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The Secret World - Templar Character Story

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The Secret World - Templar Character Story Empty The Secret World - Templar Character Story

Post by Vaell Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:48 pm

I didn't know where to put this and I thought I may as well write it on a forum instead of a dingy word document in the dark parts of my C drive. Also, I copied and pasted this from the Disciples forum where I initially wrote it so some of the forum commands may be off!

Basically, over this weekend I've had a chance to try out The Secret World via the Beta and I've got to say, I'm pretty impressed. Secret societies taking on demons, vampires, zombies etc - definitely my cup of tea. Not to mention how fun the game was to play. I found that the Templar were the most intriguing to base my first RP character in and decided to write this story. As a pre-warning, the likely chance is I won't get such an epic sounding name and all the content of the story is subject to change as I'm basing it off the very little lore that has been leaked. Ironically, like the game title, they have kept a lot of stuff under the radar.


Templar Headquarters; London; May 16th - 2007; 00:51 GMT

His feet echoed across the tall hallway that he walked down. His eyes faced toward the doors at the end. He was summoned from his bed chambers only minutes ago, but already he wore his suit. He owned no casual attire and to be awoken from his slumber meant this was no mere invitation for a quiet sit down. As he approached, the guards on either side of the large oak doors opened them, revealing the familiar office John had visisted often. The Templar symbol stood out on the large red mat that filled most of the room. On the other side of the mat, a desk sat in direct view of the doors. Behind it, sat the man who had summoned him.
"John. I did not disturb any dreams of winning a gold at the olympics or vanquishing evil in the snap of a finger, I hope?" His lips parted into a smile.
"No, Mr. Sonnac." John responded diligently. He was never one for humour.
"Have a seat." Again, John did not smile. He had heard the joke more times than he could remember. The office only had one seat in plain view, the one behind the desk. Richard Sonnac once told John that all meetings end quickly when there is no room for comfort.
"Always down to business, aren't you Bishop? Bishop. A fun nickname, John. I had heard that is what some have been calling you now."
John's face remained discipline, showing no signs of discomfort. "It is, Mr. Sonnac. I do not bare an opinion on the matter."
"That is what I like about you, John. Straight to the point." Sonnac grinned for a quiet couple of seconds before resuming speaking "Good. Now, there is an issue that has arisen in southern France. Vampires to be brief. A small group of them. I am sending you, along with eleven others, to deal with the situation. You will arrive there just prior to first light and you will make sure none of them leave the area alive. You will be given the details of the assignment whilst being transported. I want the situation covered up, the last thing I need right now is rambling stories of things that bite in the night. Is that clear?"
"As the dawn, sir." John blinked once before turning on his heel and making his way from the office. The sound of the doors closing behind him echoed off the walls and followed him to the nearby armory.

Chivan; Baudinard-sur-Verdon; France; May 16th - 2007; 05:29 GMT+1

The group moved quietly down the main street of the village. It felt desolute and cold. Few people must have been home to this place. It made for a perfect feast for the fanged squatters. Window boards flapped in the bristle wind. Street lamps flickered above and the petrol pumps of what seemed to be a run down gas station, oozed petrol along the pavement to their sides. John turned to the group and spoke in a soft voice but loud enough for the group to hear.
"Form into twos. Clear the homes and ready the 'cause'. Engage enemies on sight. Do not let any survive."
John turned on his heel, much like he did in the office, toward the end of town. He had hunted Vampires before. He knew how they hunt, how they acted and where they liked to stay. When he reached the corner, he saw the newly acquired den. A church with blacked out windows, covering the art that once housed beauty to this holy place. As he approached, he noticed the scratch marks along the door and a trickle of blood dripping from one of the heavy handles. He waited a moment before placing his hand on both the handles and pulling them open. The screech of the doors was sure to wake the Vampires, but he was certain they already knew he was there. The stench of the dead filled his lungs. He could hear the scraping of claw on bone at the end of the Church. Light did not follow him into the Church, only shadow. He knew eyes were on him, but Vampires were careful in their hunt. They liked to toy. He had relied on their negligence to his purpose so that he could get close enough.

Four steps was all it took before the sounds of the feeding stopped. He ran his hand to his belt. John felt the holsters on both sides of his hips, running his fingers to loosen the weapons that lay waiting. He could hear scurrying and hissing in front of him. His eyes were still not used to the dark but he knew they were closing in, slowly. He raised the pistols from their beds and held them to either side of himself. A hiss to one side of him. Only 10 yards away now. He waited. 8 yards. He remained still, a statue at a graveyard. Finally, it sounded:
Beep-beep ... Beep-beep ... Beep-beep
Everything in the Church went silent. The sudden sounds startling the predators. John leaned the nose of his gun to his watch and pressed down, putting an end to the noise. He spoke softly, but his voice ran across the walls of the once holy ground.
"And so he bathed in the morning light..."
He raised his guns to either side of him - his arms stretched out wide and fired two shots into the windows adjacent to him. The glass shattered and sunrise burst through the gaps like water breaking the dam that held it. He was enveloped in the reflection of the sun. The few vampires that got close to him began to screech, dropping to the ground in agony. Their skin melted from them as a flame melts wax. Their bodies burnt to a crisp and their brothers of the pack edged away from the Templar. He began to walk towards them.
"Bask in the beauty that it gives..." He fired at the next set of windows, granting access to more light. Only one Vampire fell in torment this time.
"Let it be a Shepard to guide you forth..." The last three Vampires had backed further away by the next set, but it still inspired fear amongst them. They now screeched in terror.
"Greet the new day..." He fired ahead of himself this time, catching two of them off guard. They dropped, their screams almost human in their final moments.
John stepped onto the altar, the vampire crawling and curling up, swinging its claws defensively. A cornered cat, becoming a lion in its desperate need to survive. John raised his guns to face behind the vampire. On the pallet of glass, the black paint obscured the image of Jesus upon his crucifix. John focused his eyes back on the creature and spoke with hatred.
"And let evil be vanquished by faith." He unloaded the last of his clips into the glass and watched as the shattered pieces rained down light upon the final beast that lay before him. He watched it burn up before noticing the bodies that littered the altar.

He made his way out of the Church, having holstered his weapons, and was approached by two Templar, holding a woman and her child.
"These are the only survivors of the massacre, Bishop."
John simply placed his hand on the cheek of the woman, who sobbed and spoke in a tongue not familiar to him. His knowledge of the French language was little. He did not spend much time in recreational circumstances nor have a chance to learn it in the field. The woman leaned on his palm, an unfamiliar warmth beneath his glove. John lowered his hand and gestured for the child. As the Templar placed it in his arms, he cradled it gently, easing the cries of the innocent boy.
John spoke softly once more, "The Petrol station will work to explain the fire. Make sure to burn the Church thoroughly, the bodies of the town are all in there. Place the mother in with them when you do. A sacrifice so that evil may remain under our control. Am I clear?"
"As the dawn, sir." Replied one of the soldiers. The woman shouted and cried as they took her into the Church. John beckoned another soldier over and handed him the child. "Have food brought for him for the journey back. The Child will be brought into the care of the Templar."
John looked up at the sun and closed his eyes. He remained still whilst the fires raged behind him and black smoke fogged the skies, leaving behind no trace of the events that occured the night before.

Posts : 2902
Join date : 2012-01-22
Age : 32

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