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Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light]

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Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light] Empty Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light]

Post by Rae Wulfgnar Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:01 am

Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.

Every Warrior of the Light, at some point in the past has lied or betrayed some-one.

Every Warrior of the Light has at least once believed that he was not a Warrior of the Light.

Every Warrior of the Light has hurt some-one he loved.

Every Warrior of the Light has said "Yes" when he wanted to say "No".

Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.

Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.

Every Warrior of the Light has endured all this and has never lost hope of becoming better than he is.


All roads lead to the heart of the warrior. He is free to choose his desires and he makes these decisions with courage, detachment and sometimes with a touch of madness. He plunges without hesitation into the river of passion always flowing through his heart. He embraces his passions and enjoys them intently. But it is no surprise that the Warrior of the Light stops fighting in order to pray, because he opens his heart to the Light and the universe; Respecting the connection that everything he does will effect every-one around him.

"You know nothing of passion. When your rage can sunder mountains, you may speak to me of passion."

A Warrior of the Light needs love.
Affection and tenderness are part of his nature – as much as eating, drinking, and the taste for Good Combat. At this time, the warrior interrupts the combat and goes to seek company, in order to watch the sunset together. He uses loneliness, but does not let it use him.

A Warrior of the Light relies on strength alone.
The warrior turns every blow from his enemy into a lesson of self defence. When he enters a fight, he has all the passion that he discovers enthusiasm and training are not enough to win: what counts is experience. He knows that without experience, no amount of enthusiasm and training will help him.

A Warrior of the Light sometimes behaves like a river.
He flows like the water in a river, adapting to every route, moving around all the obstacles he encounters. Like a river it never forgets its objective: to reach the sea. The water cannot be shattered or wounded, the strongest weapon cannot wound its surface and nothing can hinder the waters path.

A Warrior of the Light is wise and never talks about his defeats.
Defeat can often happen, injustice happens and they find themselves in situations they cannot win. At such times the Warrior remains silent. He does not waste energy on words because they do nothing, but uses strength to resist and have patience. Sooner or later, everything will work in his favour.

A Warrior of the Light must be stronger than the sword.
He must never allow himself to be deceived by his own abilities and thus avoids being taken by surprise. A sword may not last long, but a Warrior of the Light must.

A Warrior of the Light knows maintenance is as important as action.
He must have patience, never force a battle but wait for the two sides to clash again. Within the pause, he makes sure his sword is sharp, his heart satisfied and that his faith still burns. The warrior takes advantage of these moments to equip himself better.

A Warrior of the Light believes what he says he is.
When you defend your ideas in public, you then have to make and effort to live by them. He makes a few mistakes, he may think he is more important than he really is, but he does not lie.

A Warrior of the Light does not always have faith.
The warrior continues despite his lack of faith. He goes forward and in the end, faith returns. Sometimes he ask's the Light if all the effort is worth it, but the Light remains silent and the warrior has to decide for himself.

A Warrior of the Light pays attention to small things.
A thorn, however tiny, can cause your action to halt. A memory of fear allows cowardice to blind the sense, in a second it can open the way for the enemies fatal blow, so he must be attentive to small things. Sometimes he is hard on himself, but he prefers to act in this way.

A Warrior of the Light keeps his heart free of hatred in battle.
But he knows the act of forgiveness does not mean he must accept everything. He accepts his enemies are there to test his faith, his tenacity, his compassion and his ability to make decisions.

A Warrior of the Light knows when an enemy is stronger than he is.
If he responds to provocation he will fall into a trap, if confronted he will be destroyed easily. Diplomacy is used in a difficult situation, if challenged to a fight he pretends not to understand. If the Warrior of the Light is called a coward, the Warrior pays not attention. He knows all the rage and courage of a little bird are as nothing to a cat.

A Warrior of the Light knows strength is more effective than strategy.
The bull learns quickly when he is being tricked and its next step is to charge the bullfighter. When that happens, no amount of brilliance, argument, intelligence or charm can avert tragedy. A warrior never underestimates brute force.

A Warrior of the Light knows war and peace.
The Warrior is like a rock placed upon a slope, when the things around him show neither balance or respect then he reveals his strength. He rolls towards the enemy and at such moments the warrior is a devastating force and no-one can stop him. But, he knows when the terrain remains flat and stable and in accordance, acts with the circumstances.

A Warrior of the Light knows his faults and his qualities.
The warrior establishes what he can truly rely on: Faith, hope and love. He realizes why the bear does not fear the wolf is because he is aware of his own strength.

A Warrior of the Light knows his own path.
It is not the Warriors responsibility to judge the dreams of others, or wastes time criticizing other peoples decisions. In order to have faith in his own path, he does not need to prove that some-one else's path is wrong.

Last edited by Rae Wulfgnar on Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rae Wulfgnar
Rae Wulfgnar

Posts : 693
Join date : 2010-06-07
Age : 36
Location : Stormwind

Character sheet
Name: Sir Rae Josephas Wulfgnar
Title: Chaplain of the Disciples of Light

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Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light] Empty Re: Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light]

Post by Guest Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:29 am

Anethionian zealot.


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Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light] Empty Re: Wulfgnar: [Warriors of the Light]

Post by Feral / Blackfall Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:57 am

Love it!! Beautifully-written and was very cool to see IC Smile
Feral / Blackfall
Feral / Blackfall

Posts : 575
Join date : 2010-06-05
Age : 41

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