Defias Brotherhood
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Minutes Empty Minutes

Post by Aleric Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:59 pm

Minutes from the Stormwind Community Meetings.

Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 39
Location : Luleå, Sweden

Character sheet
Name: Sir Aleric Dylain
Title: Knight

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Minutes Empty 11/07/09

Post by Aleric Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 pm


Osmand - Chapter of Holy Anethion
Aadaria - Chapter of Holy Anethion
Caledazar - The Lordaeron Alliance
Chadel - The Lordaeron Alliance
Swindle - The Forlorn Cartel
Zinkle - The Forlorn Cartel
Sophyra - The Dieudonne Seal (very briefly)
Tarvik - The Dieudonne Seal (very briefly)
Cendia - Blades For Hire
Odrade - Vanguard of Duskwood
Jarric - DefiasRP
Raeden - Chapter of Holy Anethion
Partridge - Stormwind Regiment
Aleric - Stormwind Council


The meeting started with reps from the attending guilds getting to make a brief presentation of their guild, if they have any storylines going on at the moment, what their concept is and what they wish to get out that concept (aka creative agenda). The presentations are quoted from the chat log but have been spellchecked.

Chapter of Holy Anethion

Osmand: Well The Chapter of Holy Anethion, a guild of Light fanatics and the Holy Inquisition. We are a holy order, mostly working out of Northshire Abbey. We provide a different version of Light RP than most of the other Light guilds, with darker content.

At the moment we have no major storylines going, other than the normal hunting of cultists etc that the inquisition does.
The other half of the guild I am sure you will see preaching or saying mass around Stormwind, we’re not hard to find.
We are looking for more antagonists in our plots as we are finding it tougher to find major enemies and so on.
And I suppose that would be basically it. Smile Unless Adaria has anything to add?

Aadaria: No at the time being. The main work is training, researching, stalking and infiltrating and there are a few things that could be said but which most around here should not even OOC hear yet.

The Lordaeron Alliance

Chadel: Even though we're still called Lordaeron Alliance at the moment orginally we call ourselfs The Crimson Flame as we used to be. The Crimson Flame is a Scarlet based order which follows one guideline. The end justifies the means. I try to give the a lawfull and sort of badass look, while all they are is basically a bunch of traumatized civilians and soldiers of Lordaeron who just want to see their city back in human hands.

One thing has to be real clear here, we're not compleet Scarlets as most of them are dead or insane. And there have been complaints but ever since I've been in the lead. That number has decreased slowly but steady. But it's not always easy trying to RP as we do.
We've been planning some events in the north. Of undead versus our guild, and I've been looking for ways to involve other guilds into it. But seeing we're at less the friendly terms with most guilds. ICly that is. This is W-PvP events by the way.
And that's about it really.


Jarric: DefiasRP as a guild is slightly different to others, it has not got one main storyline. It is a collection of people who share that they are born in the alliance. ICly we have all manner of RPers. The guild has a purpose OOC, which is to find new RPers and help them into our community.

In regards to story arcs, I am happy to help any guilds with cannon fodder RPers or rend a crowd jobs.
One thing I will say that there (sorry for the ad) is just me at the moment. With help this guild can improve your RP by supplying the guilds with new RPers.

So please help the guild to help the server.
Thank you.

Vanguard of Duskwood

Odrade: VoD is a loose organisation concerning itself with Duskwood, Deadwind Pass and the wishes of the Cleric, also known as Andrek or Zerafias. We’ve only recently resurfaced again as a group and as such we’re still in the progress of rebuilding. One of our main goals is bringing life to Darkshire and surrounding areas, we're also quite fond of plotting and intrigue.

We have a few branches, like the Night Watch, the Administrative branch (running the town, the tavern, thigns like that), we have a little magic coven going, things like that.

Oh, we tend to view ourselves as "neutral" and are a bit wary of intruders.
I think that sums it up.
Me and Crojwin seem to be the easiest to find [if you want to get in contact with VoD –Aleric edit].

Stormwind Regiment

Partridge: Right ok, well... Our guild concept is very straight forward I guess most of you know what we do. We are a military and guard guild, we're mainly a random RP kinda guild, we do patrols around the city and sometimes around the kingdom too, we arrest people.

For breaking the law obviously xD. We also dish out punishments for minor crimes or when the person agrees and doesn’t want a trial as sometimes they can take a while... We also have the military side, where we do combat training and general military... Stuff like survival skills camping out etc. as well as take part in WPVP events with the alliance.

As for story lines... Right now we have a few going on, currently we are being mediators between the two factions of the crimsons trying to get peace between them and also we have a meeting on Monday between the Blades and chapter for similar reasons....
Also we have a sort of story line going on with an escapee whose supposedly hiding in Duskwood, we received a letter he sent to his ex-girlfriend stating he was staying there in Darkshire.

We also have an issue of cultists and people being "possessed" that we would require help with from the Chapter, i.e. we would like to hand them to the Chapter for exorcism or whatever it is....Or not just the Chapter but any holy guilds who have expertise.
I would like our guild to involve itself more with other guilds in our the Chapter helping us with that issue etc. Maybe someone we could send prisoners who have been sentenced to community service or hard labour... Currently punishments are a bit of an issue... I would like other guilds to be involved more in this process. Currently we are doing things like sending them to the mines in Elwynn to mine copper that we use to make our swords (they really do mine it and hand it over and we really do make swords), but I would like more varied punishments.

Osmand: We can help with that if you want.

Partridge: cool

Osmand: Punishing people that is.

Cendia: You could drop by our bar Partridge, we have plenty of work to be done, lots of people who are good at keeping firm discipline.

Raedan: *fanatical grin*

Partridge: And yeah...i think thats about it xD sorry for the length xD. I probably missed stuff but yeah done.

Blades For Hire

Cendia: We are as the name suggests for Hire. We are mercenaries who takes on -almost- any job offered depending on the coins we get.

We also have ongoing tournaments events, racing events and the like, which we also spam very hard on the RP forums, which so far have involved anyone wanting to come and participate.

At the time being we have divided ourselves into small fractions within the guild, for the purpose of training the teams up in various tactics, to make us more fit for war, more coordinated during work events and the like.

We are more or less always represented inside the Pig & Whistle bar. But we do not always tend the bar. Beyond that I think we have something to do with most RP guilds around on a daily basis.

I do not think there is much else I should say or can say about us.

Disciples of Light

Jeanpierre: If you would ask that question to Valestrion, then certainly the answer would be "What we always have done"... which is nothing in particular except following some great code of conduct and see where it brings us.

I believe DoL has 2 other sides however... One is an attempt to be more actively involved in war campaigns. To that end, DoL is slowly trying to emphasize itself as a paladin, fighting order of the Light. I know it probably sounds cliché but that's where we're heading. In the end DoL is still a classic themed guild.

The other aspect of DoL is more RP oriented... more focused on supporting events from a Lighty point of view. I could say things like wedding ceremonies and funerals would be part of that.

Whether it's being "the counterweight" of the evil dudes or being the goodie two shoes that are almost a requirement on some events, DoL seems interested in taking up that role.

For the random RP scenery... this doesn't bring much to the table except our healing division. And more bodies. I can honestly say... however... that I'm quite fine with that. My personal intention is to get DoL more in touch with orders like Mistmantle, Dieudonne and the Blades, so we can support them ICly when there's need for it.

Over the past weeks I've been RP'ing a bit around on alts and from my own experience I feel that the current top guilds in the random RP scene are not only "there"... but they are doing a hell of a good job.

I'd just like to commend the incredible work and position some of these guilds have accomplished. Rather than fight to earn our own spot, I'd rather see the chemistry between these orders encouraged and supported. We keep some flexibility... or guest role if you wish... but I think DoL's fine with that. Done.

The Forlorn Cartel

Swindle and Zinkle had connection problems all night and didn’t get the chance to introduce The Forlorn Cartel. This is their guild post on the Registry forum. I’m sure they’d like to elaborate on anything about their guild there if asked nicely.

How the guilds are working together already and have in the past

Following the presentations the conversation naturally flowed into how the guilds already have worked together before and are.

Chadel: I've RPed a lot with the Blades, and they've shown a great interest towards creating events that involve the whole server. Karlak has certainly had great success with this.

Celadazar: Arenas and the race for examples.

Chadel: We had a short alliance between the blades and the Stormwind guards Razz But which both ended... shortly Razz

Cendia: JP held a medic course for the Blades. Not only did it help our healers and medics, but it did give the "normal" members a more serious RP around their injuries and they have upheld that seriousness of it even now. Those who do not have a medic in their guild could hire the Disciples of Light perhaps?

Ideas for interactions in the future

Not surprisingly the gathered turned their attention to the future and what they’d like to see happen.

Aadaria: I would love to *cough* have more interactions with DoL like we had in the past. We trained a bit together, we talked more. And I do believe despite our zealot ways, that a more solid foundation, -not an alliance-, between the guilds would be good for both sides. We could send those not zealot enough your way, you could send the too zealotty our way? Smile

Jeanpierre: I would agree except that a third of our members had bad experiences with Anethion at some point. JP's not among them because I keep him as naive as they come. As for the sending of members... you confuse me a little.
I think it's good we help people OOCly to find the right guild. But ICly we won't be so eager to send people away.

Aadaria: We tend to get a lot of new members all the time. Those who does not pass as Faithful enough to be a Chapterian we tend to advice to seek out DoL's or Crimsons too.

Osmand: If there is bad experiences then perhaps a sit down of the two guilds ICly to work on issues of co-operation.

Jeanpierre: When I mean bad experience. I mean ICly alone. OOCly Anethion enjoys a rather good reputation, if not excellent.

Osmand: I mean ICly aswell.

Aadaria: I do belive though Osmand that ICly they have… every right to be a bit... mad at us Razz But it would be worth a try Smile Though if we all get along… We will eventually not be happy either. We need some tension in Stormwind too.
Chadel: Reputations mean nothing to me. I look at how the guild is NOW. not how it once was. That's because… we all know crimsons had a lot of incidents.

Osmand: Well I understand them being mad... however Osmand would love to sit all of Chapter down with all of DoL to work on issues

Jarric: Peace talk RP is in vogue atm.

Osmand: I was thinking more a guild meeting, not just me and JP having a chat...we are just rosey together.

Jeanpierre: Allow me to be more specific then. OOCly every encounter with Anethion is generally welcome with expressions of amusement in guild-chat. ICly however, there is a barrier. OOC cooperation will not pose a problem. IC is different. The sole reason why I haven't contact Anethion to fix that IC situation is because the very chemistry of this love-hate relation seems to be enjoyed so much on our side.

Osmand: Perhaps I am being unclear, I am looking at it ICly if Osmand thought members of DoL were unhappy with the Chapter he would wish to sit those people down and sort it out. As DoL chapter relations are something he values.

Jeanpierre: And so does JP.

Jeanpierre: So let's have them chat about it Osmand. Deal? Razz

Osmand: I am sure it will be fun.

Where has all the random RP gone?

I had personally asked myself this and I know many others who have done so as well. The answer is, in my opinion, humbling simple. It hasn’t gone anywhere. There is no lack of RP. JP insists that random RP can be found in most districts of Stormwind, even the Dwarven District which has become bit of a second Trade District with the bank and auction house. Jarric stated that there never goes a night when he does not encounter random RP. It is a matter of knowing where to look.

Cendia brought up a point well worth to consider regarding this: “The RP have not been dead at all, the problem have been people have grown tired of the game instead of making RP, they seek it... Or sit down expecting it to crawl into their laps.”

Now, how to solve this? More use of the forums as a way to advertise and brief the community in general about what is going on. Flag your interests clearly. There is a lot of information on the forums, thus it is important that it is easy to find and keep yourself updated. Join the channel /RPhub.

Jeanpierre is working on a guildiographical map over the Kingdom of Stormwind that will give a visual representation of what is going on and who.

Cathedral Square

One of the districts of Stormwind were discussed in detail, namely that of Cathedral District. It was mentioned that it has been given somewhat of a poor reputation. Likely reason for this being the amount of new RPers that gather there and simply need guidance. JP noted that a clear majority of the OOC contact he’s had with these RPers have been positive and they are indeed eager to RP. Jarric who has a lot of interaction with new people agreed with this.

Ways to improve this are both simple and yet complex, demanding a bit of effort. To quote Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see.” And it starts small, with one or two of the regular RPers RPing there. Eventually it will snowball.

More specifically, it was called for more priests to do preaching on the street. It was agreed that this might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it was recommended that guilds should encourage and assist their guild members in finding specific tasks that they are personally responsible and still bring that RP into a public space, thus creating more RP as well.

Guild Pairings

Guilds were paired together to find new reasons to associate with each other. Each guild rolled a d100 and the two with the closest numbers, highest to lowest, got paired together. Ideas were already bubbling before the meeting was closed. It will be interesting to see what they will come up with.

Stormwind Regiment
Blades For Hire

Vanguard of Duskwood
Disciples of Light

The Lordaeron Alliance

The Forlorn Cartel
Chapter of Holy Anethion

A few final notices:

Jarric brought up an idea for tax collectors which he will make public when he feels ready.

Andrek/Zerafias holds mass on Friday 15th.

By this time the meeting had taken 2.5 hours so further brainstorming was tabled until next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.

Last edited by Aleric on Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 39
Location : Luleå, Sweden

Character sheet
Name: Sir Aleric Dylain
Title: Knight

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Minutes Empty 11/08/03

Post by Aleric Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:03 pm



20:06:28 [Aleric]: Okay, as I said. We're quite a few here today so things can get messy. I would appreciate if you'd select ONE person from the guild you represent to speak for you.
20:07:12 [Aleric]: When you have done so, announce in raid please.
20:07:30 [Jemerick]: *selects self*
20:07:33 [Toulson]: Toulson
20:07:39 [Greagoir]: I shall speak on behalf of Anethion!
20:07:46 [Drazial]: *Clicks self*
20:07:52 [Nifty]: I am the voice of the Cartel
20:07:56 [Karlak]: *points to Kitt*
20:07:58 [Kittrina]: I will for this.
20:08:06 [Gustajc]: I shall speak for VoD and EotDR
20:08:58 [Adeírid]: I believe Maelmoor will speak for the Holy lightbringers.
20:09:25 [Maelmoor]: Evening and aye!
20:10:39 [Aleric]: Anyone missed what this is about?
20:10:58 [Jemerick]: Plotting against OOC-ers?
20:11:07 [Aleric]: Indeed.

20:11:35 [Aleric]: Before we start, I see a new guild here. I'm curious. Is there anything you can reveal to us, Gustajc?
20:12:08 [Gustajc]: EotDR is part of a long-term VoD plot. It's a cult
20:12:40 [Gustajc]: We're hoping for much collaboration with various guilds

20:14:43 [Aleric]: We'll start off with a recap of the past month. Some of you weren't here but I hope you've had time to read the minutes from last meeting and what was discussed there.
20:15:22 [Aleric]: So I ask, what has happened in Stormwind the past month that everyone may not be aware of?
20:15:37 [Aleric]: The Seals first cause Aneira is at the top of my list.
20:15:40 [Aleric]: go*
20:15:55 [Aneíra]: Uh, I say what the seal has been up to?
20:16:05 [Aleric]: Yeah, briefly.
20:17:00 [Aneíra]: For the last week? (Correct me if I am wrong Kitt) the majority of the seals were assisting the mercs down in Darkshire during the cultist campaign. Before that we made our mark in the magi district, using the blue recluse as a gathering point for our
20:17:00 [Aneíra]: RP.
20:17:16 [Aneíra]: Our IC intent with that all being to try and keep the peace a bit.
20:18:44 [Aneíra]: That’s the brief part of what the seal has been up to. Tarvik and Genevieve are returning from month long trips.
20:18:50 [Aneíra]: So the activity has been slightly slower.

20:19:26 [Aleric]: Banner of Theramore is up next.
20:20:18 [Lakeisha]: *looks to Drazial*
20:20:20 [Drazial]: Ahoy hoy. Well a quick introduction from us as we were not apart of the last gathering like this. We are what is formerly the Lady Proudmoore; a guild ran under the thumb of 'Aius'. He moved us to Theramore after the events of the past Barrens Campaign.
20:20:28 [Drazial]: I'll let you work out how well that went down with our small numbers.
20:21:07 [Drazial]: Since then, we've relocated to Stormwind Docks with the express intention of recruiting members and integrating with you lot as another force to patrol the streets. We've been quite busy the past week, organising little events and helping out a few-
20:22:01 [Drazial]: - guilds most notably shipping forces about in the current campaign in Kalimdor and gaining the IC right to guard the Stormwind streets by pledging allegiance to the Crown. Aius is no longer the leader of the guild, and I along with my 'co-GM' Lakeisha-
20:22:33 [Drazial]: - look forward to bringing some more Naval focused RP forward and assist where we can to integrate ourselves as fast as possible. ^^ We're located in the vacant ship at the docks.
20:22:40 [Drazial]: That's all I've come to announce!
20:23:26 [Aleric]: And they were inducted into the Stormwind city guard officially this past Sunday.
20:23:41 [Aleric]: They'll be working closely with the Stormwind Regiment, right?
20:24:07 [Drazial]: Aye aye, with any luck we'll be setting up some sessions and events between the two guilds. Will be in contact with them.

20:26:42 [Aleric]: The Cartel is next on my list. You and the Chapter got paired together last month. How did that work out? And what else is new?
20:27:55 [Nifty]: We've had quite low number of people online during the summer, and not been having much planned RP, even though that we've been clashing with the Regiment a lot, and done our usual harassing of people kind (or stupid) enough to walk the streets during the-
20:28:33 [Nifty]: -evening. The chapter has patrolled the Dwarven District some, but we've not had any other interaction than some talking as far as I know.
20:29:28 [Nifty]: We also plan to start a recruitment drive now when the summer vacations draws to an end, which will hopefully create a lot of new RP for the regiment (and the other guard guilds)=
20:29:43 [Nifty]: And since Feydor has returned, our drug trade will soon start again.

20:34:09 [Aleric]: As for the Council, which is next, it's been business as usual. I had that one, small event with the Banner this past Sunday. Council meeting went understandably quickly this week.
20:34:54 [Aleric]: We currently have... Trade, Education and Internal Affairs open, right? Geldar? Rohwyn?
20:35:08 [Geldar]: Mhm.
20:35:39 [Aleric]: As always, if you're interested in applying, the thread can be found on the forum.

20:36:04 [Aleric]: Next are our favourite zealots, the Chapter.
20:36:53 [Greagoir]: The Chapter has been doing more or less the regular. (Hateful) Masses open for all in Cath & Abbey, some patrols/inquisitioning around districts, planned events with AotD as well as the Cultist campaign thingy in Duskwood, purging the few cultists and...
20:37:18 [Greagoir]: interrogating cultists from said event *peers at Gust*
20:37:31 [Gustajc]: ...
20:37:55 [Greagoir]: We've had to drop a number of people due to OOC complications and that, along with a change of GM and the summer means we're a bit low on numbers.
20:38:39 [Aleric]: Is there anything the community can do to help?
20:38:40 [Greagoir]: That's all, really...
20:38:45 [Rohwyn]: sorry for the aside but who is the GM now?
20:38:50 [Greagoir]: Osmand.
20:39:21 [Lakeisha]: I have never seen the chapter advertise in the General channel.
20:39:34 [Greagoir]: The community can only help by committing themselves to the Scared Duty and Anethionism.
20:39:37 [Lakeisha]: Perhaps such should be considered.
20:40:41 [Greagoir]: We have considered advertising but we've yet to find a concise message that explains the concept as well as making it sound appealing... but it’s being considered.
20:41:37 [Zinkle]: "We're into tome-bashing, you can keep the scalps! - /w me"
20:43:28 [Kittrina]: Like fire? Hate Heretics? Have a fevered devotion to the Light? CONVERT TODAY
20:42:40 [Aleric]: (Creating a nifty slogan for the Chapter's recruitment ads is homework for next time!)

20:40:35 [Aleric]: From zealots to cultists - Army of the Damned.
20:43:46 [Jemerick]: To try and start from the beginning. We've had IC change of leadership which gave internal RP mainly or at all. We had planned event with the Holy Lightbringers (small one), then that one with the Chapter... *skips the embarrassing part* And lately we had...
20:44:13 [Jemerick]: busy with helping out with the cultist campaign with random cultists.
20:44:53 [Jemerick]: This dropped back our story a bit, but in the up-coming time we plan to return to treat our cause more, especially reviving our cultist part.

20:46:13 [Aleric]: The mercs next then.
20:46:43 [Kittrina]: We've been down in the Duskwood campaign hunting cultists for fun and profit, for the last week, prior to that, running the Pig and Whistle as usual, the monthly tournament and a pretty fun little racing event (which we'll be running again soon-
20:46:57 [Kittrina]: post will be up on forums shortly)
20:47:03 [Kittrina]: Also, with Adenah, we're setting up a messenger/courier service IC, taking urgent messages and parcels all over the world .
20:47:15 [Kittrina]: In terms of the pairing with SWR, we have had some contact, as usual, and we've been hired to investigate them for corruption, which we'll be working on now back in SW.

20:51:23 [Aleric]: Maelmoor. What's up with the Lightbringers?
20:52:19 [Maelmoor]: We had a great July! Usually a very calm month but we had loads of events and some nice new members. We have also been rping in Feralas and been involved in Duskwood, chasing cultists and such
20:53:01 [Maelmoor]: Got Uthers Pilgrimage coming up in August (date may still change) where everyone who fits in are welcome of course
20:53:06 [Maelmoor]: That’s pretty much it
20:53:36 [Aleric]: What's been going on in Feralas? Inter-guild? Part of the Barrens campaign?
20:54:21 [Maelmoor]: No it was a RP hub in June for some weeks, elven and dranei guilds foremost but we were invited to help out
20:54:41 [Aleric]: Ahh, that.
20:55:12 [Aleric]: Very well, thank you, Maelmoor.

