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The Siege of Jintha'alor

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The Siege of Jintha'alor Empty The Siege of Jintha'alor

Post by Dorik Thunderbelly Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:42 pm

"Jintha'Alor is the capital city of the Vilebranch tribe of forest trolls in the Hinterlands, built by the Trolls of the Amani Empire. It is the second largest city of the forest trolls, second only to wondrous Zul'Aman. Ruled by the Vile Priestess Hexx and Hitah'ya the Keeper, the city remains standing, relatively untouched by war or the Scourge. Rumors exist of an ancient egg of Hakkar the Soulflayer residing in the city and sacrifices being made to the Blood God. The feral Wildhammer dwarves have asked their cousins, the Bronzebeards, to help topple this powerful and old thorn in their side. Ironforge answered by sending a mighty warhost to stage a final siege upon Jintha' alor..."

The Siege of Jintha'alor Alor

This topic will be to discuss the ongoing campaign at Jintha' alor, I will update it as the conflict progresses, all are free to leave toughts, comments and ideas here. Those that want to join the campaign should contact me and Shrogan of the Second Gurubashi Empire, keep in mind however that this is something new, in it that we RP the battle by restricting the use of abilities to auto-attack and heals only, this ain't going to be ye ole zerg the healers W-PvP event, that said, let the battle for Jintha' alor begin!

Chapter one: The Eve of the Battle

From the journal of Cormac Doorbrew, Rifleman of the First Division:
"...So it would look like the Senate has finally decided to give us some action, i'm having mixed feelings about this, I was just getting comfortable with being plastered with free ale at the Brewfest, naturally my lass had to constantly nag about dragging me back to the barracks after I passed out drunk. Bah, I'd prefer the battlefield over that anyday..."

"..I met up with the rest of my regiment, my friend Baril said we'll be heading to the Hinterlands to shoot us some Trolls and smoke them out of their city, what was it called again? Jimbalasomething...Anyway, details. Marching orders were issued at dawn, I have prepared myself for the trip as best as I could: supply of ale, my trusty one-shot Blunderbuss and an extra pair of socks..."
The Siege of Jintha'alor Siege1

"...We have been marching for days now and I swear I am going to kill the maker of my boots when I get back home, Baril keeps nagging about the lack of things to shoot, bragging about how he'll get the most Trolls when we arrive, hearing him makes me wonder why we bothered to bring all those other soldiers along. I ain't going to be outdone by him so I betted for 20 silvers that I will get more Trolls then him..."

"...Arrived at our destination at last, for something build by Tuskers the city looks impressive and huge, but I'll be a Trogg if I ever admit that, I'll be the laughing stock of the regiment. The Marshall, that big bloke from Dun Modr, decided to attack the walls right away, feeling the strength of their defenses. From the outskirts of the city, I can make out miltiupe figures running along the walls, war drums and shouts sound in the distance..."
The Siege of Jintha'alor Siege2g

"...the second regiment, those fine lads from Dun Algaz, came into the field and got the first volley into the Tuskers who rushed headlong outside their city to engage us. They seem ill-equipped and poorly trained, but they make up for it in sheer savagery and numbers, we pressed the attack and the Tuskers retreated to the second tier of their city. my armor had five arrows in it but luckly I walk away with all my limbs and beard still attached. Balrin was quite grumpy when he found out I got more Tuskers then him, seems I earned myself 20 silvers, not a bad day at all..."

..To be Continued...
Dorik Thunderbelly
Dorik Thunderbelly

Posts : 243
Join date : 2010-02-02

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