Defias Brotherhood
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Huruma Empty Huruma

Post by Thelos Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:04 am

Huruma Huruma_zps1bb41159
Huruma in his Justicar Plate with shield and mace.

Huruma Roboruma_zpsa096b945
Huruma in full Crysalforge Regalia, wielding his Hammer of the Naaru.

"The Army of Light marches on!"

Character name: Huruma
Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: +/- 26.000
Race: Draenei
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Lawful Good

Birth region: Argus
Specific area/town: N/A
Family: N/A
Known friends or enemies: Friends: The 157th "Wild Tempest" Regiment. Enemies: Orcs, demons, undead.

Description: A hulking draenei of light violet complexion; his brow is low and his jawline is tight like a beatrap. Long dark hair flows around his shoulders whenever he isn't wearing a cowl or helmet.
Personality: A militaristic-minded draenei, Huruma has been hardened by many eons of crusading against the enemies of the Light into a remorseless Vindicator, unyielding in his faith. Huruma is brutally honest and uncompromising and does not shy away from calling his allies for what he perceives them to be: "Lightless weaklings", or "Uncouth sinners".
History: Not much is known about Huruma, apart from the fact that he has made an apperearance in almost all of the great wars and battles the draenei fought as draenei. He was there defending his people during their trek across the stars, he was there defending his people from the Orc massacres, he was there when Auchindoun was purged, he was there when the Alliance invaded Draenor and Northend, he was there when the elements themselves rose up to tear Stormwind down, he was there when the Alliance rose to the defense of Pandaria and he will no doubt be found wherever the next great battle will be.

Things you may know about this character:

  • Huruma ascribes to the Naaruvada school of draenei religious thought: the very dogma anchorite Thelos taught.
  • On Draenor, Huruma lived in the temple-city of Karabor.
  • Huruma rides a hulking war-elekk called Nalaa. Much more than just a mount, Huruma considers this massive beast of burden to be his adorable little pet.
  • Huruma is a proper neat-freak and does not like getting blood or dirt on his armor.

Things you may not know about this character:

Possible crime record: N/A

Writings that feature Huruma:

Posts : 3392
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 33
Location : The Netherlands

Character sheet

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