.
Alexander Martinez a child abducted by two older men in dark cloth armour, no information about him have been given yet
The Royal Exchange of Stormwind
Southern Gale Company
Available Shares: 200
Price: 154.88g
Change: +23.07g
% : +17.50%
Bridlington Industries Group
Available Shares: 195
Price: 117.51g
Change: -16.47g
% : -14.02%
Share holders - Larnira Darkmist, 5 Shares.
James Manoch Warrington, 5 shares.
Goldshire Waterworks Company
Available Shares: 200
Price: 166.53g
Change: -9.73g
% : -5.84%
Crown Chemical Company
Available Shares: 200
Price: 89.09g
Change: +1.76g
% : +2.01%
Venture Trading Group
Available Shares: 200
Price: 106.75g
Change: -10.68g
% : -10.00%
Mercantile Investment Trust
Available Shares: 200
Price: 107.48g
Change: +4.62g
% : +4.47%
Special Issue
- Spoiler:
The Stormwind Times
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
--Dear readers, we released this issue a week before the normal date because we thought you would love to see what our reporters have gotten. Since of all the letters coming in and asking about who the SIlver Lion is we managed to get a few articles on that person--
Exclusive! First Interview with the Stormwind Regiment about the Black Hand and the Vigilante loose in Duskwood!
Proffesor Warrington was interviewing Sergeant Nevarda Marianna
W - Well, firstly, then, what do you know about this character?
M - I saw it the other day, white fellow, all silver and shiny.
M - I was passing through Elwynn forest and I noticed movement across the south river
W - Did you approach this person?
M - Absolutely not, I have no inetention of heading into duskwood without backup sir, I am sure you understand.
W - oh, of course. Did you happen to see if it was a male or female figure? Height? race, perhaps?
M - Well... look, I'm not one for childrens tales, as far as I am concerned it was a lass, you could tell *rolls her eyes* what ever she is doing with that lantern she was holding light knows, but look... there is somebody that knows more.
W - Really? Do you know who?
M - Evalath, nasty little witch... had us on our toes a few times. Rather evasive she is.
M - Draenei, tallish, dark skin, white hair... likes to dress all tribal and creepy.
W - Really? Do you know where she could be found for an interview?
M - Well sir, we've been looking for her for weeks. However, as I say... she's a slippery one. Head into the blue recluse sometime and have a word, they might no more... though, as you can imagine, they don't tell us.
W - Aye... thats a shame, of course. Well, would you like to give a statement to the public about this vigilante? Does the Regiment encourage or condemn her actions? Are you acting against her at all?
M - I would like to give a statement, if you would take it.
W - Of course, of course. Go ahead, Madam.
M - The regiment would like to make it formally known that the activity of vigilantes are strictly prohibited within the kings domain. Should this "Silver Lion' be found by any official, she is to be bought in to the command centre at all costs.
M - Approach with care, she may be dangerous.
W - And would you care to tell the public about what you are doing to combat the Black Hand?
M - Everything we can, the regiment has stepped up patrols and seek to take the opportunity to warn all citizens to never walk alone after dark when possible, do not accept strange gifts or messages from strangers and most of all... stay out of duskwood.
W - Wise words indeed, madam. Well, Thankyou for your time.
w - Is there any last thing you'd like to say?
M - Yes, if you don't mind.
W - Go ahead, Madam.
M - I would like to say, on behalf of Stormwind's first regiment, we are doing everything we can to combat this menace should anyone have further information regarding any suspicious activity in your area... inform us immediately. Do ot attempt to deal with the issue alone.
W - well, thankyou very much for your time and for your service to the King, Madam.
M - It's my pleasure Sir, I hope these warnings meet open ears.
"Exclusive! Interview with a witness to the Silver Lions work!"
Proffesor Warrington interviewing Evalath
(Evalath is a Draenei woman who witnessed the Silver Lion in person)
W - Now... What do you know about the Silver Lion, madam.
E - Oh i see... I see... the white lady.
W - yes, her.
E - I was walking within duskwood, three days ago. Nice little walk, lots of dead little faces and dead little flowers, and I stumbled upon a pot hole, a pot hole in the road.
W - Carry on.
E - I peered and I peered, I could swear that it was made by a beast of some kind.
W - Right...
E - and then... BAM! From right behind me I am ambushed by the strangest looking man I ever did see.
W - What did he look like?
E - All eyes blue, skin like old hags, eyebags. Nasty rattle on his breathing, too.
W - A Death Knight, you mean?
E - well... that is just it! I saw him, then I did not... A bright bright light I saw! I could hardly see myself!
W - What happened to him?
E - He screamed, screamed like a little troll!
E - when the light went away... he was gone!
W - Really? Who was the cause of this light?
E - Silver Lion... Lady with a Bright Lantern, Whatever you call it. Silver Lion is nice though. Aye, She looked at me, made me feel my heart in the mouth she did.
E - She spoke too...