20:55:38 [Aleric]: Samian? Anything you'd like to brief us about concerning the Regiment?
20:56:39 King Varian Wrynn yells: People of Stormwind! Citizens of the Alliance! Your king speaks!
20:56:45 King Varian Wrynn yells: Today marks the first of many defeats for the Scourge! Death knights, once in service of the Lich King, have broken free of his grasp and formed a new alliance against his tyranny!
20:56:53 King Varian Wrynn yells: You will welcome these former heroes of the Alliance and treat them with the respect that you would give to any ally of Stormwind!
20:56:54 [Zinkle]: Why didn't Varian wait for his turn?
20:57:00 [Greagoir]: ^
20:57:00 King Varian Wrynn yells: Glory to the Alliance!
20:57:07 [Toulson]: some people...
20:57:07 [Drazial]: An expansion late there, Wrynn.
20:58:39 [Feydor]: He lives in Amsterdam he might be a little late
20:58:35 [Samian]: ahey
20:58:44 [Samian]: Sorry. No, I'm just listening in mainly
20:58:55 [Aleric]: Alrighty.

20:59:15 [Aleric]: House Mistmantle, led by the pompous jerk Braiden is represented here by Toulson.
20:59:45 [Toulson]: Well, where to start...
21:00:05 [Toulson]: Braiden broke a nail this week, hence his absence. He sincerely apologizes about that.
21:01:01 [Toulson]: all we've been up to recently is recruiting, we've gotten a bunch of new, and excellent members. they're all great people and somewhat good RPers which you'll all hopefully be able to meet and have some fun with
21:01:45 [Toulson]: as for events we're currently in the planning stages of creating a knight, we're hoping to have a tournament but it's all just theoretical atm
21:02:00 [Toulson]: Braiden would be the one to ask about it but I know he's wanting to get a bunch of other guilds involved
21:02:44 [Toulson]: as for the other stuff we've just been ICly involved in trading for the house, for example we recently purchased a mine and we've had a few little events there
21:03:09 [Toulson]: (he also wants me to mention that anyone who's interested can trade with us, anything from booze to women, he's a nice guy like that)
21:03:23 [Feydor]: Really Toulson? I'll be in contact with him.
21:03:32 [Toulson]: great!
21:03:38 [Toulson]: that's all either way
21:03:59 [Aleric]: Regarding the tournament: as a member of Legacy of Dawn I know they'd be all over the knightly stuff.
21:04:37 [Rohwyn]: I was planning a tournament too actually, so I'll nudge Braiden when he gets back, maybe I could help.
21:06:22 [Aleric]: Shall I tell Khendran and Eloresh to poke you two about the tournament?
21:06:53 [Toulson]: yeah, you can do, it'd have to be more specifically Braiden though, and I don't know how he wants to handle it

21:07:24 [Aleric]: And last but not least, the Lordaeron Alliance.
21:08:03 [Chadel]: Well, we've been up in Hillsbrad with LoD a few times now and we're growing a little.
21:08:09 [Chadel]: And we plan on being full time there soon.
21:08:27 [Chadel]: However, we're also looking for a new base.
21:08:39 [Chadel]: We used to love having Fenris but that's cult of shadows now.
21:08:47 [Chadel]: And Tyr's hand isn't very good for our lowbies.
21:09:25 [Chadel]: And there's still an issue of banishment to clear up.
21:09:29 [Chadel]: Because according to the books.
21:09:36 [Chadel]: We're still banished; however nobody is acting like that.
21:10:16 [Chadel]: And... that's about it.

21:10:50 [Aleric]: Gustajc?
21:12:17 [Gustajc]: Hello again. Last time VoD got paired together with DoL to organise some RP through rolls, no idea how that was possible. I'd like to say that VoD's RP style isn't really rolling like that. Instead, this cult is open for a lot of events. We've one planned
21:12:29 [Gustajc]: with the chapter right now, and another for the future which can hold like 4-5 guilds
21:12:46 [Gustajc]: And we encourage the server to contact this new cult if you wish for any plots or events. Done
21:13:27 [Aleric]: I'm curious about how you'd go about joining the cult.
21:13:58 [Gustajc]: Mostly through in character means. For instance, our first event with the chapter serves for recruitment
21:14:25 [Gustajc]: Rather then spamming the general chat. Who knows a draft will be posted on forums but I'm not sure about that yet
21:14:55 [Greagoir]: You'll see how they intend to recruit come Monday... if you're in SW that is.
21:15:09 [Gustajc]: Aye. I should add that... ehm
21:15:30 [Gustajc]: It's an event between the chapter and us, but anyone is free to interfere and act accordingly to the situation naturally
21:17:12 [Gustajc]: Regarding the roll system to pair guilds, our guild won't participate just yet until we have settled down perfectly OOCly and ICly. But like I said feel free to contact us never the less for RP
21:17:18 [Gustajc]: Now I am done

21:59:00 [Aleric]: Moving on then. Sophyra?
21:59:13 [Sophyra]: Aye. I had a small, hopefully quick issue to bring forward.
21:59:56 [Sophyra]: A sort of "RP Guild Treaty", agreeing to a few things together and trying to implementing them. Voluntarily of course. It is just more of a 'Small Fixes to help Role-play"
22:00:04 [Sophyra]: Namely:
22:00:49 [Sophyra]: 1) If you are an officer/gm - visit DefiasRP forums and Official Forums and repost events/projects/looking-for-rp to your guild forums. Who knows, may be some of your members want to participate or like an idea?
22:01:16 [Sophyra]: 2) Encourage your members to read your Guild Forums or Defias RP forums. For obvious reasons.
22:01:44 [Sophyra]: 3) Forwarding any event-invites you get through Calendar to your guild, if invite asks for it. it is an easy, fast way to get critical mass for events!
22:02:42 [Sophyra]: 4) Try to discourage trash-talking other RPers/Guilds/Organizations in your Guild forums/channels/chat. We are on the same boat, so let’s try to at least pretend we can work together.
22:03:00 [Sophyra]: What do you think, can it be done, and do you as guild-leader/officer want to do it?
22:03:10 [Drazial]: Think you lot better got off my boat...
22:03:15 [Lakeisha]: we already do such with the Banner.
22:03:30 [Aneíra]: g/ Yeah... We really need to toss Nifty in that pile of trash we've been building up.
22:03:32 [Aneíra]: ...Woops
22:03:45 [Drazial]: But aye, can make it a continued effort.
22:03:51 [Nifty]: Hm... was that faked or not..? 3:
22:04:03 [Sophyra]: Sounds like 4 easy-to-implement fixes. I will also approach non-sw-guilds about that ofc.
22:04:26 [Adeírid]: I agree to a more open and friendlier server for Rpers, to be in and enjoy playing the game.
22:04:47 [Aleric]: That is something, I think, we all can agree to.
22:04:51 [Feydor]: Indeed!
22:04:52 [Rohwyn]: I think that sound like very good, simple ideas, Soph. I don't have a guild at the moment, but I still think they're good ideas.
22:04:57 [Kittrina]: I very much agree with dropping grudges ^^
22:05:34 [Sophyra]: So yea, easy to implement: watch forums, watch calendar and moderate your guild-chats!
22:05:40 [Adeírid]: The only hard part is, for everyone to put aside their differences, and forgive each other for past grudges, and present ones, and to say hi to any new Rpers.
22:05:58 [Zinkle]: How can you have grudges with new people?
22:05:58 [Jemerick]: One reminds me to (no idea if I wrote it on the forum after all or just intended) but there should be individual(s) in the guild who take the time and make an announcement of events of other guilds.
22:06:16 [Sophyra]: Those individuals should be GM and every officer *Nod*
22:06:18 [Adeírid]: I naturally don't mean people you have never meet, and have nothing against
22:06:24 [Jemerick]: Yes.

22:07:07 [Aleric]: Anything further?
22:07:32 [Sophyra]: Yes. This is not a discussion point, it is an action point. If you liked the 4 ideas - go implement then!
22:07:40 [Kittrina]: Not particular, I agree with all suggestions, we do most of them already can tighten up on them
22:07:54 [Lakeisha]: Same, we were already on those points.
22:08:28 [Sophyra]: what of Seal, Chapter, Vanguard and Alliance?
22:08:35 [Sophyra]: (if I didn't forget anybody)
22:08:49 [Jemerick]: We're working on it I think.
22:09:57 [Aleric]: Alright, thank you, Sophyra.

22:10:13 [Aleric]: So anyone feel lucky and wants to try their hand at the Guild RP Lottery?
22:10:19 [Toulson]: me!
22:10:39 [Nifty]: I'd love to randomize who I get to kill next!
22:10:40 [Aleric]: Or are we all as busy as can be?
22:10:52 [Toulson]: I won foam swords so I’m pretty confident I can win the lottery! :3
22:10:52 [Drazial]: Of course.
22:12:53 [Toulson]: before it is over I have something I’d like to ask
22:13:02 [Aleric]: Toulson?
22:13:03 [Kittrina]: oh one thing!
22:13:05 [Drazial]: There will be no 'lotto'?
22:13:24 [Aleric]: Banner and Mistmantle were the only two that said they wanted.
22:13:42 [Aleric]: So...a match made on a tower.
22:13:44 [Nifty]: Cartel said too, Aleric
22:13:50 [Toulson]: so we're auto paired to banner yeah?
22:13:51 [Aleric]: I thought you were kidding!
22:13:54 [Kittrina]: I have one request.
22:14:03 [Nifty]: I'm never kidding, unless I'm lying of course.
22:14:13 [Aleric]: Toulson first. Then Kittrina.
22:14:44 [Toulson]: okay, it's just a little request from me personally and nothing to do with house mistmantle
22:15:28 [Toulson]: I’ve been working on setting up Magitech, I don't know if any of you have seen the post on the forums but I’m mainly targeting new RPers atm
22:15:41 [Toulson]: i.e. the people a lot of people blow off as lolers
22:16:17 [Toulson]: the shields used to be horrible for it so I’m trying to give them a chance, which will inevitably make Magitech look a little.. lollish I guess
22:17:06 [Toulson]: I just wanted to ask you guys to give the members a chance and maybe a little advice on what not to do etc if you see them RPing, I can't be there all the time with work etc

22:21:23 [Aleric]: Kittrina!
22:21:26 [Kittrina]: Right!
22:22:07 [Kittrina]: We're starting up an IC messenger service within the Blades, what I'm asking is for people to come with us with stuff to send now and then rather than using in game mail, so it can spread and flourish.
22:22:34 [Nifty]: Do the messengers read the messages?
22:22:35 [Kittrina]: This will fall on its arse without people using it, so please consider it if you have something to send
22:22:39 [Kittrina]: No.
22:22:48 [Lakeisha]: Isn't that a non-guild service, Kitt? According to the advertisement in the forums by Nilda?
22:23:01 [Kittrina]: Non guild, yes, but Blades are helping start it up.
22:23:36 [Kittrina]: Adenah is the player starting it, just though I'd give it a mention to get interest going
22:23:36 [Toulson]: I have a question if I may?
22:23:40 [Kittrina]: sure?
22:24:04 [Toulson]: will the postmen come at certain times or do we have to go to a certain place to give them the letter? :p
22:24:57 [Kittrina]: The messenger will be sent to some and find the recipient based on the instructions given. For example. I was sent with a missive to the Headlands and told the person was a member of the army staying there.
22:25:06 [Kittrina]: Icly asked around till I found them.
22:25:19 [Toulson]: but how would you get the letter from me for example?
22:25:19 [Kittrina]: Obviously some ooc checking/organising is required, too
22:25:36 [Kittrina]: You would come to us with something to be sent, we would perform the service.
22:25:36 [Drazial]: Send a messenger to request them, of course.
22:25:37 [Drazial]: ;D
22:25:39 [Adeírid]: You need a post office
22:25:54 [Kittrina]: Which is why Blades are helping with setup, as the Pig is a known base for us
22:26:08 [Kittrina]: Does that clarify?
22:26:20 [Toulson]: yes, so we take the letters to the pig?
22:26:33 [Adeírid]: So, the Pig is the place to take your letters, if you want them sent? (via this)
22:26:53 [Kittrina]: Essentially at the moment. Right now Morty, I and Adenah are the people to ask in whispers about specifics
22:27:31 [Toulson]: right, I’ll tell Braiden about it and get him to start using it when we can
22:27:45 [Aneíra]: Ill inform the seals, see if they get interested.
22:27:56 [Jemerick]: The AotD will definitely use this service to send orders around..
22:28:01 [Kittrina]: Much obliged, that's all. And Adenah is the main person organising :0.
22:28:24 [Toulson]: another quick question
22:28:27 [Toulson]: if I may
22:28:31 [Kittrina]: sure?
22:28:53 [Toulson]: will the letters be from the post box and passed on as a copy of the letter, or through GHI for example?
22:29:48 [Kittrina]: Either Toulson, for ease some have sent through mail which I've transcribed to a ghi to give to recipient. If not/recipient doesn't have ghi can always just be given an in game mail after the ic handover.

22:28:11 [Aleric]: Gustajc, you had something?
22:28:59 [Gustajc]: Aye. I'm looking for 1 or maybe two warlock apprentices. Got stuff I deem really fun planned out in word doc, so if you know any1 on this server who is interested, feel free to recommend me. new, veteran, I don't care. I'd prefer if the character ICly is
22:29:06 [Gustajc]: an inexperienced lock however, who needs full guidance
22:29:21 [Gustajc]: That be it
22:29:26 [Toulson]: Gus, I may have the perfect person for you
22:29:38 [Gustajc]: Outstanding
22:29:56 [Toulson]: he's new and inexperience but I can pass you the name if you want to chat to him
22:30:55 [Gustajc]: Looking forward to his reply to this anyhow

Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 39
Location : Luleå, Sweden

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Name: Sir Aleric Dylain
Title: Knight

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Minutes Empty Re: Minutes

Post by Aleric Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:49 pm

Right, this one started out with just two points on the agenda. First one was to come up with one awesome idea, work out the details and who does what and set it in motion. Because the entire discussion needs to be posted, for coherency's sake, these minutes will be quite long.

Second point was the monthly debrief from the attending guilds. It did include some discussion on the current situation regarding <The Dieudonne Seal>.

