Defias Brotherhood
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Arvuun Empty Arvuun

Post by nope Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:14 am

Character name: Arvuun.  Vindicator Arvuun until he stepped down.
Alias: Weird quiet dude, That guy that used to be a Vindicator, etc.
Gender: Male.  Any attempts to insist otherwise will be met with a boot to the head if one persists.
Age: About 200.
Race: Mimic octopus taking the shape of a draenei. no he's a fuckn draenei why else would he be here
Class: Dark shaman, using geomancy means rather than darker magic.

Birth region: Shadowmoon Valley.
Specific area/town: Elodor.
Family: His sister, Akira.  The two have butted heads to the point of now having very infrequent contact.  His cousin Fazilah is dead, a fact he hopes does not persist in Draenor.
Known friends or enemies: Seems rather alone, save for a goat named Stormy.

Description: Large, muscular and purple, Arvuun was attractive once - until he neglected his body, going a little hollow in the cheeks, leaving his waist-length mane of hair unbrushed and letting body odour build up.  His mane of hair is unbrushed, frizzy strands littered about the mass of fluff left in whatever state it was that morning.  The braids are loosely-fitted and hang down his chest, as if he has taken advantage of the draenei lifespan to grow them out.  The soft, unbound hair and braids reach his waist in length.
His build is typical for a male draenei, broad-shouldered, standing tall and purple.  His somewhat-gaunt face appears prematurely aged with stress, baggy eyes and an eerily calm stare adding to this effect.  Clothes tend to be somewhat unkempt, attesting to his neglect like the faint smell of body odour he carries.
A perceptive individual may be able to work out he transitioned at some point - the worn-down horn stubs leaving bald patches and two circular scars behind his ears hint at this, implying tendril removal and wearing down horns.
Personality: Whilst outwardly flat and stoic, inside he feels as much as anyone else - his devotion is not an entirely altruistic trait, stemming from issues with loss and codependancy.  Whilst he prefers to keep himself to a close few, he is awful at making friends and relies on the few friends he does have to the point of clingyness.  He finds it difficult to understand other humanoids at times, a lack of empathy stemming not from a lack of care but just looking at others and inwardly feeling "I don't get it".
History: He was born on Draenor and managed to transition before draenic puberty could irreversibly alter his skeleton.  A not-so-thorough knowledge of Draenor's chemicals resulted in the process almost killing him but he pulled through.  Unfortunately, his sister rejected the idea of him not being a sister and their relationship suffered from it.  Feeling rejection from a relative, plus a neurological issue in understanding others, he felt quite alone.  He found solace in his cousin, Fazilah, a relative who would have frequent stays at his house, plus a childhood friend.  Both came to wrap their heads around his maleness, with the childhood friend becoming a partner.  His sister Akira did not take this well either, despite her uncles (Fazilah's fathers) being similar.  Living with someone so bitter towards him did not help on the withdrawing point, with moving out feeling like a relief.
Both Arvuun and his lover became Vindicators, frequently seen on missions together or pining for the others' return.  Arvuun favoured healing, whilst the white draenei took on other roles to compliment his.  Despite their mutual codependancy getting in the way they were an effective fighting pair, surviving well into the orcs turning on the draenei.  Unfortunately, friends and family fell to their attacks until it was only the two of them left.  After Fazilah perished, they were on a mission in Terrokar when suddenly orcs ambushed them - his lover died, cleaved too badly and left for dead for too long as Arvuun fended off the orcs.  He tried to ressurect him for what felt like hours, but he never rose.

Arvuun sunk into despair, becoming depressed and unable to care for himself.  Instead of having a protector on their hands, other draenei found they had to tend to the man to keep him alive.  When shock waned and some of his drive returned, he avoided duty until finally giving up his Vindicator status for good - he didn't believe the Light had failed him, but that it was as fallible and fought against as any being, left to the whims of fate.  When he perked up enough, he took on a civillian role, leatherworking, scribing and returning to his singing, dancing and harp-playing when he felt creative.  But his musical ventures became infrequent and his songs depressing.
The crash-landing to Azeroth had him do little more than inhabit a shack north of Azuremyst, away from the draenei he felt were increasingly vurnerable and prone to death.  War time became increasingly unsettling to him and so he set up a small base of sorts in Bloodmyst, away from civilization.  After such a long time of trying to recover from his grief, he did not feel it was going to happen - and so he began desperate research attempts at bringing back the dead.  He became so absorbed in this that he didn't help his people against the Blood elves or in Outlands at all.  Slowly he began to rule out wielding fel himself, which could make him lose the love he held onto by becoming increasingly corrupt and evil, or necromancy, which would bring his deceased husband back as mindless, corrupt or without feeling.

Come the push against Arthas and he ventured to Northrend, still desperate to find a way to return him to life.  He conversed with the locals to learn their secrets, even managing to get on with some taunka despite the faction difference - it was from them he learned that elements could be controlled and bent to ones' will.  Over time, he took up this art, reassured by the geomancy methods including no dark magic.  The appeal to him was being able to control things rather than calling on their aid, a point he felt meant he would never have to risk a ressurection failing again.  With the elements subject to his control, he felt 'fate' and failure risk would be no issue.
Throughout the Cataclysm, chasing up possibly new magic sources caught his interest, such as the Oasis in the Barrens changing the wildlife.

Things you may know about this character: Seems to have went from Vindicator to Shaman.
Things you may not know about this character: He is trans - unless your character saw him around through certain points in his life and is a sticker for details like worn-down horn stubs, knowing this isn't too likely.
Rather than asking the elements to answer him, he is bending them to his will - something they aren't terribly pleased by.
Possible crime record: Hiding his wrongdoings well so far.

Other information: Their name may be a feminine one, due to the double vowels.  Arvuun neglected to change it as he felt used to it being his name and didn't desire a change.
This acoustic cover of Sweet Dreams works as a villainous breakdown theme song for him, given his clingy devotedness to trying to bring his lover back from the dead.  A deep male voice would make it super fitting, giving his singing skills, but I doubt such a cover exists.
Hobbies include playing a small hand harp, dancing with jingly bell anklets and singing.  Sometimes combines the three as a sort of Draenic bard.  The first two are archaeology items, with the harp seen in an inn in Shadowmoon.  His voice is quite deep, may remind people of an opera.

Posts : 226
Join date : 2013-12-22

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