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Thondalar Stormleaf

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by Thondalar Stormleaf Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:11 pm

Character name: Thondalar Stormleaf
Alias: Thon.
Gender: Male
Age: 276
Race: Kaldorei
Class: Druid
Birth region: Moonglade
Specific area/town: Nighthaven


Family: Ilanowyr (elder brother), Cadwen (Older sister) Narissae (mother, deceased) Darathir Drakesfire (Grandfather)
Known friends or enemies: Friends: Most of the Blades, with strongest bond to Feral. Most of the Stormwind Regiment
Enemies: Black Hand, and most of Death Knights.

Description: Golden eyes, long, pale white hair and a lean body. On his back, from between his shoulder blade and over his shoulder to his right collarbone is an ugly scar as wide as a human palm. On his left upper arm is the scar of a circle with a dot on each side. One of the two dots are black like ink.

Personality: Gentle, helpful person which goes out of his boundaries to help. He is at best very naive, and he is terrible at keeping secrets, or at lying. He very much enjoy the simpler aspects of being a druid, choosing very basic clothing over that of what many other Kaldorei dress in. While wise for his age, Thondalar has been given more responsibility then he can handle, and even if the pressure makes him ill, he will not say no to aiding anyone. He is at times very gullible and thus easy to trick.

History: Thondalar was born in Moonglade to Meliana and Derran Stormleaf, Derran himself a druid of the Cenarion Circle.  He grew up to follow in his fathers footsteps, studying the beasts of the elven lands for decades, working his best to learn, and uphold balance.
He was never in war himself, having been one of those remaining behind to repair the lands rather then fighting.

His strengths is that of working his healing magic, but also in taking the shape of a stag, or a crow. The other animal shapes is something he is less comfortable with, so he keep mainly to those two only. He has spent all his life within elven lands, rarely to never travelling on the outside. So while he of course know of the younger races, has only recently been face to face with them upon his arrival to Stormwind.

He decided to leave the elven lands as a sort of pilgrimage, in the mission to learn more of the world then he already do, and try so with a open mind and heart.
Having been appointed to be the guide of Oliver Thonwood, also known as Feral, Thon finds himself in more pressure then he is used to. Having to learn things faster and more strictly, he has began focusing his work, learning as well as he aids Oliver to become a druid.
Scarred by the Black Dog, he carries a great fear for worgen death knights, his ears nearly having been shredded to pieces by the worgen.

He carries a deep friendship to Oliver, and would protect him with his life if it came to it.

Things you may know about this character: He was appointed as a guide in Ferals path to Druidism despite his young age. He show open hostility to Death Knights. He is very compassionate, and would heal even those who have wronged him.

Things you may not know about this character: He has a older brother. Might have a crush on someone. He has a mate with a child on the way.
Possible crime record:
Other information: n\a

Thondalar Stormleaf Thonrain3_zps614ba8fc

Last edited by Simaria on Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:38 pm; edited 3 times in total
Thondalar Stormleaf
Thondalar Stormleaf

Posts : 777
Join date : 2012-05-14
Age : 36
Location : Manningtree, England

Character sheet
Name: Simaria
Title: Little Wolf

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Re: Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by Lomenár Nightsinger Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:08 am

Isn't he a tad bit young to be a fully trained druid? By kaldorei standards, he's not even considered an adult yet... >.> You should consider making him at least 300, or a little ways above that.
Lomenár Nightsinger
Lomenár Nightsinger

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Re: Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by Thondalar Stormleaf Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:25 am

Not really, as he is not a fully trained druid at all. XD Of all the druid abilities, he knows 20% of them.
Thondalar Stormleaf
Thondalar Stormleaf

Posts : 777
Join date : 2012-05-14
Age : 36
Location : Manningtree, England

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Name: Simaria
Title: Little Wolf

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Re: Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by Lomenár Nightsinger Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:19 pm

Ah. Well then. My misstake. I apologize. Smile
Lomenár Nightsinger
Lomenár Nightsinger

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Title: Commander of the Blackmoon Sentinels

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Re: Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by Thondalar Stormleaf Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:19 am

No worries! Easy to assume. I will one of these days edit this and make it proper.
Thondalar Stormleaf
Thondalar Stormleaf

Posts : 777
Join date : 2012-05-14
Age : 36
Location : Manningtree, England

Character sheet
Name: Simaria
Title: Little Wolf

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Re: Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by vixenVIPER Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:36 pm

Thaldir Shadowstar wrote:Not really, as he is not a fully trained druid at all. XD Of all the druid abilities, he knows 20% of them.

It's important to realise that in-game abilities aren't necessarily a reflection of the abilities used in lore. If at all, actually. :3
All magic users can be creative and do what they want, granted they are powerful enough to do so.

In short, no class knows a set number of abilities. :>

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Title: Druid in Training

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Thondalar Stormleaf Empty Re: Thondalar Stormleaf

Post by Thondalar Stormleaf Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:04 pm

I am aware of this. I've RPed a druid for two years now. Point is that he is young, and while he has learnt a lot IC since this was written, he would not have the same skills and practice as a druid of 5000 years, for example.
Thondalar Stormleaf
Thondalar Stormleaf

Posts : 777
Join date : 2012-05-14
Age : 36
Location : Manningtree, England

Character sheet
Name: Simaria
Title: Little Wolf

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