20:21:04 [Sador]: Oh, we could parade Sador
20:21:12 [Genevìève]: RPing weather is just the start.
20:21:12 [Kkoofferra]: mabey an event outside of oggrimar
20:21:20 [Ishap]: neverceasing rain is a light scottish winter
20:21:21 [Genevìève]: Harsh conditions makes everything harder.
20:21:31 [Sedalli]: lowbies would get crushed outside oggers
20:21:31 [Aleric]: It's backdrop, no?
20:21:34 [Aleric]: atmosphere
20:21:36 [Kkoofferra]: cuz i remember how 9 orcs went into the tram
20:21:44 [Genevìève]: Famine, disease, malcontent/riots, naval catastrophies.
20:21:47 [Kkoofferra]: and killed everyone
20:21:49 [Lexgrad]: Lexgrad would hate a cold winter XD
20:21:49 [Feydor]: Many a plot could form from the bad weather
20:21:55 [Vartus]: Well.. in connection to the winter and all that could we RP out the loss of communications with IF for a week or two? Like the tram gets frozen and the roads blocked up etc.
20:21:56 [Genevìève]: Blackmarket for food.
20:22:00 [Luciroz]: Plague
20:22:08 [Lexgrad]: the seals thing in westbrook screws up the weather
20:22:22 [Jayanti]: Or you know... the cataclysm?
20:22:23 [Genevìève]: If we go for plague again, I'd like it to be less sinister than it was in the past. An old fashioned natural plague.
20:22:23 [Aleric]: And that could lead to the civil unrest?
20:22:26 [Drazial]: Westbrook?
20:22:26 [Sador]: What thing?
20:22:31 [Lexgrad]: and they gotta put it right and cover it up (but fail)
20:22:34 [Genevìève]: We RP'd the Cataclysm when it occured.
20:22:35 [Aleric]: meant westfall prob
20:22:38 [Feydor]: Aye, the underclass rising up, in struggling times, when theres no food people get angry.
20:22:39 [Jemerick]: I told that Jayanti "Cata".
20:22:41 [Jayanti]: Civil strife tend to happen in difficult times
20:22:48 [Luciroz]: Yeah, loads of people dying and no one gets cred for it. I like it
20:22:54 [Vartus]: And with civil strife the cult would poke their face into it.
20:23:02 [Sador]: Well, could be the fact that there are many poor in Stormwind, many who feels threat on by the law, and their king.
20:23:11 [Aneíra]: The cartel getting rather vicious and trying to be a "people's hero" off the food struggles of the harsh winter?
20:23:25 [Drazial]: Now that sounds like an idea.
20:23:30 [Ishap]: Aye
20:23:31 [Nifty]: To a modest price ofcourse
20:23:32 [Sedalli]: yep
20:23:35 [Bellorn]: Yeah, Robin Hood never fails.
20:23:50 [Aleric]: So harsh weather is a winner?
20:23:52 [Sedalli]: us dk's wouldnt be affected by the col
20:23:53 [Julia]: Its definatly original. At least I haven't heard it being RPed before?
20:23:53 [Feydor]: I foresee <Angry Commoner> guild
20:23:56 [Braiden]: harsh weather?
20:24:00 [Sedalli]: cold.. dont need to eat
20:24:08 [Sador]: I think its harsh weather leading up to a civil war.
20:24:09 [Genevìève]: I miss them!
20:24:11 [Sedalli]: usefull for king to keep things in order *nod8
20:24:12 [Lexgrad]: I was going to start the tax thing, but i think the baron has that now, that can be tied into it
20:24:17 [Luciroz]: Starvation. The crops die in westfall and everyone goes hungry
20:24:18 [Braiden]: It's hard to create the atmosphere when the ingame weather is like it is
20:24:24 [Genevìève]: I'll never remember their riots after the Seal was banished.
20:24:27 [Genevìève]: forget*
20:24:33 [Aleric]: I know, Braiden :/
20:24:35 [Julia]: Well
20:24:37 [Sedalli]: he he
20:24:48 [Eloresh]: I believe that if we can't give it a feeling that something is really going on, people will not follow it. Perhaps something that can be honestly RPed (revolts, for example) might prove better idea.
20:24:51 [Aneíra]: Imagination is our best weapon however Braiden!
20:24:55 [Julia]: We could always have a "Game master" and set the weather "mood" every day in a post on the forum.
20:25:03 [Kkoofferra]: heh riots
20:25:11 [Braiden]: *sun in the sky* "OH MY IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE!"
20:25:12 [Feydor]: Or have newspapers about the weather etc Julia
20:25:13 [Bellorn]: ..Maybe we could make it an extreme heat instead of "SNOW ANDZ RAINZ", considering the atmosphere?
20:25:23 [Julia]: Or that
20:25:23 [Jayanti]: A drought?
20:25:26 [Bellorn]: ^
20:25:27 [Sedalli]: ahh thats good
20:25:27 [Swindle]: Drought?
20:25:31 [Nifty]: Drought.
20:25:33 [Sedalli]: no water
20:25:33 [Genevìève]: Hmm..Pilgrimage of Grace kinda thing? For the non history nuts it was a religious/civil rights rebellion in the 16th centuary.
20:25:33 [Bellorn]: Drought is a good idea.
20:25:35 [Aleric]: what about the canals?
20:25:36 [Ishap]: aye
20:25:44 [Bellorn]: Drought = No water, no food, extreme heat.
20:25:47 [Sedalli]: canals are filty
20:25:58 [Braiden]: it's full of piss and shit, which could lead to sickness
20:25:59 [Sedalli]: only the desperate would drink from the canals
20:26:00 [Aleric]: fun to see how desperate people will get
20:26:12 [Jayanti]: Pilgrimage of Grace was due to monasteries being closed though Gen, this is more a regular peasant uprising (no food which leads to them reacting to everything they dislike)
20:26:19 [Lexgrad]: poisoned water, doesnt need weather, kinda suggests stratholme
20:26:24 [Genevìève]: That's true.
20:26:24 [Ishap]: desperate people drink and get sick, new plague
20:26:26 [Sador]: My votes on drout, leading to desperate times, leading to chanse of civil war.
20:26:43 [Bellorn]: I vote for drought aswell.
20:26:44 [Sedalli]: *hands up*
20:26:48 [Eloresh]: same here
20:26:48 [Luciroz]: Drought and starvation since the crops would die
20:26:50 [Genevìève]: Winter is coming in. D:
20:26:52 [Lexgrad]: kk drought
20:26:55 [Ishap]: I like the idea of the cartel being robin hood kinda guys
20:27:01 [Aleric]: ^
20:27:04 [Genevìève]: There's no food in winter anyway. Harvest has already occured.
20:27:16 [Lexgrad]: lol you eat the harvest
20:27:17 [Sador]: Could be the effects of the hard times.
20:27:19 [Feydor]: I like the idea of exploiting hungry commoners
20:27:19 [Bellorn]: Gen, we wont have the atmosphere, and alot of people wont RP out "Snow everywhere!" "..Where?".
20:27:23 [Braiden]: Well in that case we'd have to have people RPing diffrent characters aswell tough considering most of us would be on the other side
20:27:27 [Sedalli]: ay but harvested food would spoil in extreem heat
20:27:27 [Lexgrad]: otherwise everyone is dead by november
20:27:46 [Sador]: I have a peasant, i'll lead the rebellion!
20:27:52 [Bellorn]: Harvest Festival is next week.
20:27:56 [Genevìève]: DO you think people are more likely to RP extreme cold or extreme heat in Winter? ^^
20:28:04 [Bellorn]: Extreme heat.
20:28:09 [Aleric]: We'd need people who play actual commoners. Everyone would've to pitch in there in one form or another. A chance to try out some new RP as well.
20:28:10 [Bellorn]: Considering the none stop sun.
20:28:11 [Lexgrad]: just call it a failed harvest
20:28:14 [Luciroz]: Cataclysm yao
20:28:36 [Eloresh]: I can help spread some terror arround the city, if it's done before the 5 of september XD
20:28:38 [Lexgrad]: bad summer, poor yeald from west fall
20:28:39 [Eloresh]: WIth an alt, that is
20:28:44 [Jayanti]: The harvest coming up fails, winter is hit by a massive drought (water dries up) and it all goes downwards from there?
20:29:00 [Luciroz]: I like the sound of that.
20:29:01 [Jayanti]: Remember. This is the first harvest after cataclysm
20:29:06 [Genevìève]: The Harvest may very well fail, Cataclysm during spring etc.
20:29:13 [Genevìève]: But I don't see how that ties into a drought in Winter.
20:29:14 [Lexgrad]: exactly, then weather is meaningless, the facts are there is little food and water
20:29:28 [Vartus]: We should get somebody to announce the shortcomings of the harvest.
20:29:31 [Lexgrad]: it can be cold, doesnt need to rain
20:29:35 [Jayanti]: Gen. First the harvest fails... and then we're hit by unnatural heat -as well-
20:29:40 [Drazial]: [Sean Bean]: Winter ain't coming.
20:29:41 [Bellorn]: Well I don't see where you see winter in Elwynn, Gen.
20:29:43 [Genevìève]: I could drag out a Herald character I've been saving?
20:29:53 [Vartus]: ... YOu could let him beat up by commoners.
20:30:01 [Julia]: I can do announcements in a newspaper. Regardless of what we decide it to be.
20:30:05 [Vartus]: A mob outside the keep?
20:30:06 [Lexgrad]: Jarric will be totally all over this
20:30:08 [Vartus]: Guards rushing to defend?
20:30:09 [Braiden]: there's no friggin snow Well what we could do is actually use the realm forums and the rp forums blizzard have to advertise it too
20:30:16 [Lexgrad]: rations
20:30:28 [Aleric]: Why not the drought?
20:30:29 [Drazial]: I'd rather we not try to complicate things.
20:30:37 [Feydor]: Cartel will be running a newspaper too (unofficially ofcourse, nothing related to use *nodnod*), from the view of the commoners and the streets
20:30:47 [Sador]: My vote is still on the drout.
20:30:51 [Genevìève]: Overall I like the sound of famine and drought.
20:30:52 [Aleric]: It's easier to RP since you dont have to pretend there is snow
20:30:52 [Luciroz]: so is mine
20:30:54 [Bellorn]: I think that the drought idea is the best one.
20:31:31 [Drazial]: Considering the harvest festival in-game is right around the corner. We are going to RP there is -no- supplies instead?
20:31:32 [Sedalli]: yeah drought it is for me
20:31:41 [Vartus]: Agreed with Drazial.
20:31:42 [Aleric]: Harvest fails (Seals get partially blamed for that!) -> Drought -> ?
20:31:44 [Genevìève]: Yes.
20:31:47 [Braiden]: Well then once we have the house of nobles running with taxation and all it might be fun... however there's certain conflicting elements to some parts of this
20:31:51 [Vartus]: The Harvet Festival could turn into a riot.
20:31:57 [Aneíra]: Blame Braiden!
20:31:59 [Genevìève]: We're being blamed for the famine? I like it!
20:32:09 [Drazial]: Right, sounds like a plan.
20:32:20 [Aleric]: Your tinkering with arcane energies is obviously causing all the problems.
20:32:31 [Braiden]: Not involved *whistles*
20:32:33 [Lexgrad]: it may be an idea to take this to the forum, get a clearer picture of peoples ideas
20:32:47 [Drazial]: This is a better method.
20:32:51 [Genevìève]: -The King's- tinkering. >.>
20:32:59 [Luciroz]: OKAY LETS MOVE ON.
20:33:13 [Aleric]: Summing up! Harvest fails!
20:33:24 [Aleric]: Unnatural drought and all the problems that follows.
20:33:30 [Aleric]: Civil unrest.
20:33:33 [Drazial]: I don't see the 'Civil War' idea taking wings unless an organisation of growth actually takes an active measure. Otherwise aye, we'd need a new guild and people to roll lowbie characters to interact with what we already have.
20:33:42 [Vartus]: No civil war, but civil unrest is a definite winner.
20:33:43 [Valestrion]: Civil unrest is a highly dangerous concept
20:33:51 [Genevìève]: Yeah, the Seal's no longer large enough to play out a 'threat to the Kingdom'
20:33:54 [Aleric]: Elaborate, Valestrion?
20:33:56 [Lexgrad]: It could tie up with the tax idea
20:34:03 [Valestrion]: It forces us to accept that Stormwind society is something other than it is supposed to be
20:34:08 [Sador]: Drout could result in poverty, which could insult in vicil war, or uprisings atleast.
20:34:10 [Vartus]: What?
20:34:18 [Valestrion]: Stormwind is a benevolent society
20:34:18 [Genevìève]: Stormwind Society is fratcticious and rebellious.
20:34:37 [Braiden]: It does? Well just look over in westfall
20:34:40 [Jayanti]: Valestrion... there is a saying: Civilisation is just three meals away from complete chaos
20:34:51 [Genevìève]: Defias, assassinations, a corrupt guard filling the Stockades with political criminals, homeless in Westfall, Duskwood abandoned.
20:34:59 [Jayanti]: When thjere's no food in the stores... people will do -anything- to feed their children
20:35:04 [Feydor]: Benevolent? You've never walked down Dwarven District with a full coin purse, pal.
20:35:08 [Drazial]: ^
20:35:11 [Swindle]: I do. It's mine after all.
20:35:33 [Aleric]: But what Drazial said
20:35:38 [Jayanti]: Strife is very believable... if we all chip in
20:35:46 [Vartus]: Indeed.
20:35:47 [Aleric]: We need peopel working on the 'angry peasants' from the get-go.
20:35:48 [Valestrion]: Well, just don't make it last too long, as I won't be logging in while it's going on
20:35:54 [Drazial]: Aye. I propose we make a angry peasents guild.
20:35:58 [Lexgrad]: little stuff like fighting over a bit of bread
20:36:07 [Valestrion]: It will put me in an impossible position which I'd rather not be in
20:36:13 [Vartus]: ... What?
20:36:17 [Feydor]: Cartel have been planning a commoners uprest for a long time, originally as a trade union sort of idea, but this will work grand!
20:36:20 [Genevìève]: There already is an angry peasents guild. I just have no idea who's in it OOC.
20:36:31 [Vartus]: It's Zinkles.
20:36:32 [Julia]: Just make an angy peasant channel or something. That way people can use current characters to make temp. peasants
20:36:34 [Vartus]: I think.
20:36:41 [Aleric]: What Julia said.
20:36:49 [Genevìève]: What's the impossible position, Val?
20:36:56 [Aleric]: With MRP and RSP you can show that you're temporarily playing another char.
20:37:04 [Vartus]: Hmmm...
20:37:14 [Drazial]: /join CivilUnrest?
20:37:18 [Valestrion]: The Disciples of Light supports both the Cathedral and the King, who are likely to be on opposite sides
20:37:35 [Feydor]: I can only see that leading to interesting RP
20:37:37 [Luciroz]: Then you'll have to choose
20:37:39 [Vartus]: Agreed.
20:37:45 [Swindle]: Faith or State?
20:37:49 [Luciroz]: Aye
20:37:50 [Sedalli]: indeed
20:37:52 [Bellorn]: "A king is nothing without his people".
20:37:54 [Jayanti]: To be honest Valestrion, I don't see why you should feel you're divided
20:37:59 [Braiden]: The King can't logicaly be blamed for the cataclysm either case. If the church were to take his side the commoners would rage even more.
20:37:59 [Valestrion]: The problem is that the decision is easy, but that it will destroy everything I have worked for recently
20:38:02 [Sedalli]: could give your guild very interesting infighting rp
20:38:05 [Bellorn]: The choice is clear. BETRAY YOUR KING FOR THE KINGDOM!
20:38:06 [Jayanti]: Both king and cathedral would try to support society
20:38:09 [Julia]: Indeed, its life. A lot of hard choices. And that's what we're RPing, right? Life.
20:38:11 [Genevìève]: Gen and Sophyra shall pen a Traty of Westphalia.
20:38:18 [Drazial]: What Julia said.
20:38:23 [Genevìève]: Then there'll be no more Church and state. Only his Majesty.
20:38:33 [Bellorn]: RP'ing life? D: Then give my character a computer and I'll buy one quickly!
20:38:34 [Lexgrad]: dont worry too much, it will all be ok by the spring
20:38:37 [Valestrion]: There will always be the Church
20:38:43 [Valestrion]: The Disciples will always put the Light first
20:38:48 [Genevìève]: Church of Stormwind?
20:38:58 [Lexgrad]: heresy
20:39:03 [Genevìève]: *throws the Faolian Papists from the Kingdom*
20:39:09 [Jayanti]: But Valestrion, that doesn't mean you have to oppose the king if you don't want to
20:39:09 [Aleric]: I think in order to improve things we need to be willing to take risks.
20:39:15 [Braiden]: I can see Anethion getting recruits
20:39:34 [Greagoir]: The Chapter could definitely make a 'This is Light's judgement for our sins' out of it.
20:39:35 [Vartus]: I am sure that with the right OOC communication the amount of problems that the involved people face can be greatly reduced.
20:39:37 [Valestrion]: If we are forced to choose between the welfare of the people and supporting the King, we will always support the wellbeing of the people
20:39:44 [Braiden]: I mean come on, it's not like it's awesome for us nobles to have an angry mob at our tails
20:39:47 [Genevìève]: The Seal's on the King's side, end of. Yeah, there could be Religious nigglings, but I doubt it. The Cathedral knows what side it's bread is buttered on.
20:39:48 [Braiden]: but it's fun
20:39:49 [Valestrion]: So this event will force the Disciples of Light out of Stormwind
20:39:55 [Julia]: At the end of the day. It's just another event. Soon enough we'll be back at the boring everyday "there is no RP anywhere!" whining. Whats the harm in something new and unique then.
20:39:58 [Jayanti]: But why would they be in opposition?
20:40:11 [Jayanti]: It's not that the king will be hoarding food under a unforseen famine
20:40:11 [Vartus]: Why would it force DoL out of SW?
20:40:12 [Valestrion]: If they are not in opposition, it's not civil unrest
20:40:27 [Sador]: Oi' How about a vote?
20:40:29 [Vartus]: Nobody can banish you or decide for the King.
20:40:31 [Braiden]: It will not, it's not necessairly a civil war
20:40:38 [Drazial]: Aye, vote.
20:40:39 [Jayanti]: Just... riots
20:40:39 [Luciroz]: I say we run this idea atleast to the end of the year
20:40:40 [Swindle]: A civil war might even worsen the situation of the church. On a side the Anethioneans, on another the Dol, on another the LA...Even a religious civil war.
20:40:42 [Bellorn]: The church could also say: "We take no side in the conflict between the King and his people", right?
20:40:42 [Lexgrad]: they can be like the red cross, tut the king, heal the peasence but not join in
20:40:44 [Drazial]: This would present some interesting RP the guard guilds, I approve whole-heartedly.
20:40:44 [Valestrion]: Is the whole point of civil unrest that it places the people against the state?
20:41:06 [Vartus]: Do we have have anybody representing the Church?
20:41:08 [Braiden]: The DoL can take a stance to aid the masses without actually punching nobles and tax collectors in the face.
20:41:22 [Valestrion]: I represent the Church as much as anyone
20:41:26 [Genevìève]: Not true, Valestrion. Look at the UK riots.
20:41:31 [Bellorn]: Even the heretics from Duskwood?
20:41:41 [Valestrion]: Those weren't riots, they were mass burglarly
20:41:49 [Drazial]: Let's not get bogged down.
20:41:52 [Drazial]: Let's move on and vote.
20:41:54 [Genevìève]: Civil unrest. *shrugs*
20:41:54 [Sedalli]: it is still rioting
20:42:12 [Aleric]: I think Valestrion's concern should be properly addressed before we move on.
20:42:14 [Jayanti]: Basically... civil unrest means chaos on the streets. No more, no less
20:42:15 [Braiden]: Don't look at it as a civil war were your men must fight the power.
20:42:23 [Sedalli]: rioting means a mass of people fighting in a common cause against another group of peopol and or state
20:42:27 [Drazial]: Very well. *Sits on his thumb*
20:42:36 [Julia]: What's saying the people will side with the Church to begin with? What if the Church does not have the answer either? Then surely in peoples eyes, they'll be just as bad as the state. Because they are -supposed- to have the answer.
20:42:44 [Bellorn]: He basicly don't want to make this RP event because he's afraid that the DoL might be put in a bad position.
20:42:52 [Braiden]: It could be very much a matter of trying to make peace between the sides
20:42:59 [Valestrion]: It's not a question of people siding with the Church. It's a question of the Church siding with the people
20:43:11 [Vartus]: We cannot decide for a massive NPC faction.
20:43:11 [Sador]: What if..? What if we just try to set up the event and roll with it? Shit some times happens.
20:43:14 [Genevìève]: Why would the Church side with the people?
20:43:17 [Sedalli]: if the people are splot so will the church be split
20:43:22 [Valestrion]: The Church will always seek to aid those in difficulty
20:43:24 [Genevìève]: Why?
20:43:30 [Swindle]: Church is as corrupted as the cartel itself, frankly.
20:43:31 [Julia]: And if people begin to vandalize the Church etc?
20:43:36 [Genevìève]: RL Religion would disagree with you.
20:43:39 [Ishap]: because it's supposed to
20:43:43 [Valestrion]: It's not RL religion
20:43:44 [Braiden]: It still does not mean the church will take up arms against the kings men
20:44:02 [Genevìève]: So Stormwind is a perfect society in which only the virtuous attain positions of authority?
20:44:05 [Swindle]: Often church didn't send its men against the state, but its followers.
20:44:05 [Vartus]: If anything the CHurch would remain neutral and watch for whoever has the upper hand
20:44:11 [Feydor]: I think these questions would be far better answered through roleplay, and it'd be fantastic, invoking roleplay at that.
20:44:18 [Genevìève]: I agree with Feydor.
20:44:21 [Vartus]: Agreed with Feydor.
20:44:31 [Braiden]: It basicly means the church would be more likely to try to feed the ones in need and stuff
20:44:33 [Swindle]: I don't disagree with feydor.
20:44:36 [Genevìève]: Go ahead with it and let every guild, character, organisation decide itself whether to defend the people or the King.
20:44:39 [Sedalli]: what better way to see your own alegiances properly than to test it??
20:44:42 [Valestrion]: Aye, Braiden
20:44:57 [Vartus]: Indeed, the unrest is already upon us though.
20:45:00 [Jayanti]: Indeed. And there's nothing wrong with that
20:45:01 [Vartus]: It's been happening all the time
20:45:02 [Julia]: Indeed, I think the Church would remain neutral too. Like a safe haven for either side. Where whomever is injured or need critical aid will/can go in this mess.
20:45:04 [Braiden]: I dont think the kingdom would banish anyone for trying to do that
20:45:05 [Kkoofferra]: whats the name of the guild that roleplays the church if i may know
20:45:14 [Lexgrad]: the DoL doesnt have to be violent in its protest
20:45:20 [Aleric]: ^
20:45:21 [Jayanti]: Or even protest
20:45:22 [Bellorn]: I agree with Genevieve this time. RP and life is all about strife, we need challenges to overcome. You know.
20:45:35 [Vartus]: DoL could be neutral and just guard the Church from vandalism.
20:45:42 [Valestrion]: We wouldn't do that
20:45:50 [Genevìève]: Yeah! Life and RP is all about conflict of interests and opinions. >.>
20:45:50 [Lexgrad]: if it does a we will disapprove and support the people with food...
20:46:04 [Valestrion]: We support the ideals of the Light, not the physical property of the Cathedral
20:46:05 [Aleric]: I think DoL has an amazing opportunity to show how virtuous they are by struggling with this but still remaining true to their ideals and aiding those in need.
20:46:12 [Lexgrad]: then after its over you look like the good guys
20:46:35 [Vartus]: Could we briefly summarize I'm a bit lost =x
20:46:37 [Lexgrad]: maybe ic the kings forces are pissed but who cares!
20:46:43 [Valestrion]: Aye, Aleric, that is exactly how we will have to be, but it will jeopardise other things we are currently working on
20:46:44 [Lexgrad]: you wont get thrown out
20:47:10 [Lexgrad]: there wont be riots every day
20:47:11 [Sedalli]: yes but if you sucsedd it will only shurly strengthen what you are working on no?
20:47:19 [Aleric]: Would you be willing to work with me and any other that is interested to solve those after the meeting or at a later time?
20:47:22 [Vartus]: We're not talking about riots.
20:47:24 [Braiden]: None will blame DoL for helping with wounds, food and water
20:47:29 [Valestrion]: I have put a great deal of effort into trying to improve the Stormwind Army, and now you are putting me in a position where I will be forced to resign
20:47:37 [Vartus]: Nobody is doing that :S
20:47:44 [Aneíra]: Right. Apologies but I need to cut out for now and do stuff out of game, take care o/
20:47:50 [Jayanti]: But Valestrion... noones going to pull in the army against the people
20:47:50 [Braiden]: Resign? Why?
20:47:52 [Aleric]: Take care
20:48:04 [Vartus]: We're not talking about a civil war.
20:48:11 [Valestrion]: So how is it civil unrest if there isn't a need to get someone to control it?
20:48:11 [Ishap]: well should the king call for the army to restore order the disciples would have to refuse
20:48:12 [Vartus]: We're talking about everyday social unrest.
20:48:17 [Bellorn]: How is this event forcing you to do anything other then upholding the Light's ideals? I hope that's what you're doing in the Stormwind Army aswell.
20:48:25 [Valestrion]: Precisely, Ishap
20:48:26 [Julia]: Its the guards that will control it. Not the army.
20:48:28 [Genevìève]: So you think upholding the law would be against DoLs ethics?
20:48:34 [Genevìève]: The army and the guard are the same thing.
20:48:43 [Vartus]: They come under the command of the King.
20:48:45 [Valestrion]: Aye, that was established yesterday at Council
20:48:48 [Lexgrad]: The schroud would be hapy to do the deed if the king wants a slaughter
20:48:52 [Jayanti]: But Valestrion... what if the King -can't do anything? On merit of not having any food either
20:49:56 [Valestrion]: Well, Aleric is in the best position to comment
20:50:03 [Valestrion]: Keeping control will be his responsibility
20:50:15 [Aleric]: And Aleric will have a difficult choice there as well.
20:50:17 [Vartus]: But we're.. not talking about hosting a riot just yet..
20:50:35 [Aleric]: He'll try to balance it. Keep order but still be true to his heart.
20:50:36 [Sador]: Lets leave it at drout for now then?
20:50:38 [Genevìève]: We can't limit plotlines because one guild might be forced to make a difficult choice.
20:50:51 [Valestrion]: So you'll probably end up having to resign too
20:50:53 [Vartus]: Lets leave it at drought, and next week we can progress the whole issue of social unrest.
20:50:59 [Feydor]: Cartel are going to be forced to be slightly nice to others for once, how do you think we feel?
20:50:59 [Genevìève]: Why would anyone have to resign?
20:51:01 [Julia]: Look. It's roleplay.
20:51:04 [Vartus]: ^
20:51:06 [Genevìève]: The King is correct. End of.
20:51:08 [Julia]: If there is a will, there is -always- a way.
20:51:16 [Bellorn]: WHY! Why do people need to resign? It's not like the King says: Go against the Light's will and kill innocent people!..?
20:51:16 [Luciroz]: On a sidenote. What will happen to the northlands like Stromgarde and Lordaeron? Will the drought hit there aswell?
20:51:16 [Aleric]: I'm going say this right now. I am willing to risk my character's position, standing and life to make this work.
20:51:16 [Valestrion]: Because our ideals do not fit with controlling civil unrest
20:51:25 [Genevìève]: Then you are an Anarchist.
20:51:31 [Genevìève]: You and Ravenholdt should work hand in hand.
20:51:35 [Vartus]: This isn't an OOC matter
20:51:40 [Vartus]: Whatever happens IC stays IC
20:51:56 [Bellorn]: The King is the Light's chosen leader of a nation. He should know better then to order someone of Holy interests to do something against his ideals..
20:52:09 [Drazial]: It's a matter that's best left for afters to be discussed by the people involved. I've not got all night. (I do =( )
20:52:34 [Genevìève]: Drazial has a good point. I say we go ahead with drought/famine and see where the plotline takes us.
20:52:40 [Vartus]: Aye.
20:52:42 [Jemerick]: I agree with Draziel.
20:52:43 [Aleric]: Will DoL flat out refuse to participate in this, Valestrion?
20:52:45 [Lexgrad]: if any real bad shit needs to be done, like a blood bath, we can do it (ebon shroud)
20:52:46 [Genevìève]: If that's civil unrest, then every guild character and organisation can decide what to do in response.
20:52:46 [Sedalli]: ay!
20:53:04 [Lexgrad]: we are out of the sw army but are alliance forces
20:53:06 [Genevìève]: If it comes to that, Lex, the Seal will do it. It's part of our oath.
20:54:28 [Lexgrad]: cant the DoL go on a pilgrimage for a week if it gets real bad, pray for rain
20:54:35 [Aleric]: What do we need to get started with this?
20:54:42 [Valestrion]: And leave people to suffer?
20:54:42 [Ishap]: Well if cultists show up trying to make things worse it could be down to the disciples to hunt them down...
20:54:56 [Bellorn]: It seems like that was your idea anyhow, Val.
20:54:59 [Genevìève]: Sophyra and Genevieve could sacrifice some young maidens in the hope of appeasing the Heathen Gods?
20:55:03 [Lexgrad]: Jarric is internal affairs, i can write a speech
20:55:10 [Feydor]: I could sell you them
20:55:17 [Sedalli]: no! you leave ravellia alone gene!!
20:55:19 [Aleric]: Good idea, Lex
20:55:20 [Lexgrad]: Crops failed... keep calm all will be fine ect ect
20:55:22 [Feydor]: Extra for no diseases
20:55:43 [Lexgrad]: do weekly speeches to calm (make angry) the proles
20:55:44 [Swindle]: About time, comrade.
20:55:51 [Aleric]: Every guild should have a role in this. Think hard on it.
20:56:01 [Aleric]: (and organisation)
20:56:06 [Feydor]: Be nice if someone could maybe make a subforum for this plot
20:56:06 [Genevìève]: Every guild can have a role in this.
20:56:07 [Lexgrad]: plus if the house of nobles get their tax idea out too
20:56:16 [Aleric]: What Genevieve said
20:56:18 [Lexgrad]: double whammy for the poor
20:56:20 [Valestrion]: You'd also need the support of the Council
20:56:29 [Valestrion]: The Council would need to coordinate the response
20:56:40 [Valestrion]: How many councillors are here?
20:56:46 [Lexgrad]: ME!
20:56:48 [Swindle]: Aleric.
20:56:51 [Jayanti]: We should probably have a gradual increase in the cost of food. Like first week 100%, second week 200 % and so on... reaching a real higher number eventually
20:56:55 [Lexgrad]: and well up for this
20:56:58 [Aleric]: Me, Julia and Dreth
20:58:29 [Aleric]: We'll need people who ahve done a bit of research in this and post some enlightening things on the forums for everyone to read and be inspired by.
20:58:48 [Jayanti]: What kind of things?
20:58:56 [Lexgrad]: the council and the house of nobles can get on this, ic set the scene and responses
20:59:27 [Lexgrad]: Like appointing a chief rat catcher, food for the masses
20:59:43 [Lexgrad]: rain catchers
20:59:44 [Genevìève]: Cato and Penrith used to be rat catchers!
20:59:48 [Aleric]: Like the effects of drought, how it'd affect society, RL comparissons. You know, the stuff you two are good at.
21:00:02 [Lexgrad]: getting mages and gnomes to use magic technology to make water
21:00:22 [Swindle]: Conjuring ice creams?
21:00:34 [Lexgrad]: and we need to know the extent of the drought
21:00:39 [Jayanti]: Sure.
21:00:42 [Sedalli]: that would only temporery quench thirst
21:00:46 [Lexgrad]: ie if we order arathorian grain?
21:00:52 [Jayanti]: Want a description what happens to the human body during starvation too?
21:00:52 [Aleric]: These are all great ideas. We need to structure them. I suggest that when I do the minutes, I sum up the ideas, post them and then people can sort out who does what on the forum?
21:00:52 [Swindle]: Drought would help gnomes, actually I can't go past the park.
21:01:02 [Genevìève]: I'll do my very bset to inspire people if we get a sub-forum, or a thread.
21:01:03 [Julia]: There is barley any Lex.
21:01:04 [Feydor]: A sub forum would be grand but that's just me
21:01:09 [Julia]: Stromgarde is a poor, starving nation.
21:01:14 [Fimbles]: Whaddid I miss?
21:01:14 [Julia]: In war, no less.
21:01:16 [Aleric]: What you think would be relevant, Jayanti.
21:01:30 [Aleric]: I trust your judgement.
21:01:32 [Lexgrad]: getting an expedition to the jungle for food
21:01:38 [Sador]: I'm off, i'll catch up on the forums, love the drout though.
21:01:46 [Aleric]: Take care Sador
21:02:00 [Lexgrad]: plus supplies from the kingdom can be taken by the cartel to be given to the poor XD
21:02:07 [Swindle]: Black Markets galore.
21:02:07 [Feydor]: naturally
21:02:10 [Aleric]: Julia, can you set us up with a subforum?
21:02:21 [Julia]: Of course.
21:02:36 [Aleric]: Lovely.