E - She said "Beware the Blackhand, stay in the light, follow me child and all away from the night"
W - And what happened after that?
E - She gave me this...
- The item is a silver coin, a copy of the one pinned to the Noteboard in Darkshire. Writing inscribed on it read "Peace Prevails".-
E - The Silver Lion led me out... and now I stand here today.
The "Z" commenting on the Silver LionGood people, a new dawn is upon us! Armies could not stop the Black Hand, but now there is a New Hope, for I patrol Duskwood alone and all will be well. Hand's days are numbered!
-The Silver Looney
Letter from the "Z" to the Stormwind TimesHello, folks!
If you heal a dying woman with Dark Magic, help with a jailbreak or approach the Minister of Justice and in honesty and sincerity toss a sword at him you will end up arrested, held in a dark room with beautiful steel chains for ornamentation, trialed and publicly punished. Unless your name is Count Braiden Mistmantle.
Minister Areyah Conover and Lieutenant-colonel Bismack Bronze received evidence for Mistmantle’s involvement in a conspiracy against the Kingdom, this evidence was strong enough to make both Conover and Bronze march to Elwynn Forest and place Mistmantle under arrest. This is the same Mistmantle who destroys people for speaking out against him, by the way. You can appreciate how certain Conover and Bronze must’ve been about Mistmantle’s guilt!
I won’t talk about Mistmantle’s lenient and comfortable house arrest while common people languish in dirty jails, but I will talk about his recent release. Has there been a fair and open trial, where people of this Kingdom can see for themselves that the man who watches over the Law is not guilty of very serious crimes? No, there was no open trial. We do not even know what charges were pressed.
Is this true Justice?
Our holy Church that must cry out for justice has been awfully silent, the Disciples and the Chapter must act to see Mistmantle receive a public, open and fair trial where all evidence against the Count is examined, all charges are pressed and a sentence is passed before the eyes of the people and the Church.
The Disciples and the Chapter must act during the Council on 15th of January.
Baron Torradan Goodwyn, real man of the people?
This report has been put together from a variety of interviews who knew this so called bishop Vitalian and the Baron Goodwyn, this report has been put together in order to collect facts and take away the illusion of these so called "men of the people", I present to you an informative read that will truly reveal these supposed heroes.
From our archives and carefully collected interviews we present the first interview with an old veteran of the second war who fought alongside both of the half-brothers, he has asked for his name or details not to be disclosed.
Reporter: Hello sir, today you have come forward to speak about Torradan Goodwyn, and his half-brother Vitalian
Goodwyn, thank you for doing so, I realize that coming out with it in public might have earned you some backlash.
Elderly soldier: Yes, hello, hello..*sighs deeply before taking out a cigarette and lighting it* Where do you want to start miss?
Reporter: Well, first of all, tell me about the Second War I suppose.
Elderly Soldier: The war, the war, horrific, what it did to people, twisted their hearts and minds so much. Torradan and Vitalian, *the old soldier sighs again* , it hit them the worst. Both of them lost their beloved sister to a night-raid of Orc's, after that it was as if I saw two completely strange men, their hearts in a distant place while their minds, focused on the utter eradication of Orc-kind.
Reporter: Tell me more about Vitalian and Torradan specifically.
Elderly Soldier: Vitalian, with an unfeasible rage defected from the army and waged his own private war against the Orc's, he hunted them, hung their corpses from trees, burn down the villages and executed the children, the other soldiers, Light bless their souls, have mostly passed away, but he is remembered as the Butcher among us veterans, and for the right reasons.
Torradan is a whole case by himself, I tell you this, the man is insane, that's the only way to put it. When his baby was trampled by a marauding band of Orc's and then his sister, in the name of the Light have I never seen such a man simply lose his mind, the anger that could be seen from Vitalian was only a quarter of what came pouring forth from Torradan. He was discharged for his brutal treatment of prisoners, torture, executions and the breaking of any peace-terms, the man went berserk.
Reporter: Thank you sir, your input is incredibly valuable to our investigation, have a pleasant evening!
[The soldier was reported to have hung himself after this interview]
As you can see dear readers, this veteran has given us a more accurate perspective of these so called heros and figures, now, onto our second interview, a servant in his household who has recently left has granted us this exclusive interview!
The reporter sits down next to the fire and nods at the young servant opposite herself, the report begins.
Reporter: To get straight into it, tell us, why did you leave the service of Lord Goodwyn?
Servant: *In a clearly female voice* Uhm, yeah sure, alright, well, he's a strange guy, you know, he goes out late at night to the barn to look at some pedestal, I don't know, it's strange, I've never seen it anywhere before!
*The whiney voice carries on*
Well, his wife died you know, and he's never been right in the head, the soldiers know who he is, some of them talk about it over supper, "The Tower" he was known as apparently, they say he fought alone and he didn't use swords or axes, just a bow and a stave, the older guards fought alongside him and really respect the Lord, but I'm scared of him, he has a look in his eyes.
