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Lina Richfield

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Lina Richfield Empty Lina Richfield

Post by Lini Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:42 am

Character name: Lina Richfield
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Soul/Human
Class: Shadowpriest

Birth region: Lordaeron
Specific area/town: Tirisfal
Family: Lini Richfield ("twin-sister")
Known friends or enemies: None

Description: As a duplicate of Lini's soul, Lina is in many ways similar to her "sister". Her name was something she chose for herself out of the share sense of "self" with Lini and her physical appearance is almost identical to Lini's, even if in a moment of vanity she chose to make her looks "superior" to Lini and even going as far as being more flashier in her choice of style. However, due to her origin as an immaterial being and her potent manipulation of Shadow, she can often appear as a being of pure shadow.

Personality: Cold, bitter and haughty person with a sharp tongue and a sarcastic sense of humour. While certainly someone who could be classified as an evil person, Lina is sensible enough to restrain her more unethical abilities to situations where getting caught is absolutely minimal. A person with tremendous self-confidence, she has found that boasting this confidence can work as an effective intimidation tactic and a bluff even in situations where she would otherwise be outclassed.

History: While the exact circumstances are unknown even to Lini and Lina, it eventually became clear to both of them that their existence was the result of a single soul somehow splitting in two. During childhood Lina mostly manifested herself as Lini's mischievous imaginary friend. After these childhood years Lina eventually sunk into Lini's subconscious, furious that she wasn't able to control the body she perceived as her own. This fury turned into resentment over the usurper who had stolen her body and her life from her. Being forced to spectate her own life, Lina took it into herself to learn everything she could about the people around her.

Eventually Lina found out that with subtle whispers she could manipulate both Lini and through her the people around her. Satisfied of the discovery, started biding her time and gathering her power, waiting for the suitable moment to strike. This moment came soon after Lini had arrived to Stormwind after fleeing from Lordaeron. By this time Lina found out that she could take over Lini's body for short periods of time while she was tired or under considerable stress. Overjoyed by the feeling of being truly alive for the first time, Lina still chose to patiently wait.

It wasn't long until Lina's patience was rewarded and she found herself fully in control of Lini's body. For several months Lina maintained the disguise of Lini while trying to find a way of getting rid of the presence slumbering within her. While trying to solve this dilemma, a feeling of discontent grew within Lina. She didn't want Lini's life for herself, instead she wanted a life she could call her own. By a stroke of luck it was at this time that The Shining Strand and Lini as their leader was asked to perform a complex ritual of resurrection on a person who no longer had a physical body. Through a combined effort of several people the ritual was a success and Lina saw a unique opportunity. Through her powers of manipulation and thanks to her disguise, Lina gathered the necessary materials and the bare minimum of people necessary to repeat this ritual. It wasn't long after that Lina had a body of her own, even if it had been created entirely through magical means.

Waking the owner of her previous body, Lina introduced herself to the confused Lini who hadn't even been aware of her existence up until that point. Lini reluctantly agreed that from now on Lina would be her long lost twin-sister as revealing Lina's true nature would most likely attract trouble for the both of them. With this settled Lina bid her farewells and vanished from Lini's life. As time went on both of them noticed a peculiar side-effect of what seemed to be a single soul split between two bodies. The two sisters could sense each other's presence over great distances and even share thoughts when nearby. To the Light following Lini this came as an unpleasant surprise, but Lina found this ability most useful, especially since could hide herself from Lini at will.

Eventually the two realized that this link had another meaning as well. After coming to the conclusion that if either one of them would come to harm the other would most likely suffer at least some consequences as well, the sisters agreed look after each other, even if they still could not see eye to eye. This common cause eventually changed into a strong bond between the two.

Years passed as the two worked towards their own goals while keeping an eye on each other. It was during the Northrend campaign that Lina approached Lini, for the first time in a long while, and suggested an expedition to Storm Peaks. The exact nature of this expedition and the events that took place during it have been lost as Lina went missing, her body never found, and Lini was eventually found in an incoherent state, not remembering what had occured. It was much later that both Lini and Lina came to a conjecture of what the end result of the expedition was. Lina's soul had returned to Lini's body and the two souls had merged together, as if some force had tried to repair something broken. The end result was, however, an unstable third personality that soon started to clash with the witch Ireth who, perhaps by some twist of fate, had emerged roughly at the same time. While the two did clash at several occasions, it was eventually Ireth who reigned victorious. Due to reasons unknown, Ireth spared her opponent, choosing instead to split the combined soul in two, leaving one half in Lini's body while containing another half in a soulstone.

And so Lina remains inprisoned in a soulstone, largely unaware of the state of affairs.

Things you may know about this character:
While a known shadow user, her actions remain largely unknown.
Can't contain her alcohol. Or couldn't. She has no body.
The soulstone containing her soul is currently in the possession of Bishop Fortesgue Witherthorpe.

Things you may not know about this character:
Even if she refuses to admit it, she has a soft spot for her sister.
May or may not have gone completely crazy during her long inprisonment in a soulstone.
Is not as bad a person as everyone makes her out to be. Possibly.

Possible crime record: No official records.

Special snowflake characters can be surprisingly fun when taken in moderation...

Posts : 1058
Join date : 2010-03-02
Age : 38

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