21:13:15 [Aleric]: Okay, debriefing time.
21:13:29 [Aleric]: Lightbringers, Adeirid?
21:14:09 [Aleric]: What's been happening with your guild the past month since last meeting? Do you have anything you'd like to advertise?
21:14:40 [Adeírid]: We haven't done anything particualy, and I know nothing to advertise yet.
21:14:55 [Lexgrad]: (make something uber up)
21:15:22 [Adeírid]: That concludes my report.
21:15:24 [Aleric]: Alrighty
21:15:28 [Aleric]: Council
21:16:08 [Aleric]: The Council have had superb attendance the last two times with plenty of RP. Yesterday we even saw the budding of tensions between the nobles and the Council as they flat out denied guard rights for the Seals.
21:16:38 [Aleric]: Lord Jarric Buckholme (played by Dreth/Lexgrad) joined as Minister of Internal Affairs on 1 month trial.
21:16:48 [Aleric]: Fortesgue has once more been sighted in the Council chambers.
21:17:24 [Aleric]: And Education and Trade are still available positions.
21:17:27 [Aleric]: That is all.
21:17:34 [Aleric]: Unless Julia has something?
21:18:11 [Aleric]: *pinches Julia's bottom* Dear?
21:18:14 [Julia]: Haven't been around enough myself to know much more. But I'll start to get some things going soon enough. No point advertising it yet though.
21:18:30 [Aleric]: *nods*
21:18:31 [Julia]: Can always use more help with the paper of course.
21:18:47 [Julia]: Other then that. Nothing for me
21:18:50 [Julia]: from*
21:18:55 [Aleric]: And I could use lack- assistants in the Ministry of Defence!
21:19:18 [Aleric]: Anyway, moving on
21:19:21 [Luciroz]: I need to get going. TLA has nothing new going on as we speak.
21:19:32 [Aleric]: Alright. Catch the minutes on the forum
21:19:40 [Luciroz]: Will do.
21:19:56 [Genevìève]: I'd love to roll a keen young officer/civil servant Aleric. But I couldn't commit enough time to him.
21:20:13 [Vartus]: @ Genevieve, you could roll a killable character.
21:20:28 [Vartus]: For example for Trade so if things go down an official is killed with your permission.
21:20:35 [Aleric]: Moving on.
21:20:37 [Aleric]: Braiden?
21:20:41 [Genevìève]: My only character besides Genevieve who culd be described as active died of old age.
21:20:50 [Aleric]: Our resident pompous jerk.
21:20:55 [Braiden]: Right, I'm awesome and stuff. It had to be said.
21:21:25 [Ishap]: bravo for staying on message
21:22:14 [Braiden]: Now when it comes to House Mistmantles recent activitys there's not anything specific to add. Make sure you show up at the joust on monday, we could use some more participants in respective competitions and some vendors and an announcer
21:22:24 [Lexgrad]: (mention the jousting)
21:23:44 [Braiden]: That is all <Jean Luc Picard voice>
21:24:18 [Aleric]: Drazial, anything from the Banner?
21:26:00 [Drazial]: We've had a few little issuesh in the past weeks ICly, the crew especially in terms of RP. Our Captain wash nicked, our crew assaulted by wayward Death-Knights.. I think our sails got burnt off at one point.
21:26:32 [Drazial]: We've been busy, anyway.. ash for things people in this raid may care about, i've nothing much to report other than the acknowledgement that the shard RP for the Eotdr has begun.
21:27:10 [Drazial]: So *Drinks another shulfuron slammer* nothing really, Aleric.
21:27:53 [Aleric]: reps from EotDR here tonight...right?
21:28:08 [Swindle]: As far as I know..
21:28:18 [Aleric]: Hm.
21:28:19 [Swindle]: Their GM, Ondius is being busy IRL and so he couldn't attend.
21:28:19 [Drazial]: Nae', though the man who wash shetting it up hash decided he'sh not going to be RPing heavy-duty to manage it ash he shhould. ...hic!
21:28:35 [Aleric]: *nods*
21:28:39 [Drazial]: I've taken the reignsh of overseeing the eventsh for those involved, and any updatesh shhould be thrown my way or posted in the shub-forum.
21:29:54 [Aleric]: Cartel!
21:30:27 [Swindle]: So...Our drugs are back, shrooms, cigarettes and whatever. In fact you might have seen us riding animals while high or robbing completely knackered.
21:31:02 [Swindle]: And so the Den is once again open ( Whisper Feydor for further information), we are planning again the illegal fights with a new gambling system which should make everything easier and swindles will be more common as well.
21:31:08 [Ishap]: *is going to be robbing cartel members*
21:31:49 [Swindle]: More over, we are gonna hold a block party in the Dwarven District as well as creating a newspaper which comes from the point of view of the street hobo.
21:32:13 [Swindle]: In the end, we're making troubles around and chasing crocodiles which dwell in the canals And whisper Ezlbag "29-47".
21:32:27 [Swindle]: PS. Face our team of Battleball! We'll crush you and turn you inside out.
21:32:42 [Fimbles]: Battleball ftw
21:32:56 [Swindle]: Shady Lady Beaters, that was the name, if I recall correctly.
21:33:21 [Aleric]: Anything else?
21:33:30 [Swindle]: Nah, that's all, and now the weather forecast.
21:33:49 [Aleric]: COGS! Report for duty.
21:33:54 [Fimbles]: Yus
21:34:09 [Fimbles]: Well we've been up to lots despite being a newly formed guild.
21:34:33 [Fimbles]: However, what we've been up to in Stormwind is small but we plan to be venturing in here more!
21:35:10 [Fimbles]: You'll probablly see us around the Deeprun tram and the Dwarven District with some of our scientists in the cathedral and old town.
21:35:55 [Fimbles]: In Stormwind we've been running tests on cats by making them fly and trying to find a cure from the most perculior things, so don't be schocked if a gnome or two start testing you.
21:36:27 [Fimbles]: And we are also going to do some training here so look out for marching gnomes.
21:36:46 [Fimbles]: And dats basically it for what we're up to in Stormwind :S
21:36:59 [Fimbles]: You'll catch us more in NTT and IF
21:37:12 [Genevìève]: Not sure if you're open to non-guild membership/participation. But we recently recruited a six man gnome PvP team.
21:38:15 [Aleric]: Alright then
21:38:25 [Aleric]: Lady Genevieve?
21:38:36 [Fimbles]: Nice, and gnomes are welcome (even if not in the guild) to participate in some guild events ^^ some hoiwerver are top secret and I'd have to slice you if I told you.
21:39:04 [Genevìève]: Sure. Right...
21:39:46 [Genevìève]: Last month was chaos, returning from a month away from the server and the guild. Most of the time was spent kicking people back into RP mode, re-enforcing the uniform, and attending other peoples events. Very boring for all of you.
21:41:05 [Genevìève]: What we're working on though is several events next week with a variety of guilds. Braiden's hosting a Joust, we'll be hosting a hunt which has taken some inspiration from the Blades style of rolls and RP, Blades for Hire have their Steel Boot on
21:41:33 [Genevìève]: the Wednesday which we're taking a small part in, followed by a feast, where you get to eat what you caught on teh Thursday, and a Baptism of sorts between the Chapter and Fortesgue on Friday.
21:41:54 [Genevìève]: Eira and Tarvik's demon spawn need names, afterall.
21:42:34 [Genevìève]: That's all.
21:43:17 [Aleric]: The Most Holy Chapter of His Revered Excellence Antheion, the Prophet of the Light to Humanity.
21:43:36 [Greagoir]: Oh, yes!
21:43:53 [Lexgrad]: Hail anethion brother Greagoir
21:44:05 [Fimbles]: Right well, I'm logging.
21:44:10 [Fimbles]: I'll check the forums!
21:44:27 [Fimbles]: (Logging in from holiday so gonna continue with it)
21:44:34 [Fimbles]: REMEMBER COGS WAS HERE! *nod*
21:44:34 [Greagoir]: The Chapter has had an increase in cultists and evil dudes to fight this past month. We've had several encounters with The Ebon Shroud and Lexgard, putting into practice all the awesome ideas Exaythe has worked out...
21:45:26 [Greagoir]: In the past few days we've had a joint event with the Blades, a Disciple of Light... and Jezzek, Mordazan, Edvarden and Ondius.
21:45:39 [Nifty]: And MArticore
21:45:42 [Greagoir]: Which lead to more interogations of Marticore and Edvarden...
21:45:44 [Greagoir]: Indeed.
21:46:05 [Greagoir]: Which is now leading to more plots with Jezzek's sister, as jezzek is now ICly dead.
21:47:23 [Greagoir]: Osmand is back from a weeks holiday, so there will be masses and such for people to attend..
21:47:41 [Greagoir]: and as mentioned, we will help the Seal with the baptism of their nether-touched baby.
21:48:21 [Greagoir]: That is all!
21:48:37 [Aleric]: Disciples. Ishap? Valestrion?
21:48:56 [Valestrion]: Well, early part of the month, we were still on campaign
21:49:02 [Valestrion]: Not a lot to report since then
21:49:17 [Valestrion]: JP will be less active now, on the grounds that he became a dad at the weekend
21:49:24 [Vartus]: :O:O
21:49:25 [Genevìève]:
21:49:29 [Kittrina]: :O
21:49:30 [Braiden]:
21:49:36 [Aleric]: Hoorah for JP!
21:49:40 [Valestrion]: That's IRL of course
21:49:48 [Greagoir]: :p
21:49:58 [Valestrion]: Ishap has now been promoted to be Lieutenant of Arms
21:49:58 [Braiden]: Let's send him a picure showing our appritiation, everyone get naked!
21:50:07 [Drazial]: *Zip* ...hic!
21:50:14 [Swindle]: Done.
21:50:20 [Lexgrad]: im naked now....
21:50:32 [Lexgrad]: IC anyway (new armour needed XD)
21:50:59 [Valestrion]: Ishap will be running more patrols and training exercises
21:51:04 [Genevìève]: Barean knows how you feel. A pair of villainous wenches may have stolen all his possessions.
21:51:30 [Ishap]: hopefully training with the regiment as well
21:51:34 [Valestrion]: Aye
21:51:40 [Aleric]: That sounds really good.
21:51:46 [Valestrion]: And the Disciples are now closely allied with a couple of other Orders
21:51:55 [Valestrion]: The Shining Strand and the Order of the Lion
21:51:59 [Aleric]: Think the Banner could be part of that (if they want)?
21:52:05 [Swindle]: Order of the Lion?
21:52:08 [Aleric]: Order of the Lion is Seiken's?
21:52:13 [Valestrion]: No, Morty's
21:52:18 [Aleric]: Ah, right
21:52:21 [Tarvik]: Isn't he in Bloodwind?
21:52:23 [Genevìève]: Seiken's guild disbanded.
21:52:24 [Valestrion]: It's an Order for people in non-RP guilds
21:52:29 [Valestrion]: It's not a guild
21:52:39 [Lexgrad]: the wraith lords is called 12th legion...something like that
21:52:46 [Vartus]: he disbanded it already.
21:52:48 [Swindle]: Disbanded.
21:52:49 [Lexgrad]: oh
21:53:01 [Valestrion]: Seiken's guild was 10th Legion and, aye, he has disbanded it and joined the Kingdom of Stromgarde
21:53:17 [Aleric]: Focus on DoL for now
21:53:20 [Valestrion]: Well, I think he set it up for a particular purpose, only to discover that other people were already working on it
21:54:07 [Valestrion]: So, anyway, the Shining Strand and the Order of the Lion have both been given access to our forums, and will be invited to all our events
21:54:46 [Valestrion]: The Order of the Lion will also be following the Disciples path to Knighthood
21:55:20 [Lexgrad]: good idea
21:55:44 [Valestrion]: I think that's about all from me
21:56:08 [Ishap]: if the banner or anyone else want in on the training just give me a shout in answer to alerics question
21:56:22 [Drazial]: *Tipsh head*
21:57:12 [Aleric]: Jayanti then
21:57:26 [Jayanti]: Just here representing the Technocratic Republic
21:57:46 [Jayanti]: We just recently started up a project to establish ourselves as traders and hope to work with all of you
21:57:55 [Jayanti]: We're also looking for more people
21:58:36 [Jayanti]: The idea is primarily to trade with industrial goods and products and then physically transport it in small events
21:58:48 [Jayanti]: But if interest is big enough, we might expand
21:59:03 [Jayanti]: That's it from us
21:59:53 [Aleric]: Alright, thank you for the introduction.
21:59:59 [Aleric]: Blades?
22:00:04 [Kittrina]: Right
22:00:12 [Kittrina]: Some of you may or may not know, but karlak has left WoW for a few reasons and the Blades has been passed on to me.It's not known if he's coming back or not, at the moment. Guild is continuing as usual however.
22:00:31 [Kittrina]: We have Steel Boot next week, this month we've been up to the usual, a variety of job, including pretty awesome little aritfact recovery quest with Swindle,a second Racing event, and a job with the Chapter killing a Bad Bad man which Greag mentioned.
22:00:56 [Kittrina]: Also a pretty nice PvP training event with SWR regiment.
22:01:03 [Kittrina]: We're also taking part in the EotDR plot, which should be...iiiinteresting.
22:01:32 [Kittrina]: That's more or less a brief summary.
22:02:08 [Aleric]: Vartus then.
22:02:57 [Vartus]: Unfortunately, I have little to reveal of what our aims or planned events contain. Everything is kept to the people involved, and currently nobody from here has been directly contacted, HOWEVER, soon we wish to spread cultsm and the damned in general so
22:03:09 [Vartus]: an appearance in possibly high ranking official places will be made by several, dubious characters.
22:03:45 [Vartus]: We have no wish of putting anybody at an ultimatum and our understanding of the villain versus good concept has been, accepted by the guild - we cannot win anything but we can however hold the strings.
22:03:56 [Vartus]: That is all regarding our presence in the Kingdom of Stormwind.
22:04:21 [Valestrion]: Glad to hear that, Vartus. One of the biggest problems with cultists is that they think they can win
22:04:30 [Valestrion]: So it's refreshing to hear that you have considered that
22:04:34 [Vartus]: Control, is the victory we are going to.
22:04:52 [Valestrion]: I'd like to suggest something here
22:04:52 [Drazial]: Good will always triumph over against evil! *Stoic pose* 8D
22:05:00 [Vartus]: Go for it.
22:05:07 [Valestrion]: Regarding cells for people arrested
22:05:07 [Ishap]: Well Zaraj won for a while...
22:05:12 [Aleric]: Finally!
22:05:20 [Aleric]: Genevieve have something to add.
22:05:21 [Valestrion]: Generally, there are two places people can be held when arrested
22:05:22 [Lexgrad]: be like a baddy wrestler, you will get beeten by the goodie in the end. Doesnt mean you cant have fun before that XD
22:05:25 [Genevìève]: I was going to mention Zaraj.
22:05:32 [Valestrion]: The Command Centre, and the Cathedral
22:05:51 [Valestrion]: We have always played that the Cathedral cells are resilient to magic
22:06:04 [Lexgrad]: so are the command centres
22:06:18 [Drazial]: The Lady Proudmoore's brig has been used a few times, as an addition to whatever consideration you are about to throw up.
22:06:20 [Valestrion]: Well, I was going to suggest that we relax that on the Command Centre cells
22:06:29 [Valestrion]: It would give cultists a chance
22:06:40 [Valestrion]: If they are locked up in the Cathedral, then they are held securely
22:06:50 [Valestrion]: But if they are held at the Command Centre, magic might get them out
22:06:51 [Aleric]: But it would also make the Regiment dependant on Church officials
22:06:58 [Braiden]: It's already happening alot to be frank, people using a buttload of magic to get out there
22:07:00 [Genevìève]: Who would hold them in the Cathedral?
22:07:04 [Valestrion]: Isn't that appropriate for shadow using criminals?
22:07:06 [Lexgrad]: tbh escape rp again and again pisses off guards
22:07:13 [Lexgrad]: but its samians call
22:07:17 [Drazial]: If it's done well.
22:07:18 [Valestrion]: Fair enough
22:07:20 [Valestrion]: Just a suggestion
22:07:22 [Drazial]: It's usually done poorly.
22:07:28 [Lexgrad]: agreed
22:07:35 [Aleric]: He'll read this and make up his mind.
22:07:38 [Lexgrad]: if you ooc plan a break fair enough
22:07:43 [Genevìève]: If we're going to use the Cathedral as a 'holding centre' you need to have constant activity there.
22:07:50 [Kittrina]: Agreed (on escaped being badly done/too frequent atm) tbh
22:07:55 [Lexgrad]: but its the 0100-one guildy on breaks
22:07:57 [Genevìève]: You can't hold prisoners if you don't have a large amount of active members to provide them with RP.
22:08:01 [Valestrion]: We have no objection to the Stormwind Regiment coming into the Cathedral
22:08:11 [Jayanti]: Not to mention that holding them in the cathedral implies using innocents as a shield
22:08:26 [Aleric]: good point
22:08:36 [Braiden]: Are you holding them in the catacombs then?
22:08:39 [Braiden]: O_o
22:08:39 [Drazial]: I think this is a different issue all together.
22:08:42 [Valestrion]: We have done in the past
22:08:45 [Genevìève]: The Cathedral should be a place of worship. And the catacombs should be respected.
22:08:48 [Braiden]: that's were the dead lies...
22:08:56 [Valestrion]: They are used rarely
22:09:08 [Genevìève]: You don't find the Vatican Guard tearing up catacombs below Saint Peter's to hold criminals.
22:09:14 [Braiden]: That I'd say is massive heresy
22:09:16 [Tarvik]: But that'd rock
22:09:27 [Valestrion]: Particularly they are used when a prisoner is to be exorcised or something like that
22:09:28 [Adeírid]: And they say Necromancy is bad.
22:09:29 [Lexgrad]: roiters in london... take them to west minister XD
22:09:42 [Braiden]: In the catacombs?
22:09:59 [Valestrion]: Aye, we have a cell in the catacombs
22:10:03 [Vartus]: I think, officially the jail cells should be the command centre.
22:10:04 [Aleric]: Genevieve, you had something to say?
22:10:11 [Vartus]: Unofficiially for cultists and darker people, the catacombs.
22:10:14 [Genevìève]: I'm happy to wait for this discussion to end.
22:10:23 [Vartus]: Unofficially being "last option"
22:10:27 [Braiden]: Right, my mind is kinda blown but right
22:11:21 [Lexgrad]: just shoot them XD
22:11:40 [Genevìève]: There's been a lot of talk amongst the 'old school' Seals, who were around when we could be described as the guard guild, about taking that on as a part of our guild. Not as the entire theme but as an option. We've already been running patrols and
22:11:57 [Genevìève]: with the intent of upholding the law and last night applied for 'guard rights'.
22:12:16 [Braiden]: Well that went crap
22:12:27 [Genevìève]: I was told that there was some OOC resistance to such an addition to the Seals role.
22:12:38 [Vartus]: You should go to Stormwind Regiment and give them a few men/women under their supervision, would work smoother imo.
22:12:55 [Lexgrad]: dont know about that
22:12:56 [Valestrion]: Just to make it clear, my objection was entirely IC
22:13:08 [Lexgrad]: ic i dont care really XD
22:13:26 [Feydor]: out of interest what guilds currently have 'guard rights'?
22:13:32 [Lexgrad]: ooc if you get it then guards are the SWR, the Banner, DoL and the seal
22:13:35 [Swindle]: Banner, Regiment.
22:13:38 [Vartus]: army of the damned erhm.
22:13:42 [Genevìève]: For better or worse the Regiment are the Shields. We're not putting our men under their command.
22:14:07 [Feydor]: 4 guilds with guard rights is quite a lot for the small number of criminal guilds thatd be my only concern
22:14:08 [Lexgrad]: if there are 4 guards tho...
22:14:11 [Valestrion]: You weren't asked to, Gen
22:15:25 [Lexgrad]: i dont see why the DoL have them either TBH.
22:15:44 [Vartus]: sw army bsns
22:15:46 [Valestrion]: Ours is an honorary appointment for historical reasons
22:15:48 [Greagoir]: ...Or the Chapter >_>
22:15:49 [Genevìève]: The Seal's IC reasoning for this is the following.
22:16:02 [Ishap]: mostly for cultists as well
22:16:03 [Genevìève]: One of our members was kidnapped a few weeks ago.
22:16:12 [Genevìève]: The Banner and the Regiment have been informed and have been unable to do anything about it.
22:16:25 [Drazial]: *Nod*
22:16:30 [Drazial]: True enough.
22:16:42 [Drazial]: But that was due to not having the powers or the evidence.
22:16:49 [Lexgrad]: doesnt mean you need guard rights XD
22:16:51 [Genevìève]: The Seal's intentions with guard rights is not to become 'the guard' guild. I've had enough of that.
22:16:54 [Braiden]: Well in that case noble households could claim the same rights as protectors of the kingdom really I'd say lobbying for more privilidges via the House of Nobles may be an idea
22:17:01 [Genevìève]: We have an insider who can name and describe each member, Draz.
22:17:27 [Genevìève]: The intent is to allow the Seal/House of Nobles to take matters into their own hands rather than rely upon the Council's guards.
22:17:40 [Drazial]: Unless I've got a guard witnessing someone being tied up or held in a place known to be associated with someone or have good reasoning.. I can't go smashing in places looking for supposed kidnapped people.
22:17:50 [Feydor]: but its very liable to get used for other purposes
22:17:50 [Genevìève]: Exactly.
22:17:58 [Aleric]: There is only one city guard. There is no division.
22:18:09 [Genevìève]: Banner, Regiment, DoL?
22:18:18 [Aleric]: And countless NPCs.
22:18:22 [Lexgrad]: XD
22:18:26 [Vartus]: I think you need to make the guard the way the Stormwind Army is formed
22:18:31 [Braiden]: Well in that case I dont really see an issue, just drop off prisoners with a report of crimes to the guards or if possible administer punishment and leave an report.
22:18:32 [Vartus]: An inter-guild coalition of men and women.
22:18:50 [Lexgrad]: Banner and regiment are "SW army and navy" DoL are church and seal are a noble house...
22:18:52 [Vartus]: With it's own selected hierarchy that reports to Aleric(?)
22:19:00 [Genevìève]: The Seal are not just a noble house.
22:19:06 [Genevìève]: We're Wrynn's armed forces.
22:19:12 [Genevìève]: In the same way that Mistmantle is.
22:19:15 [Lexgrad]: ish
22:19:16 [Feydor]: from a criminals perspective with 4 guard guilds, the amount of active folks with guard rights would far outnumber us, perhaps swindle and nifty would chip in with their view.
22:19:34 [Aleric]: I would like to hear them.
22:19:45 [Drazial]: Criminals aren't always doing nefarious things on the streets, you need more guards than criminals to catch them without metagaming it, Feydor.
22:19:53 [Drazial]: Or arranging us coming across a mugging etc.
22:20:11 [Vartus]: ... I actually agree with that, more guards than criminals.
22:20:18 [Feydor]: Around 4-5folks got arrested 1-2 days ago so its not like we're getting off scott free.
22:20:18 [Vartus]: It's not supposed to be equal numbers.
22:20:41 [Lexgrad]: criminals should have a few more wins than loses
22:20:42 [Drazial]: Of course not. But where would the RP be if it were easy for you to walk about and do what you wish? It's easy enough as-is.
22:20:47 [Feydor]: I haven't said it's meant to be, currently we are outnumbered, as it should be, but I fear complete outnumbering
22:20:55 [Drazial]: ...Aye, a valid concern.
22:21:07 [Genevìève]: We avoid the Dwarven District as a matter of IC principal.
22:21:11 [Drazial]: I think the ratios are good as they are.
22:21:43 [Genevìève]: It's not going to change what we do. Either we'll do it with the Council's blessing, or without.
22:21:54 [Genevìève]: Just as it's not going to change hte Seal's focus.
[Note: Time difference due to two different logs being used.]
23:21:12 [Aleric]: If you do it without, it'll be hell.
23:21:27 [Lexgrad]: why dont you just kick their arses, why do you need guards rights?
23:21:30 [Aleric]: Arrests, IC sanctions against the House.
23:21:34 [Aleric]: Fines.
23:21:40 [Genevìève]: That's the point, Lexgrad. Wink
23:21:44 [Vartus]: Inter-guild coalition Stormwind Guard led by known military experts!
23:21:44 [Swindle]: I wouldn't mind seeing more patrols , guards breaking into houses and doing whatever to stop criminal groups. But if guards got too many, robbing would be truly impossible. Rather than seeing many guilds with guards' rights, I'd prefer over some guilds -
23:21:52 [Swindle]: With those rights and other who behave as vigilantes.
23:21:53 [Lexgrad]: if the blades got kidnapped, they wouldnt use the guards or try to be guards
23:22:03 [Drazial]: What twiggle said.
23:22:13 [Drazial]: Swindle..
23:22:16 [Genevìève]: Well that's what we're doing, vigilante-ism. But that's proposterous IC considering what the Seal is.
23:22:17 [Swindle]: Sup?
23:22:18 [Drazial]: Ehh. Stupid.. addon
23:23:16 [Genevìève]: The way it's worked out Tarvik has ended up being on par with the Council. The Seal are his equivolent of the Banner/Regiment.
23:23:17 [Drazial]: ICly, the guards have enough rights and how we act is fair to the citizenry. Situations like these kidnappings are just as difficult in the real-world to handle as in here. We can't be given rights to go smashing into the Shady Lady for example.
23:23:52 [Drazial]: We don't need more guards, do we really needs more rights? I'm not sure where this is heading.
23:23:53 [Genevìève]: Along with Mistmantle.
23:24:18 [Genevìève]: Of course we don't need more rights. And if you don't need more guards, kindly get our Groundskeeper back. Wink
23:24:53 [Aleric]: Alright, I think people have been properly briefed on what is going on on that front as well, Genevieve.
23:24:58 [Greagoir]: The Chapter will get him back if you give us soph.
23:24:59 [Genevìève]: If we don't get rights, which is perfectly reasonable IC for the Council to do, try and 'constrain' the Seal's power.
23:25:05 [Braiden]: Frankly it could be said to be self defense if you smack down people fucking with you or fuck up people that kidnaps your men
23:26:45 [Aleric]: The Ebon Shroud needs to speak.
23:29:15 [Lexgrad]: Well we are an Ebon Knight guild. Almost identical to the Ebon knights. We just have our own command. We are under the command of Mograine
23:30:13 [Lexgrad]: the guild is allied to the alliance, and will occasionally come to SW
23:30:46 [Lexgrad]: To sum up the guild you might like ther help and value their skills, but you will hate their methods
23:31:48 [Lexgrad]: Event wise we are looking to event with more guilds. We are in the shard event. We are going to hunt a scourge cult and dragon soon with the elves. (will need some extras. So far the blades have offered help)
23:32:33 [Lexgrad]: I want a small event with every guild hopefully dso expect a poke or get intouch if you have an idea
23:33:20 [Lexgrad]: Hope to rp with you all soon
23:39:24 [Aleric]: Meeting is over. Thanks for coming everyone.

Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 39
Location : Luleå, Sweden

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Name: Sir Aleric Dylain
Title: Knight

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Minutes Empty Re: Minutes

Post by Aleric Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:45 pm

20:09:16 Aleric: Welcome one and all to this spectacle of silliness and tomfoolery as Silferdrake would've said.
20:09:48 Aleric: Now that I got your attention *peers* let us get down to business, shall we?
20:10:46 Aleric: Shame Lorainne isn't here.
20:10:53 Aleric: Or is she?
20:11:01 Braiden: I'll poke the fuck out of him on skype if he's on
20:11:15 Braiden: he's not
20:11:19 Aleric: Oh well
20:11:34 Lexgrad: Come now first order of business.
20:11:38 Aleric: Gahalla, Lex, I think you are as much on top of things as anyone when it comes to the drought/famine event.
20:11:45 Fàwn: 'evening.
20:11:47 Lexgrad: nod
20:12:35 Jingleberry: The berry will be your friends.
20:12:41 Aleric: How are things progressing up to this date? What is coming up this month?
20:13:08 Lexgrad: so the famine. I am getting a Jarric event sorted now, hopefully for this week or next.
20:13:13 Fàwn: Concerning the famine, or the revolution in general.?..
20:13:25 Jayanti: Well.... I've started running the bakcground stuff. All I need is for you guys to start filling it with events and cool stuff Smile
20:13:29 Aleric: They are linked so both are relevant.
20:13:55 Lexgrad: I thought it could be an idea to get one person from each guild as ooc famine officer, a contact to help the guilds get into this.
20:14:13 Jingleberry: Well we've got Gahalla:D
20:14:20 Fortesgue: Gahalla is ours.
20:14:22 Cyrdain: I'd agree Lexgrad.
20:14:24 Fortesgue: So no, you havent ;p
20:14:29 Fortesgue: and yes, i agree with the idea.
20:14:33 Jingleberry: No She's OURS.
20:14:37 Kittrina: yup good idea.
20:14:44 Jingleberry: She's the gleader in ours so *flex*
20:14:45 Lexgrad: just to poke guilds and pass on infomation, make sure stuff like... bar prices ris for example.
20:14:48 Nástor: I nominate Boplin for the Cartel
20:14:56 Braiden: A famine officer? Well derp, that would be me.
20:14:57 Ezlbag: Nasty shush.
20:15:06 Swindle: Send that peon back to his field.
20:15:06 Boplin: For the what?
20:15:24 Jayanti: But yes, contacts would be useful
20:15:25 Fàwn: .. that's what its all about, peons!
20:15:27 Samian: Pointing out officers sounds like a whole lot of work for no apparent reason
20:15:37 Samian: Just getting in touch with any officer should be fine surely
20:15:37 Jayanti: That way I could help relay information about plots relevant for all the guilds
20:15:38 Fàwn: Agreed, slightly.
20:15:41 Braiden: just contact guilds in general? Razz
20:15:54 Lexgrad: kk so ideas, so far I have the jarric event which will be a joint event in the forest, there will be a fishing compititionb, hunting and gathering.
20:15:57 Fàwn: Just.. tell guilds to pay attention to the forums.
20:16:19 Fortesgue: i have a concern though, with this famine
20:16:22 Cyrdain: Perhaps create a new Defiasrp forum topic, listing the guilds and their representatives if this has not been done already.
20:16:42 Cyrdain: Then one person to feed the information to each rep.
20:16:51 William: Wouldn't it be up to each guild to keep up to date if they're attending?
20:16:53 Jayanti: That one person being me
20:16:59 Aleric: The Stormwind Community board has a sticky with the contact info for all officers of various guilds.
20:17:09 Galedric: I agree with William.
20:17:11 Braiden: I'll have to go with Will on this one
20:17:13 Kittrina: Seems a little needless acutally; surely guild officers can just keep an eye on the forum thread to keep up to date?
20:17:52 Cyrdain: What if they don't?
20:17:56 Fàwn: A lot of the forums is dated, indeed. But that's not a odd thing, seeing things change so fast.
20:17:59 Cyrdain: Or people gradually forget?
20:18:04 Lexgrad: Well the question is will they. It can be hard as GM to keep your eye on a third ball, if you are happy with it then cool.
20:18:11 Jayanti: Fort hda a question?
20:18:32 Fortesgue: i didnt have a question, more of a concern.
20:19:03 Sador: I dont use forums. Though i'd gladly do .. -stuff-
20:19:08 Fortesgue: The forum topic is great, but i do not think the drive is being carried over in game, there isnt an atmosphere for the long term damage that should occur.. i dont know a solution
20:19:19 Fortesgue: i just fear lack of drive will make this a two day and forget campaign
20:19:20 Lexgrad: This is my fear.
20:19:27 Fortesgue: when it has potential to be really good fun
20:19:27 Kittrina: agreed
20:19:34 Azmariel: Frankly speaking... I didn't know about this famine at all until now.
20:19:32 [Fàwn]: That's quite common thing, imo.
20:19:33 [Lexgrad]: Which is why i suggested the ooc role, just to keep poking the guilds in /g and reminding them.
20:19:51 [Fortesgue]: but what about the general people? not everyone is guilded into big guilds
20:19:57 [William]: Suppose a channel might be set up, and whomever wants to keep up to date on stuff could join it?
20:20:01 [Cyrdain]: I can only speak for Eyes here but I know we are not involved yet in any way. I understand that this isn't an RP feeding machine though and people will need to pull their finger out if they want to use it as leverage for RP but.. this way of doing it
20:20:05 [Fortesgue]: we need to bring the atmosphere into the game.
20:20:08 [Cyrdain]: -may- not be so coherent.
20:20:40 [Fàwn]: There is a channel.
20:20:42 [Fàwn]: RC
20:20:44 [Jayanti]: Basically... the only way this will happen is if we all play it
20:20:48 [Fortesgue]: i love the forum topic, i just wonder if we could all do a little more to guide the event?
20:20:50 [Amaryl]: I believe channels and forum posts and forum threads and vent channels, and news papers will not have an effect on this. What we need are events.
20:20:51 [William]: Then there should be no problem, surely?
20:20:53 [Braiden]: Well we for one are going for a tax collection event because them damn lazy farmers aint paying their taxes with the failed harvest and all.
20:21:00 [Lexgrad]: Indeed this isnt a big obvious campaign like a W PvP event, it is quite a dry rp plot, it needs commitment from anomber of people to really drive it home.
20:21:06 [Amaryl]: we need events and an idea regarding the time-line
20:21:16 [Amaryl]: not more ooc talk.
20:21:25 [Cyrdain]: You can't always rely on every guild being 100% up to date on the happenings without any imput from an organiser or third party.
20:21:28 [Fortesgue]: perhaps we can use the Ingame calendar aswell?
20:21:41 [Amaryl]: The good thing, I have a recurring event idea. that i unfortunately, can't do. but!
20:21:41 [Fàwn]: Smart suggestion.
20:21:58 [Cyrdain]: Yes.
20:22:17 [Cyrdain]: Perhaps have each guild rep be invited to the dates that matter?
20:22:45 [Cyrdain]: Then it is up to them to pass it on and make sure their guild is informed and participating.
20:23:05 [Fortesgue]: hmmm
20:23:21 [Fortesgue]: i still think we need more events as Amy says, people will not react to anything lest they see suffering on the streets
20:23:41 [Fortesgue]: can we organise some suffering? can everyone actually pledge to be effected, and play the effects, in some way?
20:23:53 [Amaryl]: We can.
20:23:57 [Lexgrad]: Alot can be made by the community, muggings for food, or robbing shops. Bar prices rising.
20:24:00 [Cyrdain]: Can't see why not.
20:24:01 [Kittrina]: Suggestion; how about at some point a few people make 'mob' alts. General rampage/riot, people can be killed as just little alts, tensions can raise soemwhat.
20:24:11 [Jayanti]: Just plain complaining out loud is good
20:24:13 [Fortesgue]: well, as Amy said, dont use alts
20:24:15 [Fortesgue]: Cartel?
20:24:21 [Fortesgue]: Can you kick some stuff off?
20:24:26 [Swindle]: Actually...
20:24:28 [Ezlbag]: Hmm, mugging for food rioting all that?
20:24:31 [Fortesgue]: yeh
20:24:53 [Nástor]: Thing is, mugging for food won't work as who carries food on them?
20:24:57 [Lexgrad]: Thing is if it is event driven then the atmosphere is there for just the events, to really make it the guilds and rpers need to rp this out of events.
20:24:58 [Cyrdain]: The Eyes and RHS may be able to rustle something up too.
20:25:02 [Swindle]: Well....right this morning, we planned some stuff to propose, and we'll gladly make troubles for bread and stuff like that.
20:25:12 [Ezlbag]: Robbing shops Nasty.
20:25:13 [Fortesgue]: you can rob buildings though
20:25:16 [Fortesgue]: cause rukus
20:25:37 [Nástor]: We'd need people to run these shops and stuff
20:25:41 [Lexgrad]: As someone said, making it a topic of conversation too.
20:25:48 [Ezlbag]: Smashing up the local baker etc.
20:25:54 [Sador]: The Regiment have a food supply, its Samians.. but you can rob that.
20:26:10 [Boplin]: Can we rob the blades?
20:26:15 [Cyrdain]: Sounds more like a Cartel job to me.
20:26:18 [Cyrdain]: Robbing food.
20:26:30 [Fàwn]: Cartel..
20:26:35 [Kittrina]: We don't have much food...but we do have beer at the pig.
20:26:47 [Nástor]: I believe we were going to rob some farms as well?
20:27:01 [Fàwn]: Y'know.. the guild I recently created is devoted to the rebellion. We will do some robbings.
20:27:04 [Fàwn]: And share, offc.
20:27:13 [Swindle]: Bad Fawn *rolls the newspaper*
20:27:15 [Braiden]: and fail ofc
20:27:19 [Fàwn]: The cartel wouldn't share.. >.>'
20:27:22 [Boplin]: And what of the Bulldog Militia? Will they play a part in this?