Reporter: Thank you, is there anything else you'd like to add?
Servant: Oh yeah, yeah, one of the older guards mentioned Torradan and his brother Italian? Or Vitelion, Vinelion, I can't remember, but he mentioned they did a lotta things together, and I heard of his brother, the bucher, I left because I don't want to work for a man like that!
Reporter: Thank you dear!
[The servant was found dead by the canal in the month after this interview]
There you have it, first hand accounts of people who know the REAL Goodwyn brothers, make the decisions yourself dear reader and don't let their facade cloud your vision of who they really are. It's a wonder they stand up for corruption in the Stormwind government when they themselves have been implicit in crimes that would never be tolerated by Church or law, is crucifixion even justified, enemies or not?! We can't have these madmen trying to take control, don't let their lies take your minds, read the interviews, meet them, talk to them, get your own conclusions, but don't for a second think they are as innocent as they pretend to be!
Last edited by Larnira on Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:59 pm; edited 10 times in total
Larnira- Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 79
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
Datacorruption on GHI. Post is as code. It should be an option...somewhere.
Skarain- Posts : 2645
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Name: Skarain Feirand
Title: Mother of the Flame
Re: The Stormwind Times
Just post it on the forums. I tried sharing GHI-code, and it never worked for me. Only alternative is to put the code in a note-pad file and upload it somewhere.
Melnerag- Posts : 2261
Join date : 2010-01-29
Re: The Stormwind Times
Ill repost them as word files or only writing when i get a chance
Larnira- Posts : 182
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
You can try Putting them in code tags eg [code£]hdhdhdjfuf[/code£] but without the pound signs
Feydor- Posts : 2199
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Re: The Stormwind Times
So people can only read the paper whilst being in the game (GHI)? I can't login to the game atm but yet I'd like to follow newspapers as they're most of the time awesome on defias brotherhood.
O well, great iniative anyways.
O well, great iniative anyways.
John Helsythe Amaltheria- Posts : 1085
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Re: The Stormwind Times
Okay fixed it into a code so now you can import it, ill also add it written in the spoiler so you can read it directly from here
Larnira- Posts : 182
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Age : 79
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
Issue Two now out! With a surprise!
Larnira- Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 79
Location : Warsaw,Poland
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
We have a few technical problems, i edited both issue and the present with it but noone i gave it too can actually open it... ideas why or feedback? If its cause of the old GHi ill just wait for one-two weeks so people get the new one
Larnira- Posts : 182
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
I could transfer it fine to GHI
Sharyssa/Adenah- Posts : 940
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Title: Archer/Pyromancer
Re: The Stormwind Times
GHI had a version out for several hours that borked readable items. Just dl the newest version
Also... Don't go to Duskwood *nod*
Also... Don't go to Duskwood *nod*
Feral / Blackfall- Posts : 575
Join date : 2010-06-05
Age : 41
Re: The Stormwind Times
Feral thanks for the warning its also in our newspaper and i hope you like the lawbook too! New issue out in about two weeks
Larnira- Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 79
Location : Warsaw,Poland
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
ill also add it written in the spoiler so you can read it directly from here
Much <3
John Helsythe Amaltheria- Posts : 1085
Join date : 2010-01-30
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Re: The Stormwind Times
Could you add this to the new additions aswell?ill also add it written in the spoiler so you can read it directly from here
Braiden- Posts : 1131
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Name: Braiden Mistmantle
Title: Count ಠ_ರೃ
Re: The Stormwind Times
Ill make sure to do that when i have a chance Braiden
Larnira- Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 79
Location : Warsaw,Poland
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
Sorry for the delay of this issue but i've got a few events upcoming that i want to write about, it should come out later this week or on the start/middle of the next one, thanks for patience
Larnira- Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 79
Location : Warsaw,Poland
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
Im really sorry for all those delays, im currently really busy RL but ill try to get the new issue ready this weekend
Larnira- Posts : 182
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 79
Location : Warsaw,Poland
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Name: Larnira Darkmist
Title: Cadet in the Blades for Hire
Re: The Stormwind Times
(( Larnira poked me if I could publish this first post. So throwing in the others who didnt come in the 2nd edition too to fill it up some. As my GHI is bugging I will not make it in GHI ))
Stormwind Times Edition 3.
We apologize for the delay of the newspaper, we have suffered a break down in the machinery.
So in the time being we hope you can all settle with this. We promise to have the newspaper up and running in no time.
Latest news:
Several bodies have been found, with the same notes. The black hand clutching around a human heart.
Other than that our full articles on the last political stunts as well as the fall of Theramore and all that follows with this. will come.
On behalf of the paper we do apologize, once more.
We have one article that got done before the machinery broke down. And some older ones. Wrapped together into a smaller paper edition then expected.
Missing: Lady Reihna Beaumont.
