[SW] Condemnation of the Anarchists
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[SW] Condemnation of the Anarchists
Pamphlet, spread in Stormwind Kingdom
Condemnation of the Anarchists
Violence is reserved for self-defence against violence and as a means to destroy the irredeemable. It is an unseemly act against human dignity and values of the Holy Light to harm a fellow man, especially in times when Humanity is at war with monstrous forces craving our eradication.
I do condemn the Piqued Salamander for his attempts to incite the people to be the first to resort to violence.
I love Stormwind, right or wrong, if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right. I will seek to set right the injustice and the inequality, and I will fight if the corrupt move against me with force.
I had approached guards with my pamphlets, and not one tried to arrest me.
I resolve to strive on for greater justice, equality and piety of our Kingdom without shedding the blood of my fellow men. Remember that we shall reap the harvest from the seeds we have sown, and no wholesome wheat shall grow from the seeds of anarchism, watered by the blood if guilty and innocent alike.
The Holy Light shall bless those who tread with honour and common decency in the face of great adversity, I promise you that we will prevail with Light's aid and deliver true and fair justice upon the guilty and set right what is wrong in our Stormwind.
No good may come from actions taken brashly, inspired by anger. We must be calm and let the Light inspire our thought and speech. I shall gladly face any critic and opponent in private or open debate and let the Light show the truth, for I desire nothing more than to be proven wrong in thinking our Stormwind corrupt.
I promise you that my demands for equality and justice will soon be put into a petition, and I will seek you out, and together we shall prevail in securing change!
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Melnerag- Posts : 2261
Join date : 2010-01-29
Re: [SW] Condemnation of the Anarchists
A single poster is hung up outside The Blue Recluse
Elias the city is watching.
Peace has been tried but and replied to with imprisonment and more violence.
You can attempt your method.
Bring it up at the next council meeting and our flames shall be observed.
Piqued Salamander is not a he, a she or an it. Piqued Salamander is a we.Feel the flames, they will guide you.
- The Piqued Salamander
Arabella Greene- Posts : 848
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Age : 31
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Name: Arabella Greene
Title: Terrible Role Model.
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