20:27:29 [Amaryl]: Right, if you read Gahalla's research, the Number one issue that everyone will be facing should be Hunger, increased pricing and the markets run out of food "fast"
20:27:41 [Braiden]: House Mistmantle will be right there to fuck things up for the little man
20:27:55 [Fàwn]: Brai, you'll have your hands full in no time.
20:27:57 [Fàwn]: :')
20:28:04 [Fàwn]: We're collecting hayforks.
20:28:37 [Amaryl]: What we -need- to organise, is a Market day. with a -set- number of clients that we can be served. and that -set- number needs to diminish over time as food dries out.
20:28:51 [Amaryl]: once every week.
20:29:00 [Fàwn]: sounds good. I suggest it to be outside of SW though.
20:29:08 [Lexgrad]: use the harbour
20:29:10 [Amaryl]: No. it should be in SW
20:29:13 [Fàwn]: Aye, harbour.
20:29:15 [Fortesgue]: the harbour, yeh
20:29:16 [William]: Was about to say harbour, yes.
20:29:16 [Amaryl]: since its an SW famine.
20:29:16 [Lexgrad]: There are stalls and stuff there.
20:29:19 [Fàwn]: The rest is too busy/small.
20:29:33 [Fàwn]: The famine would carry further than Sw, offc.
20:29:45 [Nástor]: GHI items and stuff
20:29:46 [Amaryl]: Now, the biggest part is the -set- number of clients you can deliver. if its done there's nomore food for the day no matter how many people are still there.
20:29:47 [Fàwn]: The entire kingdom swells in food but the capital would be starving?.. >.>'
20:29:58 [Azmariel]: And what-about the Cartel creating rusk as the time goes by at that Market?
20:30:02 [Amaryl]: and then people will react like they always react.
20:30:13 [Lexgrad]: Well in the country you can always find food. The city is where folk will die.
20:30:17 [Azmariel]: Get a feeling that people are really growing despreat for the food.
20:30:18 [Ezlbag]: Food runs out? start a riot.
20:30:22 [Lexgrad]: The regiment can keep the peace
20:30:24 [Swindle]: Such kind of market would create, immediately, a black market as it happened during the french revolution or the soviet one.
20:30:34 [Azmariel]: Three Days Grace- Lets Start a Riot
20:30:36 [Azmariel]: 'nuff said.
20:30:45 [Fortesgue]: it would give us a forum in game to actually work with
20:30:50 [Ezlbag]: That fella looked at me funny... RIOT!
20:31:31 [Nástor]: Maybe regular supply caravan events too?
20:31:39 [Fortesgue]: who will run the event?
20:31:39 [Lexgrad]: the prices are rising, currently Jarric is cool with this, means less food is eaten. But soon the price rises will get above the poorests reach, which is when the starvation starts.
20:31:43 [Ezlbag]: But yeah, im thinking some people might start spending their money on drugs to escape from the hunger into pleasant fantasies and chasing the pink dragon, etc.
20:31:48 [Fàwn]: Oh, also.. I made an GHI item. Very simple.. [Rag] It'll be used to. distinguish those who support the revolution.
20:31:51 [Fàwn]: Might come in handy.
20:32:00 [Fàwn]: To create some tension..
20:32:07 [Kittrina]: Just come up with an idea w/Swindle; Blades can send a couple of people out with the food caravans-
20:32:14 [Kittrina]: get jumped by cartel, food stolen etc
20:32:18 [Cyrdain]: With food being such a valuable resource in this famine, could it be possible for the cult to poison/tamper with a source, and have that be roleplayed at one of the Markets?
20:32:25 [Kittrina]: fueling the black market and tensions.
20:32:26 [Swindle]: Cartel, random paesants, fawn's angels and so on.
20:32:27 [Azmariel]: Maybe get someone to create IC Drugs for people... That should be fun.
20:32:35 [Sador]: Thats a great idea! The Regiment offers three meals a day to all its soldiers! Join us now!
20:32:36 [Jayanti]: Yes, Cyrdain. Just make sure to tell me
20:32:37 [Swindle]: Azma...there are already Razz
20:32:45 [Ezlbag]: We allready have Ic drugs Azma
20:32:47 [Amaryl]: but again, if you're delivering food, have a set number of people that can be served, that's the only way when people want to get food at an event and then can't to create tension about hunger ICly.
20:32:47 [Azmariel]: I kinda figgured. <3
20:32:49 [Ezlbag]: Or GHi ones.
20:33:05 [Fàwn]: .. The cartel would stuff drugs in the bread.
20:33:07 [Amaryl]: and have that set number diminish as the famine level gets higher.
20:33:10 [Braiden]: Oh also I was thinking, how about we get the regiment to collect some taxes and stuff from the local establishments and people?
20:33:12 [Fàwn]: So that they're the only sober ones..
20:33:32 [Braiden]: House Mistmantle will be doing the same in Elwynn
20:33:36 [Fortesgue]: and have someone turn into the sheriff from robin hood Very Happy?
20:33:42 [Braiden]: ofc
20:33:48 [Ezlbag]: is this being spread out on the wow-europe forums any?
20:33:59 [Jayanti]: No... but I've been meaning to
20:34:00 [Braiden]: doubt it
20:34:05 [Aleric]: No, it's not.
20:34:06 [Ezlbag]: So that we don't restrict ourselves to just the rpers on the defiasrp forum
20:34:22 [Boplin]: I could just be there all like "I'm a Hobo".
20:34:25 [Nástor]: But then you endanger these events getting trolled by OOCers
20:34:29 [Aleric]: We must not bite off more than we can chew however.
20:47:40 [Lexgrad]: can we get other guilds rp to effect the food stores for market?
20:47:44 [Aleric]: People who are interested can approach Amaryl/Fortesgue.
21:48:14 [Fortesgue]: we will make a topic for market day, and put questions and consensus there
21:48:17 [Fortesgue]: next topic?
21:48:23 [Lexgrad]: soup kitchen
21:48:36 [Jingleberry]: Right before we move on. The Gnomes are doing Fruit! Smile
21:49:00 [Jingleberry]: Gnomes are sellin' fruit.
21:49:03 [Jingleberry]: Nuff said.
21:49:34 [Lexgrad]: Just needs an hour once a week to doll out food to bums as the thing gets worse.
21:49:57 [Aleric]: Soup Kitchen. How? Why? When? Who?
21:50:33 [Sador]: I'll make sure you have guards when handing out food. =) just toss me a whisper if you want them.
21:50:35 [Fortesgue]: i think the soup kitchen is a cool idea, and im thinking Geldar wants something similar done in the Cath aswell.
21:50:51 [Aleric]: Let's pool those efforts then.
21:50:55 [Lexgrad]: As the prices rise and the poorest can not pay for food, the state either lets them starve or gives out rations.
21:50:58 [Amaryl]: again if you do a soup kitchen it should be a finite amount of bowls per event
21:51:04 [Amaryl]: not an infinite amount
21:51:11 [Braiden]: nobles are prolly interested in that aswell, tough it would be more of a sludge then soup
21:51:17 [Amaryl]: as in always have less food then attendees.
21:51:23 [Fortesgue]: i agree Amy
21:51:38 [Lexgrad]: and see which chars come there who can afford soup
21:51:49 [William]: Perfect time for the nobility to get cheap labour, I'm thinking.
21:52:03 [Azmariel]: Or "Fame" as they bring more food.
21:52:11 [Fortesgue]: well the church aint charging for food xD
21:52:24 [Lexgrad]: can the church run this then?
21:52:25 [Azmariel]: But the Church has a limited supply.
21:52:26 [Fàwn]: .. Nobles carrying in truckloads of food would be.. godmod, imo.
21:52:28 [Aleric]: Soup kitchens by definition are free, no?
21:52:37 [Fortesgue]: i agree
21:52:48 [Jingleberry]: They should be free anyways
21:53:05 [Lexgrad]: and vile
21:53:14 [Fortesgue]: as Amy said, there would be a limited supply.
21:53:21 [Fortesgue]: So long as we keep those rules, it will work fine
21:53:41 [Fortesgue]: I guess your organising the soup kitchen lex? so i assume its down to you?
21:53:46 [Lexgrad]: kk one more thing on the famine if I may.
21:53:58 [Lexgrad]: I will deal with soup kitchen.
21:54:00 [Fàwn]: I'm logging. If anyone here requires.. any IC peasants to RP with, /w me. My guild can provide.
21:54:27 [Lexgrad]: KK the jarric event, hopefully before the next council,
21:54:46 [Fàwn]: Np, that's what we're for. Not saying they'll give you an easy time.. Wink
21:54:48 [Lexgrad]: Just to get this going, is sat cool for every one.
20:54:49 [Lexgrad]: Or do you want the following week?
20:54:53 [Aleric]: No time is going to be perfect for everyone. Pick a day and go with it.
20:54:59 [Fortesgue]: pick a day and roll
20:55:17 [Lexgrad]: Sat then, 2 hours in the forest, foraging, it is aimed at the poor.
20:55:41 [Lexgrad]: The idea being you get payed for the foraging and the food goes to the soupp kitchin,
20:56:02 [Lexgrad]: And you all think that Jarric/council are generous and caring.
20:56:03 [Nástor]: Btw, are all the noble houses planning to hoard their own food and sell it for high prices?
20:56:18 [Lexgrad]: Jarric thought of it, but decided not to.
20:56:39 [Braiden]: Perhaps, we have been planning stuff to go along the famine for a very long time
20:56:40 [Lexgrad]: Think the others are.
20:56:45 [Fortesgue]: my only worry with aiming events at poor only.. how many people play poor people?
20:56:54 [Jingleberry]: It also gives a reason on how the Soup Kitchen gets it's supply/
20:57:01 [Aleric]: Fort has a valid concern.
20:57:01 [Lexgrad]: well church/charitable people welcome too
20:57:04 [Braiden]: however if we were we wouldnt tell Razz
20:57:05 [Fortesgue]: perhaps aiming it at "Cartel and thugs -pretending- to be poor" would be an idea
20:57:06 [Kittrina]: eventually it'll permeate to middle/upper classes
20:57:24 [Jayanti]: In a famine... everyone's poor Wink
20:57:25 [Fortesgue]: pretending ICly, that is, not alts
20:57:32 [Ezlbag]: Well other than our two top ranks most of our members will go hungry most of the time.
20:57:33 [Lexgrad]: At this stage the middle class are not far above the bread line rembember.
20:58:06 [Aleric]: Aye. It's important that we try as much as possible to let the famine affect our main(s) and not disposable alts.
20:58:19 [Lexgrad]: It is a charity policy, ideally it is every day ofc.
20:58:32 [Lexgrad]: But for rp reasons it will be a one off.
20:58:44 [Fortesgue]: unless its a success?
20:58:51 [Lexgrad]: indeed. Razz
20:58:58 [Samian]: I'll have to rp samian in the worst mood ever if he cant stuff himself anymore Sad
20:59:13 [Lexgrad]: I will post for that, and for the state/church soup doll.
20:59:22 [Sador]: You have your own supply, your worse than the nobles.
20:59:25 [Braiden]: angry guards = smashed up and angry citizens, hell yeah!
20:59:35 [Nástor]: Which other guilds are willing to play poor people in the community?
21:00:28 [Lexgrad]: By poor im thinking cartel/blades/the revolutionary guild
21:00:29 [Aleric]: We have ten minutes to finish up this discussion on soup kitchens before we take a break and then move on to other things.
21:00:47 [Lexgrad]: Even merchants.
21:00:57 [Sador]: Can't we just set a date, and move on at once?
21:01:07 [Lexgrad]: Im done on this now
21:01:25 [Sador]: Can we make it a sunday? Seems most are online on sundays
21:01:27 [Fortesgue]: we can.
21:01:33 [Lexgrad]: Sunday it is.
21:01:37 [Kittrina]: Note, however; Blade aren't poor, they're pretty well paid as mercs compared to elisted/regular troops
21:01:56 [Fortesgue]: Kitt, your not poor
21:01:57 [Amaryl]: they're not middle-class though
21:01:59 [Fortesgue]: but food limited
21:02:03 [Sador]: How about sunday the 13th?
21:02:03 [Kittrina]: exactly
21:02:09 [Fortesgue]: it would be interesting to see you ration your food among your members ;p
21:02:18 [Lexgrad]: Sunday the 6th will be the event
21:02:48 [Lexgrad]: Sunday the 6th nov. elwynn 8-30.
21:02:53 [Lexgrad]: done, next
21:02:55 [Aleric]: The point is to shake things up and hopefully create change. Get away from the status quo.
21:03:55 [Aleric]: Three minute break. Get a cup or relieve yourself or whatever.

21:07:58 [Aleric]: Time. Next topic: Crusade debriefing. October crusade has passed. How did things go?
21:08:26 [Sador]: Bad, yes?
21:08:43 [Ezlbag]: Well just gonna go from the cartel and say that we didn't really attend at all so we don't have anything on the crusade.
21:09:12 [Aleric]: Well, there is one question that I've seen often enough on the forums. When is the next one?
21:09:33 [Fortesgue]: cannot believe how much fun it was Very Happy
21:09:36 [Amaryl]: February at the earliest.
21:09:49 [Kittrina]: I would say in general we enjoyed it (the Blades) Very Happy. The onyl drawback is that organising the smaller skirmishes was tough due to scross-faction communication etc
21:10:05 [Fortesgue]: its easily the closest ive ever seen RP and PvP merged
21:10:09 [Fortesgue]: which was bloody refreshing
21:10:20 [William]: I'm looking to host a major RP-WPvP campaign at some point within half a year, don't have much more than that yet, though.
21:10:26 [Sador]: Next time we should have a leader or a small group of leaders, to organize larger events, and "lead" the army.
21:10:44 [William]: indeed
21:11:03 [William]: hoping that will rekindle the appeal of rp-pvp server some and steal from AD
21:12:09 [Fortesgue]: the problem with PvP events IC is..
21:12:12 [Amaryl]: before I start commenting regarding the Crusade. do keep posting your comments.
21:12:44 [Fortesgue]: with the famine approaching, it wouldnt make too much sense to do another one too soon, the timing of the last one was perfect
21:13:23 [Fortesgue]: the guild unions were great, the medics worked hard, the RP was awesome, the structure IC and OOC was great..
21:13:38 [Fortesgue]: some losers in terms of PvP cheating, but blah blah aside, well done Amy, imo
21:14:18 [Kittrina]: there'll always be drama of some wort with w-pvp but I felt it was pretty minimal and well handled/calmly dealt with Smile
21:14:18 [William]: Speaking of events though, I'll be needing people to colaborate on this stuff in the future, so if anyone's generally interested, feel free to poke me the next few days.
21:15:42 [Galedric]: I agree, the October Crusade was by far the best campaign I've participated in. I loved the 5vs5 skirmishes, the objectives, the RP, the whole thing, and whenever there'll be a continuation, I'm in for it.
21:15:46 [Lexgrad]: The Ebon Shroud are there now in Hillsbrad fighting on
21:16:07 [William]: I'm thinking mostly of the random ramboing undeads with bombs
21:16:41 [Lexgrad]: One thing i will say, firstly the horde did not seem to rp. Made it hard for us to raid them ic.
21:17:33 [Lexgrad]: And we needed a clearer picture of command when ama wasnt there......
21:17:49 [Aleric]: Something to think of until next time.
21:17:53 [Amaryl]: no it isn't
21:18:05 [Sador]: I do!
21:18:39 [Lexgrad]: Well at the tactical meeting it seems everyone present wasnt willing to question your tactics ic then there was a argument for leadership.
21:18:55 [Lexgrad]: And nothing came of it ultimately.
21:19:16 [Amaryl]: I specifically asked who wanted to take up the position of second in command when the question came up
21:19:20 [Amaryl]: nobody volunteered.
21:19:36 [Amaryl]: and that was that.
21:19:37 [Azmariel]: I'll accept next time.
21:19:41 [Azmariel]: If I have enough "Rep".
21:19:51 [Amaryl]: Alright, i'll start commening my bit, now
21:19:56 [Aleric]: The Holy Brigade seemed to have an internal command structure at least.
21:19:58 [Lexgrad]: Lex would, but no one payed him any heed Sad
21:20:06 [Azmariel]: You're dead.
21:20:07 [Galedric]: I wonder why. :p
21:20:26 [Amaryl]: I can write a 20k essay on organising something like this the troubles etc, but i won't bore you with that, since we all have our own opinions.
21:20:29 [Amaryl]: but the bottom line was this
21:21:01 [Amaryl]: The Purpose of the campaign was To merge RP and PVP more then usually happens.
21:21:20 [Amaryl]: hence I set up the three week run-up of preparation RP
21:21:42 [Amaryl]: with different events, giving specific guilds different tasks to perform shit like that.
21:22:28 [Amaryl]: and most of the organisation was done in that time period and what became clear is, that people will not accept orders if its not from their guild, or if its not temporary.
21:22:45 [Amaryl]: With exception of the Holy-brigade which was set up specfically for that purpose
21:23:11 [Amaryl]: Yes, I could give say Arathor command over Arathorian and blade forces for a specific purpose
21:23:25 [Amaryl]: but not as overall command since people don't accept that ICly and don't accept that OOcly
21:23:37 [Amaryl]: nobody volunteered as a second in command icly. so we had to make do.
21:24:46 [Amaryl]: Then, three days before the campaign was supposed to start, 2 horde guilds that were ICly suppossed to Join Bailed when a third one was invited which resulted in a 2.5 to 1 number advantage for the alliance.
21:24:55 [Amaryl]: This always happens mind
21:25:00 [Amaryl]: it wasn't a surprise for me
21:25:06 [Amaryl]: but it was for the horde leadership.
21:25:10 [Amaryl]: IC reasons
21:25:27 [Nástor]: You can't win in those situations
21:26:04 [Nástor]: There's always a reason for people to whine
21:26:08 [Amaryl]: So the Forsaken basically had a very young officer, after Rasonal quit whom it was orginally being planned with, which led to tensions in the horde camp.
21:26:20 [Amaryl]: which lead to organisational difficulties to properly set up the 5vs5s
21:26:35 [Amaryl]: i can list all the reasons why that happened, but that would take to long
21:27:19 [Amaryl]: so yes, what happened was what we sawed horde bunched up and attacked, alliance bunched up to retaliate and without nut breaking the five vs five that were set up were a drama to get going.
21:27:25 [Amaryl]: Now.
21:28:13 [Amaryl]: on the most side I think the event ran as smoothly as expected, sicne more focus lie on rp then on we got to pvp! even with the lack of "leadership" people started doing stuff themselves
21:28:44 [Amaryl]: The only thing i'm not happy about is how the campaign ended.
21:28:55 [Amaryl]: i would have liked a more RPed out result.
21:29:05 [Amaryl]: but in general it went pretty smoothly.
21:29:11 [Amaryl]: little drama
21:29:21 [Amaryl]: no forum whining i loved that
21:29:24 [Amaryl]: lots of rp
21:29:32 [Amaryl]: and a bit of pvp
21:29:44 [Amaryl]: and that's the bottom line
21:30:05 [Aleric]: Thank you, Amaryl. That was thorough and concise.

21:30:54 [Aleric]: Moving on.
21:31:55 [Aleric]: Next up is the general debriefing. How have things been the past month with our guilds? Share your thoughts and advertise things you think is relevant for the community to know.
21:32:36 [Swindle]: You called?
21:32:37 [Aleric]: One person per guild only will speak. Starting with TSS. Amaryl? Fort?
21:33:02 [Amaryl]: finished campaign
21:33:12 [Amaryl]: going into famine mode and cultist killing mode
21:33:14 [Amaryl]: going good
21:33:15 [Amaryl]: next.
21:33:18 [Fortesgue]: Interguild drama is seemingly non existant, thats great, SW lacks an atmosphere in total.
21:33:44 [Fortesgue]: I only ever see the Cartel and the Blades in SW at any given point so.. yeh next.
21:34:00 [William]: We'll try to remedy that.
21:34:06 [William]: ... once we're properly set up.
21:34:16 [Aleric]: Hmm. Thank you, TSS.
21:34:18 [Fortesgue]: might it be an idea to set up a neutral hub again?
21:34:26 [Fortesgue]: would peopel come if that occured?
21:34:41 [Aleric]: There are hubs all around already it seems to me.
21:34:48 [Fortesgue]: one hub
21:34:54 [Fortesgue]: which is a pub
21:35:02 [Ezlbag]: Tow hubs which are pubs
21:35:04 [Aleric]: Nethergarde
21:35:07 [Fortesgue]: so if you have any... class to your character, its off limits
21:35:10 [Fortesgue]: i mean in SW
21:35:14 [Cyrdain]: Nethergarde is no more.
21:35:23 [Ezlbag]: The shady lady is normally ful of rpers.
21:35:26 [Ezlbag]: Or full of us >.>
21:35:36 [Fortesgue]: hence why i only ever see Cartel or Blades.
21:35:42 [Samian]: yep
21:35:54 [Cyrdain]: The Slaughtered Lamb is usually full too.
21:36:00 [Cyrdain]: With Eyes and Ravenholdt.
21:36:19 [Fortesgue]: well Cyr, im not one to frequent the lamb
21:36:20 [Swindle]: Why...not churches?
21:36:23 [Fortesgue]: for obvious reasons XD
21:36:33 [Sador]: The Regiment is good, right Sam?
21:36:51 [Cyrdain]: I understand. Just saying, there are other small hubs that are not so neutral.
21:36:52 [Aleric]: Braiden, you there?
21:37:02 [Amaryl]: first one in 4 months xD
21:37:21 [Aleric]: Coming back to House Mistmantle later then.

21:37:34 [Aleric]: Next up is the Eyes of the Dark Realm. Croj or Cyrdain?
21:37:42 [Cyrdain]: Sure..
21:38:32 [Cyrdain]: Eyes has settled into the Slaughtered Lamb crypts. It has been OOCly discussed and sorted with Sador and others who are concerned. Fair but realistic measurements have been put in place so that the RP there is not ruined but is not protected either.
21:39:05 [Cyrdain]: We are slowly creating ties with the Ravenholdt Sanctuary, who are also our IC partners in running the Lamb. An alliance is forseeable from this that goes past tavern running howwver.
21:39:59 [Cyrdain]: We get other characters visiting by too, from many guilds to many non-guilded roleplayers. Ravenholdt hold up a "tough justice" type of guard system IC, they protect it's secrets and make sure there is little bother in the Lamb itself.
21:40:28 [Cyrdain]: We are also meeting with around 10-20 characters in a "Shadow Council" type setting every wednesday to discuss progress and aid where needed.
21:40:38 [Cyrdain]: Main concern currently would be..
21:40:52 [Cyrdain]: We're being too secretive in our actions, thus -very- little conflict roleplay.
21:41:13 [Cyrdain]: We do get the occasional visit from the Chapter or Regiment, but it is short lived due to our secrecy.
21:41:52 [Cyrdain]: Efforts have been discussed to remedy this with the Chapter. A possible plot may take place between our two guilds to spur some open conflict that surely would interest others also.
21:42:02 [Fortesgue]: sounds like an awesome concept to me though, bout time the lamb got some love again
21:42:04 [Cyrdain]: Other than these points, nothing else comes to mind.
21:42:49 [Cyrdain]: Any questions or opinions to bring forward that I can mull over with the other officers or is that all?
21:43:59 [Aleric]: Thank you, Cyrdain. Glad to hear you're going forward.
21:44:05 [Cyrdain]: We are new, many still do not know of us OOC. Very few know of us IC due to secrecy. We -will- be pushing recruitment when our forums are complete. Perhaps advertising on the realm forums.
21:44:21 [Cyrdain]: So I'd encourage our enemies to become active *grgh*
21:44:48 [Aleric]: Go head to head with each other during the famine?
21:45:18 [Cyrdain]: We plan to us the famine to inject a little bit of chaos, yes.
21:45:31 [Sador]: We plan to use it as recruitment.
21:45:34 [Aleric]: To all I encourage you to find reasons to involve yourself in everything.
21:46:30 [Cyrdain]: Tampered food supplies (Possible investigation?), perhaps pushing others into riots and uproars and basically causing trouble for Stormwind in general.
21:47:06 [Aleric]: How about an exchange programme with Lorainne's revolutionaries?
21:47:51 [Aleric]: What I mean is, infiltrating them and manipulating the hell out of them. True Defiler style.
21:48:11 [Cyrdain]: That is what we plan to do, yes.
21:48:14 [Aleric]: But then if you would, you wouldn't tell us...because that isn't Defiler style...
21:48:19 [Cyrdain]: Oh!
21:48:21 [Cyrdain]: Also..
21:48:33 [Cyrdain]: Want to push forward that town crier idea we posted about.
21:48:37 [Cyrdain]: If any remembers.
21:49:10 [Aleric]: Vaguely. Has it gotten a bump lately?
21:49:35 [Cyrdain]: No, I think it suits a time of famine. Will update it.
21:50:05 [Cyrdain]: Perhaps dubbing rumours of who is to blaim for this mess of a famine as news.