I was sent an envelope some days ago. I have burned what the envelope contained as instructed by the words written outside the envelope itself. And I shall do my best to follow these instructions to the letter.
“Dear Citizen’s of Stormwind. We are facing times of tyrrani and corruption. Large posters have covered the walls of our beautiful city. Not written by me. But if these words gets published, then do know I do not have a single regret. You may be finding me, or have found me floating in the canals as Thelos was found.. And perhaps my body will never be recovered, perhaps I am held against my will being tortured. What I do know is, the lack of proof alone will speak measures as proof to me.
Nilda Meywrick, ordered executed, then not being so, imprisoned then released on a whim. No explanations offered.
I did something.. I sent words out, only to find myself being gagged.. By our own minister.. I can allow my own life to be taken, the risk is mine, but do not doubt these words. Our minister of justice, our enforcer of law threatens people on their lives, somehow he does have half of our city in his pocket. What magical hold he does have on people, what he blackmails them with, what kind of rituals he does. I do not know.
But my silence was bought. Bought with the lives of others. I am noble, I was a woman who earned her lives pay by the death of others, I was a woman who did come to work as a mercenary but that does not mean I am a thug. It does not mean I do not know the value of honor. And it does not mean that who- ever he threatens to kill that I do not value what’s right over seeing those I love being treated as lapdogs to a power hungry mongrel named Braiden Mistmantle.
Nilda is not the first, she will not be the last. Do not let Braiden’s guards, his position or his words convince you otherwise. It is time our council, our king, did what is right. For allowing Braiden Mistmantle to torture innocents, kill those who speaks out against him for his crimes, no matter the lacking proof. For he is.. And that I will give him.. Good at hiding his works. People does his dirty deeds for him and the few times he makes his own hands dirty, there are more than enough people in his pockets to cover any tracks, spread the blame and cause doubt.
If I ever return to Stormwind. If I survive this, at all. Then I hope… Our Minister in the least is smart enough to not follow up on his threats. As more letters are to be sent at certain dates, for the longer time I am gone. Kill them Braiden Mistmantle, make good of all of your threats.. And rest assured the documents, the letters, to come… Will be your end..
I do not know what else to do. I have paid my price in blood for this Kingdom, in the name of our King, in the name of the laws and all that is honorable. Stand up. For Braiden Mistmantle is taking the freedom of you all. Now is the time to finally ensure that he is no longer with the power he so love to abuse. I am loosing every person ever being dear to me by doing this. I will likely lose any connection I have had in Stormwind, my friends, my family. All there is.. And who is to blame for this? Me.. for speaking against a lawbreaker, a corrupted minister? Or the minister himself. I will leave this up to you.. And to all those I hold dear to my heart… I am sorry.. But there was no way I could allow this to go on.. In time I hope you can all forgive me. This is no rash decision made. And you know who you are when I say this. I love you… I love you all so much. But time have passed, where no words have been shared. And I will rather know I died trying to aid, then have you live a life without freedom and honor. The very things you changed your life to gain.. I love you, but I love you more as a free soul, than the lapdog of a corrupted bloody piece of shit.. Forgive me..
- signed Reihna Beaumont. “
These are the words sent. Considering all the speculations around Nilda’s case. The very clear instructions following with this letter, the latest rumors and former observations, lack of any answers from our Minister of Justice to the letters asking for words with him, it was reasonable to follow the instructions on this letter in the light of all the recent posters around Stormwind about the man in question.
The words are written down to the letter, no alterations have been made of the words of Reihna Beaumont, of House Beaumont, former or current soldier in Blades for Hire. It is safe to assume that Reihna Beaumont is missing, likely dead. During a previous conversation attempted with Reihna Beaumont she appeared nervous, determined and sad. Her only comment at that time was:
“If you knew the price of what you wish me to answer, you would never ever open your lips again. “
Followed by a faint: “I am so truly sorry.” And that was the last seen of her on our account.
If anyone have any more information about our minister of Justice. Speak out! We can keep it all anonymous. We are warned that those who do speak out with name will face sedition charges. Ministers of Stormwind, council members wake up! This is no joke anymore. Act before there is no council left. Remove the corrupted.
- L.D
Stormwind Times Edition 3.
We apologize for the delay of the newspaper, we have suffered a break down in the machinery.
So in the time being we hope you can all settle with this. We promise to have the newspaper up and running in no time.
Latest news:
Several bodies have been found, with the same notes. The black hand clutching around a human heart.
Other than that our full articles on the last political stunts as well as the fall of Theramore and all that follows with this. will come.
On behalf of the paper we do apologize, once more.
We have one article that got done before the machinery broke down. And some older ones. Wrapped together into a smaller paper edition then expected.
Missing: Lady Reihna Beaumont.
I was sent an envelope some days ago. I have burned what the envelope contained as instructed by the words written outside the envelope itself. And I shall do my best to follow these instructions to the letter.