21:50:27 [Aleric]: Lexgrad, the Ebon Shroud.
21:51:09 [Lexgrad]: Cool, well in a nut shell the Shroud is currently fighting a gurrellia war in hillsbrad post crusade.
21:52:01 [Lexgrad]: This is building into a plot with LoD, TSS and LA to capture alterac, in early stages but one it is made public others are very welcome to join us in this.
21:52:26 [Lexgrad]: The whole thing will be rped out and failure is the likely option, we will need to rp to take the city ruins.
21:53:44 [Lexgrad]: Further plots, now that nethergarde has not gone ahead, if people want to RP as dark locks but be in favour of the alliance, we have been training one or two in the EPL.
21:53:55 [Lexgrad]: We will welcome more of you.
21:54:56 [Lexgrad]: We are not pro fel but anything else is fine. We want teachers and puples hopefully.
21:55:29 [Lexgrad]: Yes, the AotD and the Scarlet crusade and ourselves are collaberating in the EPL to bring some random rp to it.
21:56:21 [Lexgrad]: Will be interesting to see how it shapes up but you can all concider the Ebon enclave as alliance friendly(ish) land and please come visit or concider the area for rp events.
21:56:43 [Lexgrad]: That is about all... ooo one more thing.
21:57:30 [Lexgrad]: If your guild has dks in it, we would love to get them onto our ooc chat, dw I dont poach but we can hopefully in our ooc rantings help them to rp a dk.
21:57:52 [Sador]: We have 1.
21:58:04 [Lexgrad]: Alterac is for the living, the shroud will be there but wont own it, infact the shroud own nothing
21:58:19 [Lexgrad]: As the enclave and acherus is Ebon blade not our own.
21:58:38 [Lexgrad]: so you are welcome to use them also
21:58:46 [Lexgrad]: That is about it.
21:58:51 [Lexgrad]: Thanks guys.
21:58:54 [Lexgrad]: Questions?
21:59:50 [Aleric]: Guess not.
21:59:55 [Aleric]: Thank you, Lex.
22:00:08 [Cyrdain]: Thanks Lex

22:00:07 [Aleric]: Braiden, you're here now!
22:00:17 [Lexgrad]: o/
22:00:25 [Aleric]: Spill the beans.
22:00:45 [Braiden]: So like... Hi, I'm Braiden and stuff
22:00:49 [Fortesgue]: ... XD
22:00:51 [Sador]: Hi Braiden.
22:00:54 [Aleric]: Hello Braiden.
22:00:55 [Lexgrad]: Hi Braiden
22:00:59 [Galedric]: Hai Braiden.
22:01:01 [Fortesgue]: what a loser.
22:01:02 [Fortesgue]: Very Happy
22:01:14 [Braiden]: You may know me as the guy that's like doing stuff and stuff
22:01:24 [Cyrdain]: "- and I'm an alcoholic"
22:01:31 [Braiden]: Anyhow
22:01:32 [Fortesgue]: - and insane.
22:01:34 [Braiden]: House Mistmantle
22:02:54 [Braiden]: We have been doing the usual, our own little events and stuff. The House of Nobles has recently been started up so we obviously take part. Other then that we are planning a tax collection event since them lazy farmers with poor harvests aint paying their
22:03:08 [Braiden]: taxes in time. It's tomorrow night if people wants to assist in playing farmers *hint hint*
22:03:23 [Braiden]: Other then that we are cool and stuff
22:03:35 [Nífty]: I've got a character I can use for a farmer.
22:03:51 [Braiden]: goodie, it's 20.30-ish tomorrow, give me a poke
22:03:55 [Zinkle]: I have a character too
22:04:07 [Braiden]: added to the calendar

22:05:58 [Aleric]: Next on my list are the Cartel. What's been happening lately?
22:06:17 [Ezlbag]: We're running along as usuall
22:06:24 [Ezlbag]: Recruiting, selling drugs, etc.
22:06:31 [Aleric]: Anything special coming up or has happened?
22:06:37 [Ezlbag]: We're starting up the Fight Night again if anybody is interested in that.
22:06:55 [Zinkle]: You've just broken the first two rules, we don't talk about it
22:07:02 [Ezlbag]: Basically back alley fist fights with gambling and possibly rooster or dog (worgen) fights.
22:07:05 [Ezlbag]: Oh damn...
22:07:26 [Ezlbag]: Im gonna make a post about it on the forums for everybody to see Wink
22:08:18 [Ezlbag]: We had some sorta domination event with the bulldog millitia
22:08:34 [Ezlbag]: For us to claim some area as our own and them attempting to stop us from it
22:09:08 [Ezlbag]: Basically the cartel has claimed protection money from some local vendors since we won the last skirmish.
22:09:25 [Ezlbag]: And marked a bit of canal territory as "ours"
22:09:56 [Ezlbag]: Hmmm, not sure there's any more i can think of right now >.>
22:09:59 [Ezlbag]: Any questions?
22:10:30 [Swindle]: About the fights with roosters and hounds, how will they work?
22:10:55 [Ezlbag]: well, we do our normal fights through rolls and all, not sure about the rooster ones yet
22:11:08 [Ezlbag]: Worgen we basically just pit two worgen against eachother >.>
22:13:10 [Ezlbag]: Oh right, we do have our normal persona no grata around those events with our deep hate against elves and goats and all.
22:13:15 [Ezlbag]: Just wanted to add that.
22:13:51 [Ezlbag]: But yeah, we're not planning to make it a well announced tournament.
22:14:00 [Ezlbag]: More a underground behind the bar boxing thing
22:14:43 [Aleric]: Got anything else for us, Bag?
22:14:55 [Ezlbag]: Not that i can think of right now
22:15:04 [Ezlbag]: Domination and fight night returning is about it.
22:15:24 [Aleric]: Sounds great. Properly evoking atmosphere there.
22:15:31 [Aleric]: Thank you, Ezlbag.
22:15:44 [Ezlbag]: *bow*

22:16:00 [Aleric]: Next on my made up list is Khendran and Legacy of Dawn, if he wishes to mention anything?
22:16:10 [Aleric]: Khendran/Galedric
22:16:16 [Galedric]: Nope.
22:16:22 [Aleric]: Right. Moving on.

22:16:32 [Aleric]: Technocratic Republic?
22:16:49 [Jayanti]: We're still establisghing ourselves, but we're getting a few members now
22:17:12 [Jayanti]: I've been occupied elsewhere but Jingle made a stellae job recruiting
22:17:23 [Jayanti]: Hopefully you'll see us about proper soon
22:18:20 [Jayanti]: That's it from us
22:18:32 [Aleric]: Cheers Jayanti.
22:18:43 [Cyrdain]: I can't really offer great words of encouragement with my brain so sleep depraved but yeah, I'd love to see you guys do well.

22:19:27 [Aleric]: Next up we have our boys (and lasses) in blue. Sador. Samian.
22:19:35 [Sador]: *waves*
22:19:58 [Sador]: Aleric is up our arse. What do you have Sam?
22:20:54 [Samian]: Okay so basicly the regiment is doing alright atm, some discipline issues but thats because every char has to be a complete renegade badass nowadays
22:21:25 [Samian]: We're trying to let the whole revolutionaries develop their rp but we're on the edge of comming down hard on them concidering all the tension
22:21:50 [Samian]: We also HATE HATE HATE the fact that most criminal rp nowadays involves cultism (rather random cultism)
22:22:12 [Cyrdain]: May I ask why?
22:22:15 [Samian]: And I'm still hoping we could get the regiment's ranks fixed towards something more militaristic
22:22:24 [Azmariel]: ... Nothing new, and it's all so Secretive.
22:22:25 [Lexgrad]: can ask the dks to get involved with random violence
22:22:27 [Samian]: Because everyone is a cultist and its a whole lot of hassle to deal with it properly ICly
22:22:29 [Azmariel]: Well, my point of view.
22:22:44 [Samian]: And also because its generally not rp'd out that well
22:23:11 [Samian]: I'd like the regiment to fit into the kingdom that is SW a bit more, or atleast into its military ranks
22:23:27 [Samian]: Like claim we're Stormwind's first regiment or any number
22:25:50 [Samian]: Actually now that I am at it
22:26:30 [Samian]: There's an event comming tomorrow with more cultists summoning demons
22:26:39 [Samian]: Part of their plot is that they summon a demon at the lake in SW
22:27:01 [Samian]: They also decided they'd be using a single invis pot afterwards to get away
22:27:17 [Samian]: Now I'm TERRIBLY against that, but I feel I can not leave SW's guards out of massive demon summoning in Stormwind
22:27:34 [Samian]: I felt like sharing that
22:27:39 [Cyrdain]: Well..
22:27:43 [Cyrdain]: We're not summoning a demon.
22:27:44 [Cyrdain]: At all.
22:27:48 [Lexgrad]: Portals can be used ic.
22:27:48 [Cyrdain]: Not sure who told you that.
22:27:55 [Sador]: I have something too.
22:28:00 [Samian]: nah thats my bad then
22:28:06 [Samian]: I probably got told differently
22:28:14 [Samian]: my biggest problem is the invisibility potions though tbh
22:28:30 [Cyrdain]: We wouldn't we so silly. It's more of a ritual to enchant a staff we have been making.
22:28:39 [Cyrdain]: I will speak to Crojwin about that.
22:28:42 [Fortesgue]: hmmm, as far as i was aware, it was a single pot per person
22:28:49 [Fortesgue]: after that, its fair game.
22:28:52 [Cyrdain]: One IC pot per person.
22:28:55 [Cyrdain]: Yes.
22:29:01 [Fortesgue]: 15 seconds is no time at all.
22:29:04 [Cyrdain]: As we have had an alchemist make them over the past week.
22:29:10 [Cyrdain]: ICly.
22:29:27 [Fortesgue]: well
22:29:29 [Cyrdain]: But, if people are against it so much I'm sure we can comprimise.
22:29:31 [Samian]: We already have people randomly mounting up to make chase, stealth fly off etc
22:29:35 [Samian]: I really dont think it should be encouraged
22:29:41 [Cyrdain]: Compromise*
22:29:56 [Fortesgue]: maybe the ritual people should roll to decide if the potions work?
22:30:05 [Fortesgue]: add a random factor in?
22:30:08 [Sador]: That wouldn't make sence.
22:30:10 [Samian]: Dont worry about it too much though Cyrd
22:30:14 [Fortesgue]: why would it?
22:30:18 [Samian]: I just felt like I had to mention it
22:30:20 [Fortesgue]: they can fumble
22:30:33 [Cyrdain]: The idea was, after that you are on your own. Cat and mouse roleplay to escape or be captured.
22:31:50 [Cyrdain]: Hmm, crojwin won't be on until shortly after.
22:31:58 [Cyrdain]: So I think a decision should be made now.
22:32:07 [Cyrdain]: On the potions.
22:32:18 [Cyrdain]: Shortly before the event*
22:32:20 [Fortesgue]: Well, if they dont use potions, what they going to do?
22:32:29 [Fortesgue]: emote fight 50 people?
22:32:42 [Cyrdain]: We made sure we would not win a fight.
22:32:48 [Sador]: Well, dont do rituals within SW Razz should be obvious.
22:32:49 [Cyrdain]: We invited DoL, Regiment and the Chapter.
22:33:16 [Cyrdain]: We don't intend to fight.
22:33:28 [Fortesgue]: so without the potions.. what will you do Very Happy?
22:33:32 [Cyrdain]: We even -want- some people to be captured.
22:33:37 [Cyrdain]: Try and escape.
22:33:45 [Cyrdain]: With probably little success.
22:33:51 [Sador]: Sounds good.
22:34:35 [Cyrdain]: Not when someones character has been chained to the lowest chamber of the Lamb for a week straight, brewing said potions.
22:35:08 [Sador]: I'm setting up a training event on friday, it'll be bunch of diffrent fights in the Nagrand arena, (ICly in STV). If anyone is interested in joining us, your welcome. We usually invite 1 guild to spar with us n' partisipade.
22:35:42 [Fortesgue]: i guess you can figure it out then.
22:36:25 [Aleric]: The guards will be receiving anti-caster training within the next two weeks. I'm working on putting together an event. Just thought I should add that to the SWR brief.
22:36:56 [Fortesgue]: perhaps brewing detect invis pots might be an idea in the future aswell Very Happy?
22:37:47 [Aleric]: Anything else from you, Samdor?
22:37:53 [Sador]: I think we are done, think Samian is afk. Moveing on.
22:38:37 [Sador]: No, we are old fashioned. We hate the idea of radios, potions, guns, techology etc.
22:38:55 [William]: Amen to that.
22:38:57 [Fortesgue]: well
22:39:07 [Fortesgue]: radios i can understand
22:39:07 [Sador]: We want to make sure people have a fair chanse when fighting us, and to not be a group that can just call for backup and go in guns blazing.
22:39:07 [Cyrdain]: I understand your concern on the potions.. but I don't see your negativity to cultism in stormwind.
22:39:14 [William]: potions can be ok in some cases, I suppose.
22:39:18 [Fortesgue]: potions? xD
22:39:25 [Fortesgue]: might aswell deny the worlds got magic
22:39:33 [Cyrdain]: If one of us mess up, drag them to the stockades and hang them.
22:39:41 [Cyrdain]: Or whatever.
22:39:52 [Sador]: Okay so basicly, I catch a cultist. I have very limited options. The law say he should be executed, but who wants their chars dead? We try to have the Chaptarians deal with them.
22:40:07 [Cyrdain]: Great idea.
22:40:13 [Cyrdain]: They use judgements now.
22:40:15 [Ezlbag]: The concern with rping a guard whenever you face magic is you will face a lot of shitty rpers... a loooot
22:40:22 [Cyrdain]: I have taken one on Cyrdain, ask Exaythe.
22:40:32 [Ezlbag]: Not saying eyes of the dark realm, but it gets you kinda jaded towards magic rp in general after a while.
22:40:32 [Samian]: And alot of shitty cultists that just stand there going "lol no my char aint dying Smile"
22:40:42 [Samian]: Yeah this is not guildaimed at all
22:40:45 [Lexgrad]: I hate that idea, the abount of stupiderty like that aimed at dks is shameful.
22:40:57 [Lexgrad]: A warr can be a bad rpers a mage excelent.
22:41:01 [Aleric]: Okay, enough negativity.
22:41:03 [Cyrdain]: I remember watching the hanging of a cultist.
22:41:41 [Cyrdain]: We where all there IC. Not one of us caught, though her guild member speaking in (Cultistic) and shouting death to all was. I feel we get that bad rep.
22:41:46 [Cyrdain]: WHen we try to do it properly.

22:43:14 [Aleric]: The Helmsley's. I must say, I am excited to hear about you since I recall that name from a while back.
22:43:33 [William]: We've been around before, indeed!
22:43:45 [William]: What's there to say, just starting up and getting established.
22:44:33 [William]: well
22:44:46 [William]: I'm not sure what else to say, will be looking around for contacts, members, etc
22:44:59 [William]: we'll be getting a thread up on the rp forums soon, once we're done with it.
22:45:12 [Aleric]: What is your guild about? What is your thing? The mood and atmosphere you're aiming for? What are your goals?
22:45:57 [William]: pretty old school noble house kind of thing, very militant and pro-alliance. As such they wish to make their mark on things, increase wealth and glory, all that shizzle.
22:46:22 [William]: we're an RP-PvP guild, and will be setting up (hopefully) grand events in the future.
22:46:26 [Sador]: And honourable fights to the death. Razz
22:46:28 [William]: hopefully not too distant future.
22:46:32 [William]: I wish
22:46:41 [William]: poor Bret can't remake the char yet.
22:46:54 [Lexgrad]: They had a scrap by the keep with a scarlet, that is worth 5 Lexy points Smile
22:47:15 [William]: he killed William's cousin, so yes, scrap is saying it gently.
22:47:35 [Aleric]: Anything else, William?
22:47:37 [Lexgrad]: death to the scarlates
22:48:02 [William]: Not for now. If you've any questions, ask ahoy.
22:48:30 [Cyrdain]: Where will you be based?
22:49:04 [Cyrdain]: Or I could just wait for the forum post.
22:49:12 [William]: We're working on it, yep. And we've yet to decide, will depend on various factors.
22:49:35 [William]: we're looking for somewhere to stay
22:50:12 [William]: Not too many castles around!
22:50:15 [Sador]: Theres a couple of taverns free, and then theres some towers and farms in Elwynn.
22:51:27 [William]: I'm sure we'll figure something out, got to know where's not used, and such.
22:51:42 [Sador]: I can help ya, toss me a /w some time.
22:51:58 [William]: let's talk after this stuff, then!
22:51:59 [Aleric]: Do so. Sador knows the lay of the land.

22:52:34 [Aleric]: Okay, I got two things before we call it a night.
22:54:05 [Aleric]: The Council has had an uneven month in terms of activity. One session got lost to the Crusade, last week had rather poor attendance and I think we had our shortest session to date (some 20 minutes or so) but this week we had a good, proper one with a lot
22:54:20 [Aleric]: of shouting, name calling and other good stuff that makes politics interesting.
22:56:27 [Aleric]: Second thing is that I want to ask you how you feel about these meetings? Are they productive? Do we gain something from them? Should they continue?
22:57:24 [Fortesgue]: great, good way to keep up to date
22:57:35 [Jayanti]: I like them. Though they get a bit long sometimes
22:57:37 [Sador]: Agreed.
22:57:39 [Fortesgue]: only problem i see if we might want to keep things crisper
22:57:45 [Fortesgue]: because of time ;D
22:57:50 [Cyrdain]: This is my first meeting, I've missed or have not been informed of past meetings. It's a great way to make OOC contacts and help guide the roleplay somewhat in an OOC manner.
22:57:53 [Fortesgue]: but tbh, thats impossible to actually monitor so.
22:57:59 [Cyrdain]: I give two thumbs up.
22:58:59 [Aleric]: I'm looking for someone to take over after me then. Next month will be the last meeting I will hold as I will let my subscription run out the end of December.
23:00:38 [Aleric]: Thank you for coming.

Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 39
Location : Luleå, Sweden

Character sheet
Name: Sir Aleric Dylain
Title: Knight

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Minutes Empty Re: Minutes

Post by Aleric Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:53 am

20:12:17 [Aleric]: Ho ho ho HO!
20:12:21 [Aleric]: HO!
20:12:46 [Aleric]: Welcome to the... fifth SW Com Meet and the last one for this year.
20:13:33 [Aleric]: Gahalla has something he'd like to share before we get down to business.
20:14:14 [Gahalla]: Right
20:14:19 [Gahalla]: The famine project
20:14:42 [Gahalla]: As I mentioned in the thread... I kind of lost interest in the game and dropped off for some time... and I apologise for that
20:14:50 [Gahalla]: But now I want to play again
20:15:03 [Gahalla]: So my question is... do you want me to continue running it?
20:15:26 [Quinian]: I reckon you should
20:15:50 [Nífty]: Indeed, atleast the Cartel takes the famine into consideration in our daily RP
20:16:54 [Braiden]: Braiden still complains about the peasants
20:17:19 [Kittrina]: I'm more than happy for you to continue running it Gahalla myself
20:17:39 [Lexgrad]: No probs from me...
20:17:48 [Aleric]: I have a follow-up question.
20:17:50 [Lexgrad]: (Ive done some too :'(
20:17:55 [Aleric]: If that is alright, Gahalla?
20:18:00 [Gahalla]: Of course
20:18:07 [Aleric]: Is there still interest in the project?
20:18:30 [Gahalla]: From my side, yes. As for all others... hence my question Smile
20:19:30 [Geneviève]: If Tarv (the player) and I decide to return over Christmas we'll still be talking about it, running events around it. So there's still interest from our corner.
20:20:05 [Aleric]: (Nice to hear you might be coming back so soon)
20:20:38 [Lexgrad]: Yeah, but i would like to see more effort put into it.
20:20:45 [Lexgrad]: If it is to continue.
20:20:48 [Gahalla]: Well then, seems there's enough interest for me to continue administrating it.
20:21:13 [Kittrina]: yup yup. I'm trying to stir up a little awareness on my town crier whenever I do the rounds on him I mention it
20:21:32 [Lexgrad]: I think we need a plague to do the rounds,.
20:21:48 [Lexgrad]: And poorer chars really need to buy into the idea thay are starving.
20:22:04 [Quinian]: shame everyone is rich and noble Very Happy
20:22:09 [Braiden]: all right, there's enough interest... NEXT TOPIC so we dont stand around talking about nothing for three hours
20:22:12 [Geneviève]: I think the trouble in that regard, Lex. Is that soldiers have their food provided, and everyone who isn't a soldier is rich.
20:22:23 [Geneviève]: Bar a few notable example.
20:22:43 [Lexgrad]: we have 3 nobles.
20:22:49 [Coppersocket]: The Blades would be a lovely example of this wouldn't they? Not to stomp on anyone's toes but
20:22:59 [Braiden]: People are not going to change their characters over this, it's just the way it is isnt it?
20:23:02 [Geneviève]: You can include Eira and her lovley twins too, Lex! Wink
20:23:21 [Aleric]: Do you have something on your mind, Braiden?
20:23:26 [Lexgrad]: That is the point tho they should change there chars.
20:23:45 [Lexgrad]: Everyone should to a degree if it is to work.
20:23:52 [Braiden]: I'm just saying that complaining about the existing characters being ritch doesnt change the fact that people will continue to play them
20:24:22 [Aleric]: A good point.
20:24:24 [Braiden]: We will have to work with the character base we got rather then what would be optimal for the scenario
20:24:39 [Kittrina]: Blades are not in the main part rich. I can get officers and members to take more effort in responding to the famine. There's about...two who are wealthy in the Blades.
20:25:06 [Quinian]: I bet there are more tbh
20:25:15 [Quinian]: people throw gold coins around like its rice
20:25:20 [Aleric]: Gahalla - Perhaps shaping the event so it'd affect the majority of the player-base rather than what would be "logical"?
20:25:33 [Gahalla]: What dod you mean?
20:25:38 [Lexgrad]: Which is why i suggest a plague
20:25:48 [Lexgrad]: then everyone can be touched.
20:26:24 [Aleric]: Not necessary. It just needs to be more extreme so everyone feels it.
20:26:35 [Aleric]: Time to take it up a notch perhaps?
20:26:42 [Gahalla]: That's the plan
20:27:02 [Kittrina]: The market events for example would be good....people jsut have rare chances to purchase their food each day from a dwindling/short stock
20:27:20 [Aleric]: Also, I'd like to advertise in advance since it is related
20:27:30 [Aleric]: The Charity Soup Kitchen event tomorrow.
20:27:31 [Coppersocket]: Oh, no I didn't mean to make the Blades a scapegoat, I was just giving a small example, there are certainly 'noble'-like people within the Blades, but I could probably try reduce the quality of Coppers' stuff for example. It's simply easier to just
20:27:43 [Aleric]: “Hosted by Geldar and Fortesgue, plus Rentarn. Brought to you by Cathedral/Council. ltd. Location: Cathedral. 20:00”
20:27:58 [Coppersocket]: 'have money when needed'. Something one has to stop doing.
20:28:30 [Aleric]: And stopping such things begins with you as a player. Everyone has to take personal responsibility.
20:28:50 [Lexgrad]: But this is what isnt happening i dont think yet.
20:29:15 [Aleric]: Then you, Gahalla and...Lorainne? have your work cut out for you.
20:29:49 [Gahalla]: Indeed. But please... point stuff out that you think are related to the plot
20:30:48 [Lexgrad]: And please, dont wait for us, do famine related events and stuff in the guilds.
20:29:59 [Gahalla]: report them to me so I can take them into account