“Dear Citizen’s of Stormwind. We are facing times of tyrrani and corruption. Large posters have covered the walls of our beautiful city. Not written by me. But if these words gets published, then do know I do not have a single regret. You may be finding me, or have found me floating in the canals as Thelos was found.. And perhaps my body will never be recovered, perhaps I am held against my will being tortured. What I do know is, the lack of proof alone will speak measures as proof to me.
Nilda Meywrick, ordered executed, then not being so, imprisoned then released on a whim. No explanations offered.
I did something.. I sent words out, only to find myself being gagged.. By our own minister.. I can allow my own life to be taken, the risk is mine, but do not doubt these words. Our minister of justice, our enforcer of law threatens people on their lives, somehow he does have half of our city in his pocket. What magical hold he does have on people, what he blackmails them with, what kind of rituals he does. I do not know.
But my silence was bought. Bought with the lives of others. I am noble, I was a woman who earned her lives pay by the death of others, I was a woman who did come to work as a mercenary but that does not mean I am a thug. It does not mean I do not know the value of honor. And it does not mean that who- ever he threatens to kill that I do not value what’s right over seeing those I love being treated as lapdogs to a power hungry mongrel named Braiden Mistmantle.
Nilda is not the first, she will not be the last. Do not let Braiden’s guards, his position or his words convince you otherwise. It is time our council, our king, did what is right. For allowing Braiden Mistmantle to torture innocents, kill those who speaks out against him for his crimes, no matter the lacking proof. For he is.. And that I will give him.. Good at hiding his works. People does his dirty deeds for him and the few times he makes his own hands dirty, there are more than enough people in his pockets to cover any tracks, spread the blame and cause doubt.
If I ever return to Stormwind. If I survive this, at all. Then I hope… Our Minister in the least is smart enough to not follow up on his threats. As more letters are to be sent at certain dates, for the longer time I am gone. Kill them Braiden Mistmantle, make good of all of your threats.. And rest assured the documents, the letters, to come… Will be your end..
I do not know what else to do. I have paid my price in blood for this Kingdom, in the name of our King, in the name of the laws and all that is honorable. Stand up. For Braiden Mistmantle is taking the freedom of you all. Now is the time to finally ensure that he is no longer with the power he so love to abuse. I am loosing every person ever being dear to me by doing this. I will likely lose any connection I have had in Stormwind, my friends, my family. All there is.. And who is to blame for this? Me.. for speaking against a lawbreaker, a corrupted minister? Or the minister himself. I will leave this up to you.. And to all those I hold dear to my heart… I am sorry.. But there was no way I could allow this to go on.. In time I hope you can all forgive me. This is no rash decision made. And you know who you are when I say this. I love you… I love you all so much. But time have passed, where no words have been shared. And I will rather know I died trying to aid, then have you live a life without freedom and honor. The very things you changed your life to gain.. I love you, but I love you more as a free soul, than the lapdog of a corrupted bloody piece of shit.. Forgive me..
- signed Reihna Beaumont. “
These are the words sent. Considering all the speculations around Nilda’s case. The very clear instructions following with this letter, the latest rumors and former observations, lack of any answers from our Minister of Justice to the letters asking for words with him, it was reasonable to follow the instructions on this letter in the light of all the recent posters around Stormwind about the man in question.
The words are written down to the letter, no alterations have been made of the words of Reihna Beaumont, of House Beaumont, former or current soldier in Blades for Hire. It is safe to assume that Reihna Beaumont is missing, likely dead. During a previous conversation attempted with Reihna Beaumont she appeared nervous, determined and sad. Her only comment at that time was:
“If you knew the price of what you wish me to answer, you would never ever open your lips again. “
Followed by a faint: “I am so truly sorry.” And that was the last seen of her on our account.
If anyone have any more information about our minister of Justice. Speak out! We can keep it all anonymous. We are warned that those who do speak out with name will face sedition charges. Ministers of Stormwind, council members wake up! This is no joke anymore. Act before there is no council left. Remove the corrupted.
- L.D
Last edited by Aadaria-Ioanna on Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:30 am; edited 2 times in total
Re: The Stormwind Times
The deaths of Anethion.
Not long ago the former High Inquisitor of the Chapter of Holy Anethion; Aldric Essaulus Helmfrid was killed. Only days ago the Vicar, Osmand Lightguard died in his sleep. Rumors does speak of that he did not die a natural death. On the day of his funeral it is said that the Vanquisher, Greagoir Otto was murdered. Apparently by cultists. But few wishes to speak loud about who…
Some kind of conspiracy is clearly happening. All the leaders of the order have been taken out. An inside job? Or are the cults rising, for it is beyond doubt more than one.. This powerful?
If so this is grim news, not just for the followers of Anethion but for every citizen of Stormwind.
They might have been zealots, but they were still good soldiers, warriors of lights, not easily taken out.
If the rumors or who, spoken in faint whispers are true… Then there will be a new chapter of darkness spreading over us all… And people will need to pick sides in a battle of good, evil, light, darkness, politics and laws. The question is, who will win? And what side will you dear readers take, when truth is revealed?
On a side note: Rumors speaks of a daughter of Anethion. If anyone have any information of this supposed daughter, we in the Stormwind Times would like to hear from you.
- Loreli Dundell.
Not long ago the former High Inquisitor of the Chapter of Holy Anethion; Aldric Essaulus Helmfrid was killed. Only days ago the Vicar, Osmand Lightguard died in his sleep. Rumors does speak of that he did not die a natural death. On the day of his funeral it is said that the Vanquisher, Greagoir Otto was murdered. Apparently by cultists. But few wishes to speak loud about who…
Some kind of conspiracy is clearly happening. All the leaders of the order have been taken out. An inside job? Or are the cults rising, for it is beyond doubt more than one.. This powerful?
If so this is grim news, not just for the followers of Anethion but for every citizen of Stormwind.
They might have been zealots, but they were still good soldiers, warriors of lights, not easily taken out.
If the rumors or who, spoken in faint whispers are true… Then there will be a new chapter of darkness spreading over us all… And people will need to pick sides in a battle of good, evil, light, darkness, politics and laws. The question is, who will win? And what side will you dear readers take, when truth is revealed?
On a side note: Rumors speaks of a daughter of Anethion. If anyone have any information of this supposed daughter, we in the Stormwind Times would like to hear from you.
- Loreli Dundell.
Re: The Stormwind Times
Interview with the former High Inquisitor.
The former High Inquisitor of the Chapter, speaks to the public.
Within a bar in Stormwind, is where we decided to meet. I can feel my own tension as I sit there waiting, for few have had the pleasure to meet this man without weapons in hand, or so I have been told.
Name: Aldric Essalus Helmfrid
Sevant of the Church of Holy Light and Squire of the Disciples of Light.
Former position in the Chapter of Holy Anethion: High Inquisitor.
Why did you leave the Chapter?
Information brought to light of a deep rooted corruption I could no longer associate myself with, unfortunately. However I do remain Anethionean.. Make sure you get that part down.
What kind of corruption?
A corruption of ideals.. values.. protocol.. Though I'm sure your readers would very much like to hear of one in particular. That the Abbot, Osmand Lightguard, hid Vincent Whitecastle.. a.k.a 'Vulture', from the Alliance.
Are there any proof of him doing so?
They were arrested for doing so, miss.
Then I am sure I will find out more about that from the records. What else made you leave?
Their use of dark arts and the holding of forbidden artifacts within their vaults in Northshire.
Forbidden artifacts? So you are saying that the chapter have, dark relics and the like and practices dark magic?
They once did yes, they were arrested for such and their vaults scoured.
Such artifacts have now been destroyed but there will likely be records.
How is your current situation with the chapter?
I am a strong believer of Stormwind justice and the purity of Mankind, make sure you get that down in your report. I could not associate myself with this 'Chapter' any longer with such appalling crimes and heresies they commit. Hostile, to say the least.
I assured him I would quote him entirely and I have to the very letter done so.
Finally. The tip of the iceberg you might say.
I am listening.
The daughter of Anethion himself lives and breathes. This knowledge drove the Abbot, Osmand Lightguard, to order his Inquisition to find and slay her so that there may be no contestant or threat to his chair of Abbot.
You say the daughter of Anethion himself is alive?
Even if not the daughter of Anethion, he'd have his Inquisition slay an innocent girl, still illegal within the kingdom of Stormwind I think you'll find. Records of her existance, a bloodline traced, led us to believe she resides in Theramore.
Does she have a name?
I cannot disclose that information, miss. For her own wellbeing.
That I understand. It is a shame though as I would like to hear her story
As would I..
Maybe you could arrange something? With a promise of me keeping her name unknown, or even left untold to me?
Perhaps he said then,
She is hiding however.
Not even I could find her so easily.
Anyhow.. What else do you wish to know?
I would like to know of the woman who left the chapter at the same time you did. I heard of some shooting?
Indeed, my wife Mellinda Helmfrid.
Care to tell me what happened?
Well.. I, as High-Inquisitor, discovered of a Necromancer hidden within the ranks of the Chapter by the Abbot, Osmand Lightguard.. I had ordered the Inquisition, as was my right, to arrest her..
Yet they turned against me, on a counter order by the Abbot. They took my wife, Mellinda Helmfrid, and shot her in an attempt to punish me for standing against the Abbot's word.
Did this come to trial?
It did not. They were arrested upon the claims, yet released. Apparently.. 'Far too politically messy."
That is.. horrible to hear. Your wife did survive obviously.. But politics should not stand in the way of justice..
She almost lost her life that night, too.
Who decided they were to be released?
He is unsure.
Apologies, though I and my wife distanced ourselves from the legal affairs, it was a rather traumatic time for us.
I.. think I understand that sir.. And I only have a few questions left.. You may not your head or shake it if you dont wish to elaborate..
Was count Braiden Mistmantle involved in the release of the Chapter?
No comment.
Often one hears of the chapter using torture on their prisoners taken outside the boundaries of the law, out of ten times, how many would you say they do torture on their prisoners?
I think.. that will do for now sir. Am I allowed to contact you again if I want some elaboration on these matters or something new?
A final comment, if I may
I'd like to remind your readers..
That Anethioneans do exist that are not a part of the Chapter.
And they are very.. -very- different from it.
I shall ensure that is written down very visible.. sir
And this I did.. The man is now unaccounted for.
Did what people saw happen to him in the council room truly happen? Is this man dead? If anyone does know.. We would like to hear from -you!-
Now we can all wonder if the daughter of Anethion herself fell during the fall of Theramore.. Will we ever get to know if such a daughter exists? Does the Chapter truly torture this many people? Did our Minister of Justice clean this situation up, did he sweap it under the carpet? What are our laws like these days!
Any information on these things if you got it.. We want it!
The former High Inquisitor of the Chapter, speaks to the public.
Within a bar in Stormwind, is where we decided to meet. I can feel my own tension as I sit there waiting, for few have had the pleasure to meet this man without weapons in hand, or so I have been told.
Name: Aldric Essalus Helmfrid
Sevant of the Church of Holy Light and Squire of the Disciples of Light.
Former position in the Chapter of Holy Anethion: High Inquisitor.
Why did you leave the Chapter?
Information brought to light of a deep rooted corruption I could no longer associate myself with, unfortunately. However I do remain Anethionean.. Make sure you get that part down.
What kind of corruption?
A corruption of ideals.. values.. protocol.. Though I'm sure your readers would very much like to hear of one in particular. That the Abbot, Osmand Lightguard, hid Vincent Whitecastle.. a.k.a 'Vulture', from the Alliance.
Are there any proof of him doing so?
They were arrested for doing so, miss.
Then I am sure I will find out more about that from the records. What else made you leave?
Their use of dark arts and the holding of forbidden artifacts within their vaults in Northshire.
Forbidden artifacts? So you are saying that the chapter have, dark relics and the like and practices dark magic?
They once did yes, they were arrested for such and their vaults scoured.
Such artifacts have now been destroyed but there will likely be records.
How is your current situation with the chapter?
I am a strong believer of Stormwind justice and the purity of Mankind, make sure you get that down in your report. I could not associate myself with this 'Chapter' any longer with such appalling crimes and heresies they commit. Hostile, to say the least.
I assured him I would quote him entirely and I have to the very letter done so.
Finally. The tip of the iceberg you might say.
I am listening.
The daughter of Anethion himself lives and breathes. This knowledge drove the Abbot, Osmand Lightguard, to order his Inquisition to find and slay her so that there may be no contestant or threat to his chair of Abbot.
You say the daughter of Anethion himself is alive?
Even if not the daughter of Anethion, he'd have his Inquisition slay an innocent girl, still illegal within the kingdom of Stormwind I think you'll find. Records of her existance, a bloodline traced, led us to believe she resides in Theramore.
Does she have a name?
I cannot disclose that information, miss. For her own wellbeing.
That I understand. It is a shame though as I would like to hear her story
As would I..
Maybe you could arrange something? With a promise of me keeping her name unknown, or even left untold to me?
Perhaps he said then,
She is hiding however.
Not even I could find her so easily.
Anyhow.. What else do you wish to know?
I would like to know of the woman who left the chapter at the same time you did. I heard of some shooting?
Indeed, my wife Mellinda Helmfrid.
Care to tell me what happened?
Well.. I, as High-Inquisitor, discovered of a Necromancer hidden within the ranks of the Chapter by the Abbot, Osmand Lightguard.. I had ordered the Inquisition, as was my right, to arrest her..
Yet they turned against me, on a counter order by the Abbot. They took my wife, Mellinda Helmfrid, and shot her in an attempt to punish me for standing against the Abbot's word.
Did this come to trial?
It did not. They were arrested upon the claims, yet released. Apparently.. 'Far too politically messy."
That is.. horrible to hear. Your wife did survive obviously.. But politics should not stand in the way of justice..
She almost lost her life that night, too.
Who decided they were to be released?
He is unsure.
Apologies, though I and my wife distanced ourselves from the legal affairs, it was a rather traumatic time for us.
I.. think I understand that sir.. And I only have a few questions left.. You may not your head or shake it if you dont wish to elaborate..
Was count Braiden Mistmantle involved in the release of the Chapter?
No comment.
Often one hears of the chapter using torture on their prisoners taken outside the boundaries of the law, out of ten times, how many would you say they do torture on their prisoners?
I think.. that will do for now sir. Am I allowed to contact you again if I want some elaboration on these matters or something new?
A final comment, if I may
I'd like to remind your readers..
That Anethioneans do exist that are not a part of the Chapter.
And they are very.. -very- different from it.
I shall ensure that is written down very visible.. sir
And this I did.. The man is now unaccounted for.
Did what people saw happen to him in the council room truly happen? Is this man dead? If anyone does know.. We would like to hear from -you!-
Now we can all wonder if the daughter of Anethion herself fell during the fall of Theramore.. Will we ever get to know if such a daughter exists? Does the Chapter truly torture this many people? Did our Minister of Justice clean this situation up, did he sweap it under the carpet? What are our laws like these days!
Any information on these things if you got it.. We want it!
Last edited by Aadaria-Ioanna on Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Re: The Stormwind Times
Off the record! By Loreli Dundell.
SI:7 influencing our laws?
From a good source I was alerted of a years old problem within our very city.
Words of how some among SI:7 are taking law within their own hands.
Not only do they force people to resign from their positions, but they have also been involved in other unpleasant things. Now some speak of how they might be forcing our Grand Magistrate to rule as they dictate to eliminate “threat to the security of the realm”.
How much of this is true, I wondered as I left my source in promise of keeping this off the record…
With this information I began digging around in the old archives. I found little that can be counted as proof, but I did find cases where several people who would have been found guilty, had walked free. I found several cases of “missing” evidence from years back, from the first days of our council, from the order known as the Dark Sphere. I found several claims and reports of “supposed SI:7” who had threatened, nearly killed both nobles and store owners, people who had changed their witness testimonies and what not. But if this is at all true? Only the SI:7 themselves can respond to that.
The Chapter of Holy Anethion practices dark arts.
For long there have been stories, claims and trials as well of how the Chapter of Holy Anethion takes law into their own hands. They were trialed for killing their former Protector Imanuel, their claim was his abuse of dark arts, a traitor to the Alliance and our King. But for this they got judged for murder.
Their former Protector Imanuel was a hot topic in his days, burning innocent women in Darkshire, in front of the citizens of Darkshire, in front of children… Women he claimed was witches. Burned alive on the pyre’s made by “his” people.
At the same time one of their people shot the then current council member Mandui, claiming she was a being of shadow.
In dark corners all over Stormwind the stories of torture, forced conversions, suffering and torment is told. But few dares to speak out about the truth of this order, few of their victims comes forth. Why?
I fear it is simple. They take the laws into their own hands, fight for the good of the light, in the name of their prophet Anethion. With a clear moral. Its better to take one too many, than one too few.
For how long will this stand? I urge the former victims to approach me, to speak out. To let the truth about these self-proclaimed vanquishers of evil, come out into the sunlight.
SI:7 influencing our laws?
From a good source I was alerted of a years old problem within our very city.
Words of how some among SI:7 are taking law within their own hands.
Not only do they force people to resign from their positions, but they have also been involved in other unpleasant things. Now some speak of how they might be forcing our Grand Magistrate to rule as they dictate to eliminate “threat to the security of the realm”.
How much of this is true, I wondered as I left my source in promise of keeping this off the record…
With this information I began digging around in the old archives. I found little that can be counted as proof, but I did find cases where several people who would have been found guilty, had walked free. I found several cases of “missing” evidence from years back, from the first days of our council, from the order known as the Dark Sphere. I found several claims and reports of “supposed SI:7” who had threatened, nearly killed both nobles and store owners, people who had changed their witness testimonies and what not. But if this is at all true? Only the SI:7 themselves can respond to that.
The Chapter of Holy Anethion practices dark arts.
For long there have been stories, claims and trials as well of how the Chapter of Holy Anethion takes law into their own hands. They were trialed for killing their former Protector Imanuel, their claim was his abuse of dark arts, a traitor to the Alliance and our King. But for this they got judged for murder.
Their former Protector Imanuel was a hot topic in his days, burning innocent women in Darkshire, in front of the citizens of Darkshire, in front of children… Women he claimed was witches. Burned alive on the pyre’s made by “his” people.
At the same time one of their people shot the then current council member Mandui, claiming she was a being of shadow.
In dark corners all over Stormwind the stories of torture, forced conversions, suffering and torment is told. But few dares to speak out about the truth of this order, few of their victims comes forth. Why?
I fear it is simple. They take the laws into their own hands, fight for the good of the light, in the name of their prophet Anethion. With a clear moral. Its better to take one too many, than one too few.
For how long will this stand? I urge the former victims to approach me, to speak out. To let the truth about these self-proclaimed vanquishers of evil, come out into the sunlight.
Re: The Stormwind Times
Stormwind Times wants to hear from you:
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
We ask you citizens of Stormwind to contact us if you:
Have a good story.
Have questions.
Ideas of things you feel we should investigate
Important information such as:
Death announcements, weddings and events.
We also have a column called:
Ask Jenna.
Send us your questions, stories, ideas and important news, help us to enlighten all the citizens in our beloved city.
Want to stay anonymous? No problem.
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