20:29:47 [Aleric]: Anyway, moving on.
20:30:44 [Aleric]: A quick survey. Is there any interest for the "good ol' Good vs Evil" RP?
20:31:13 [Lexgrad]: Yes! The Shroud is all about that!
20:31:26 [Kittrina]: Yep, certainly
20:31:30 [Braiden]: Good vs evil RP is kinda moving back in already
20:31:52 [Nífty]: What Braiden said, it seems to be slowly increasing again
20:32:02 [Coppersocket]: I've been planning to do a small anti-evil thing against Drustai in the future, I just need to make a proper ground for it. I started it off solo after her trail
20:32:04 [Aleric]: It is? 'cause last I heard the Eyes of the Dark Realm collapsed in on itself because everyone uped and left.
20:32:07 [Geneviève]: Not from Tarv and I, Aleric. Good v Good is more our style.
20:32:09 [Coppersocket]: But I need to create something more stable
20:32:35 [Braiden]: That it did but we got others moving in.
20:32:51 [Aleric]: That is good to hear. Are there people to oppose them?
20:33:04 [Aleric]: Chapter? Disciples? Others? Anyone know?
20:33:12 [Braiden]: There's plenty of light orders Razz
20:33:17 [Kittrina]: only thing I have against good vs evil rp in my experience is there tend to be a lot of ooc disagreements, usually through lack of communication or genuine ooc dislikes/disputes.
20:33:39 [Braiden]: That's the case for all conflict RP
20:33:40 [Aleric]: -Active- orders
20:33:54 [Geneviève]: I'd say it's more lack of proper motivation on the evil side. Good isn't really good, it's just the status quo. Evil isn't really evil it's juss a smaller marginalised faction.
20:34:13 [Lexgrad]: Im working with "some people" to set up a anti fanatic/ultra rationalist terrorist group in SW if anyone is interested?
20:34:21 [Braiden]: Good vs Evil RP is a very small part of the whole, there's alot of grey lines around most current conflict RP
20:34:39 [Geneviève]: Exactly Braiden.
20:36:39 [Geneviève]: I always preferred Seal vs Blazing Shields legal stuff, or Seal vs Chapter over harbouring witches to one side identifying as good, the other as evil without any real good or evil being portreyed.
20:36:58 [Geneviève]: That said, some of my favourite DoL RP was when we did a deal with the Hand of Nightmares.
20:37:22 [Aleric]: The community comprises a wide variety of tastes.
20:38:06 [Geneviève]: Agreed, but currently tastes don't seem to be swining towards 'evil' organisations which end up being largely toothless.
20:38:34 [Nífty]: There's alot of 'evil' characters out there that arent a part of a cult or big organization
20:38:35 [Geneviève]: And without evil organisations made up of evil characters doing small time torture and cultist stuff the shining knights don't get to swing their sword whilst being morally unquestionable.
20:38:42 [Lexgrad]: well the trouble is evil groups get pwned or metaed in the first 5 mins
20:38:56 [Geneviève]: Agreed, nifty. Gen's one of them.
20:39:05 [Aleric]: Which is kind of the problem with conflict RP as Braiden stated.
20:39:30 [Aleric]: A yes or no question. Do you think it is possible to work out a working solution?
20:39:51 [Lexgrad]: Yes...
20:39:54 [Geneviève]: That's because 'evil' and crime often ocus so intently on guild growth.
20:40:06 [Braiden]: Just like it will be difficult for anyone actually trying a revolution not to get beheaded in the end it's difficult to build a lasting evil organization when you are being fought
20:40:14 [Kittrina]: I believe it's possible with open/freindly ooc communication and both sides willing to take genuine losses
20:40:33 [Geneviève]: When we were guards, as I'm sure Quinian can currently attest. We couldn't go one week without an evil character turned turncoat informing on his friends.
20:40:34 [Aleric]: Do you think establishing such a relationship is possible, Kitt?
20:40:45 [Coppersocket]: "Evil" is very hard to pull off, since people always go with the fact that in the end "Good always wins." with that mindset alone, keeping a 'evil' guild around for a longer time can be difficult.
20:41:03 [Kittrina]: (a solution, that is). And honestly, whilst I wish to say yes, this community is riddled with grudges, some very long-standing, etc. People need to set them aside.
20:41:24 [Aleric]: So...peace summit after New Years?
20:41:34 [Lexgrad]: that is a good idea.
20:41:52 [Braiden]: Most people that has grudges does not openly admit to them I'd say Razz
20:42:00 [Kittrina]: Indeed.
20:42:11 [Lexgrad]: I hate braiden... there i said it....
20:42:20 [Amaryl]: that would be a pointless exercise if you ask me Ais.
20:42:24 [Geneviève]: *mumbles something about being quite open about his* tee hee hee
20:42:24 [Braiden]: Fuck you man!
20:42:51 [Braiden]: Anyhow, a "peace" summit seems rather pointless yes
20:43:06 [Aleric]: It was, unfortunately, not meant seriously.
20:43:38 [Aleric]: It takes a greater diplomat than me to make something like that work.
20:43:39 [Braiden]: E-sarcasm is difficult to detect
20:43:47 [Aleric]: Hence I stated it.
20:43:52 [Geneviève]: I think criminal and 'evil' (I hate the label) guilds need to try and be more careful about their recruitment - first - and secondly how quickly characters are initiated into the IC groups secrets.
20:43:55 [Braiden]: besides you wont be here then will you? Razz
20:44:21 [Lexgrad]: The thing is... there is a safty attitude atm.
20:44:44 [Lexgrad]: You have to get permition to punch people, they may not be happy with torture.
20:44:54 [Geneviève]: Genevieve's a flourishing witch for all intents and purposes, was on the road to necromancy etc. But nobody in the Seal new about it ICly apart from her small coven of trusted friends.
20:44:59 [Aleric]: Trust is always an issue.
20:44:59 [Lexgrad]: We cant even get people to rp that they are humgary.
20:45:29 [Lexgrad]: ie famine.
20:45:30 [Aleric]: It's not so much about making people but encouraging them to.
20:45:45 [Geneviève]: I'mb eing a hypocrit in this regard, Gen tortured Barean for revenge. But I think torture really needs to be pulled back to it's original use, interrogation. Rather than just torturing people for the hell of it.
20:45:46 [Kittrina]: also increasing awareness beyond the forums
20:46:00 [Aleric]: Yes, Kitt!
20:46:05 [Lexgrad]: So it needs all people to be open to ic abuse without ooc troubles.
20:46:12 [Aleric]: Awareness is one of the starting points, one of the keys, to change.
20:46:25 [Aleric]: Starting at that end might be an idea.
20:46:30 [Amaryl]: The biggest problem Imo, with regards to Evil vs Light RP isn't the fact that there aren't enough lighties or baddies, its the inabilitie of people interrested in such plots to not take part. or in otherwords, the interrest to have every plot being "huge"
20:46:55 [Amaryl]: which will always tip the scales in favour of one group.
20:46:56 [Geneviève]: The Chapter do small evil/light plots very very well.
20:47:04 [Braiden]: Kitt actually said something about the plot to me before that exlains it's difficulty, it is an environment driven plot rather then a character driven one. Considering we cannot force enviromental effects onto people it's difficult to get the proper
20:47:06 [Braiden]: results
20:47:16 [Geneviève]: True.
20:47:27 [Aleric]: Point.
20:47:41 [Lexgrad]: There is another option to the conflict.
20:48:04 [Kittrina]: Yeah...that is the issue, and why awareness and actual events that reflect the city situation are crucial....we sadly have no rp gms Razz but....we have to try and figure a way to reflect the city situation
20:48:07 [Lexgrad]: Do it feud style. IE pair the guilds up
20:48:17 [Lexgrad]: then it is 2 vs one
20:48:36 [Amaryl]: then there's still the activity problem.
20:48:37 [Lexgrad]: 1v1 guild even
20:48:44 [Lexgrad]: easyer to deal with.
20:48:52 [Geneviève]: Yeah, whenever the Seal tried that we were accused of trying to kill other guilds OOC.
20:49:20 [Geneviève]: People are very, very protective of guilds and often won't engage in anything that might tarnish their IC reputation for always winning.
20:49:30 [Aleric]: Five more minutes on current topic before we move on. Make them count.
20:49:34 [Kittrina]: How do you see that working relating to the famine plot, Lex?
20:49:50 [Lexgrad]: well that is a different subject.
20:50:07 [Lexgrad]: That is meant to be a wider event.
20:50:18 [Lexgrad]: But there may be 5 cultists on the evil side.
20:50:28 [Lexgrad]: So just fight one guild to begin with.
20:50:42 [Kittrina]: Also, I do not wish to say much now because it's still very much in planning stages but I am plotting something large for the Blades next year which could very well get them destroyed/driven out entirely. So aye I agree Gen, guilds need more actual risks
20:50:54 [Amaryl]: Well I don't believe there's a solution to this "problem" considering from my point of view there are plenty of bad-guys making things happen, and plenty of lighties making things happen... the biggest problem there in, is that it usually doesn't happen
20:50:58 [Amaryl]: at the same time...
20:51:17 [Aleric]: The MMO factor.
20:52:51 [Lexgrad]: So what is the plan?
20:53:36 [Aleric]: Get a discussion going? We talk a lot and as Amaryl would say, stuff needs to happen instead.
20:53:49 [Amaryl]: no my point is that stuff is happening
20:54:00 [Aleric]: So a discussion would be a good idea then?
20:54:09 [Amaryl]: but considering the bad guys aren't here...
20:54:23 [Aleric]: Yes, I was hoping Croj would be here.
20:54:32 [Amaryl]: so lets move on to the next discussion point?
20:54:45 [Aleric]: A sit-down may be something to consider in the future.
20:54:47 [Braiden]: Herp derp
20:55:00 [Aleric]: We shall move on.
20:55:11 [Braiden]: yes it would, leaders can just contact each other. It's the way most guilds communicate Razz

20:56:11 [Amaryl]: what's next?
20:56:30 [Aleric]: As Christmas is fast approaching, and this is the last meeting I'll be moderating, I've gathered some bri- gifts from my hoard of RP stuff that I've gathered over the years.
20:57:31 [Aleric]: So if you have been a good boy or girl, trade with me and you shall have a little something. The others of you, be back at 21:00 please. We shall continue with the debrief then.
20:58:00 [Lexgrad]: Sad im rping QQ
20:58:03 [Nífty]: Ohh please tell me it's wrapped in boxes?
20:58:06 [Geneviève]: I'm interested to know what's being given out. Wink
20:58:31 [Amaryl]: crap gen, aislin always gives crap wrapped in paper
20:58:33 [Aleric]: RP stuff. No biological weapons. All wrapped with red ribbons.
20:58:41 [Amaryl]: <3
20:58:45 [Nífty]: Yay, I cant resist such gifts!
20:59:12 [Braiden]: I WANT STUFF!
20:59:19 [Braiden]: FREE STUFF! NICE!
20:59:25 [Kittrina]: YAY
20:59:25 [Geneviève]: Who's taking over once you've gone over to the Dark side, Aleric? (almost meant literally as well as figuratively)
20:59:27 [Nífty]: Let's see...
20:59:37 [Nífty]: Ohhh
20:59:38 [Braiden]: This dress matches my eyes
20:59:45 [Nífty]: This dress matches my hat!
20:59:58 [Kittrina]: I got a shield for impersonating guards
21:00:24 [Aleric]: I do not know, Gene. I've had a few approach me. Samian, Lex and William. Nothing certain though.
21:01:32 [Aleric]: Are you interested? *peers*
21:01:40 [Aleric]: *press-gangs*
21:01:49 [Lexgrad]: I will do it.
21:02:04 [Geneviève]: Whilst I'd gladly take the responsability if I thought I could do the commitment justice I would. But it would be irresponsible of me to dos o.
21:02:20 [Aleric]: And I respect that.
21:02:39 [Aleric]: Let us continue now!
21:02:45 [Kittrina]: Right!
21:02:57 [Aleric]: I shall begin
21:03:43 [Aleric]: The Council had perhaps the shortest session yet this Tuesday. A bleeding man dropped by, died on the floor and Fortesgue with others went off to deal with it. I'm not privy to the details I'm afraid.
21:03:58 [Aleric]: And the Minister of Defence is still kidnapped by the scoundrel Sir Bret Bradshaw.
21:04:24 [Geneviève]: That's a little longer than the time Gen and Braiden had to take over because none of the Councillors turned up. Wink
21:04:45 [Braiden]: *charges the whining-lazor*
21:05:00 [Braiden]: Nah
21:05:18 [Braiden]: What positions are available?
21:05:44 [Lexgrad]: I would love to see new faces there.
21:05:44 [Aleric]: Education, Health, Trade and soon Defence.
21:05:50 [Geneviève]: Defence, shortly. I understand? Trade, I believe.
21:06:00 [Aleric]: Oh and Magic.
21:06:08 [Braiden]: How about Magic and Justice? There does not seem to happen much there
21:06:22 [Geneviève]: There's not much happening anywhere besides Defence and Internal Affairs.
21:08:02 [Aleric]: During my time as MoD I have found the lack of a minister of magic to be something that has been sorely missing. We do RP in a magical world after all and that magical expertise is something that has been lacking. In general.
21:08:30 [Kittrina]: Someone I know actually applied for it and is still awaiting any reply afaik
21:08:39 [Geneviève]: I suppose Culture is also fairly open? sightings of Saihna/Julia seems to be
21:08:42 [Kittrina]: (Magic position, that is)
21:08:43 [Geneviève]: a rarity.
21:08:53 [Aleric]: Yes, it should be, Gene.
21:08:59 [Aleric]: From what I understand anyway.
21:09:06 [Braiden]: Well as MoD have you have much interaction with the MoJ? It should be something that happens frequently aswell.
21:09:08 [Aleric]: I have not spoken to Saihna about it though.
21:09:45 [Aleric]: IC interaction, not so much. OOC, yes, some.
21:10:09 [Lexgrad]: Thing is... anyone can join. And I urge you all to concider taking a position.
21:10:11 [Aleric]: Kitt, I must have missed that post.
21:10:21 [Geneviève]: The Chapter should put forward a candidate. A total bigot who whilst knowing magical lore and theory inside out hates the stuff and doesn't use it themselves.
21:10:50 [Geneviève]: Half the positions need to be abolished. I think.
21:10:55 [Aleric]: And doesn't allow themselves to get brow beated by the old guard of the Council.
21:11:10 [Geneviève]: The community isn't large enough to support the positions we have.
21:11:45 [Aleric]: Personally I'd agree there.
21:12:09 [Aleric]: It is a discussion, however, for another time and with the Council better represented.
21:12:09 [Geneviève]: Defence and War should probably be merged. Maybe with Justice aswell since guards tend to be military regiments.
21:12:41 [Geneviève]: Of course.
21:13:08 [Braiden]: Yeah, we all have opinions but if we start presenting them now they'll do very little diffrence.
21:13:17 [Lexgrad]: For now, if you have interest, let the council know.
21:13:30 [Lexgrad]: And get on board.

21:13:05 [Aleric]: Anyway, it is time we move on.
21:14:51 [Aleric]: Amaryl - does the Strand have anything or you yourself?
21:15:20 [Amaryl]: general debrief?
21:15:37 [Aleric]: Or a specific issue you'd like to highlight.
21:17:29 [Amaryl]: Well, for general debrief: "The Strand" has been pulled into one, or maybe two cultists plots this week... secondly, we're trying to figure out a realistic way, or better we're RPing out a way to get some conflict RP by inditing our light characters when
21:17:40 [Amaryl]: SHTF when news of benny comes out
21:18:03 [Amaryl]: which we are still figuring out how best to do, since fort has the ic information and is searching for the right time to do it, which we may have found now.
21:18:39 [Amaryl]: Gahalla is planning the next CoL i'd assume.
21:18:51 [Amaryl]: that's about it.
21:19:03 [Aleric]: Alright, thank you, Amaryl.
21:20:29 [Aleric]: Braiden - Mistmantle and House of Nobles.
21:21:40 [Braiden]: House Mistmantle has very little to add, we get involved in as much as we can and have our own little plots. On the House of Nobles front we have admittedly had a bad turnout the last two meetings at least.
21:23:01 [Braiden]: So hence I urge, do take use of the House of Nobles sessions if your characters/organizations needs something we can provide.
21:24:00 [Braiden]: That is all, unless someone else has anything to add concering either House Mistmantle or the House of Nobles.
21:24:06 [Lexgrad]: I have...
21:24:24 [Lexgrad]: An event idea for house of nobles and the famine.
21:24:31 [Lexgrad]: And others ofc.
21:25:42 [Lexgrad]: It is a few days in northrend rping basiclly, I will be looking for some bad ass mercs Razz
21:25:58 [Lexgrad]: And some people to come along as "workers"
21:26:44 [Braiden]: Oh that one, we are still brushing out the details on the meetings arent we? I'd say we'll be able to announce it as an event soon enough.
21:26:57 [Braiden]: perhaps a whole week worth for the people involved.
21:27:20 [Lexgrad]: I will flesh out the idea more but i kinda wanted to run it as a asset stripping company sent to northrend, with mercs to bully about the workers who work for a pitance.
21:27:59 [Amaryl]: who do you expect to be the "workers"?
21:28:15 [Lexgrad]: RPers.
21:28:20 [Braiden]: *points at the cartel*
21:28:27 [Braiden]: xD
21:28:31 [Lexgrad]: I did think about taking a chain gang of prisoners.
21:28:43 [Lexgrad]: And anyone else who wants to come.
21:29:04 [Braiden]: anyhow, exact details is yet to be decided
21:29:14 [Lexgrad]: indeed.
21:29:14 [Aleric]: Alright then.
21:29:49 [Aleric]: Anything else, Braiden?
21:30:42 [Braiden]: As I said, that is all.
21:30:57 [Aleric]: Copper!
21:31:09 [Coppersocket]: huh?
21:31:13 [Aleric]: Cartel is up next. So either you or Nifty pipe up.
21:31:24 [Nífty]: I'll steal the honor!
21:31:37 [Coppersocket]: I'lld aid Nifty if needed, Nifty is the word tho
21:32:40 [Nífty]: Anyway, for the Cartel it's a bit mixed, on the bad side is our low amount of active RPers, and the inactive Guildmaster, on the RP part however we're having a busy time with alot of contracts to fulfill, which has been exactly what we needed.
21:33:24 [Nífty]: As soon as Swindle has whipped Zinkle into either getting active or leaving the throne we'll be... 'perfect' or however I should call it.
21:33:38 [Braiden]: Zinkle piece of shit! xD
21:33:58 [Aleric]: Burlesconi abducted him.
21:34:03 [Braiden]: clearly
21:34:04 [Nífty]: He has been on hospital afaik
21:34:12 [Braiden]: ahh
21:34:12 [Nífty]: Though he's back home now
21:34:15 [Aleric]: Oh right. Poor bastard Sad
21:35:01 [Nífty]: I guess that's about it from the Cartel
21:35:15 [Aleric]: Thank you, Nifty.
21:36:02 [Aleric]: Gahalla, do you have anything to add?
21:36:14 [Aleric]: For the republic or otherwise?
21:36:51 [Gahalla]: Only that my absense hurt the TR a lot... but we're not dead yet
21:37:11 [Aleric]: Good to hear.
21:37:24 [Gahalla]: I also wonder if I perhaps am trying to keep too many balls in the air... but other than that. Nothing else
21:41:31 [Coppersocket]: While it may not have much to do with this meeting, I'm going to ask, what's the current status of the Tinker Court, if anyone knows.
21:38:14 [Aleric]: I always say, do what is best for you. You come first.
21:38:56 [Aleric]: Moving on if there was nothing else?
21:40:48 [Aleric]: Right, Kitt?
21:40:52 [Kittrina]: right
21:41:41 [Kittrina]: Well, there's not a great amount to tell, Blades are still taking on jobs etc, there's been a fair bit of things to adresses within the guild in terms of addressing a few issues, but that is more or less done
21:42:17 [Kittrina]: we're having a major event next year but that's in planning stages. Relevant parties will be notified when it's going to kick off, should be fun/interesting for most guilds, however, large-reaching effect.
21:42:53 [Kittrina]: that is, more or less, it for the moment, though we do have one issuel
21:42:54 [Amaryl]: Next year as in March? or later?
21:43:18 [Kittrina]: When people are back from holidays, so likely earlier
21:44:01 [Kittrina]: the issue I want to bring up is the Pig; namely lately it's been very hard to find guards; and we have had a LOT of people doing ridiculous/over-the top crimes- trying to blow up/burn down the bar, repeatedly, groping, stabbing, stealing booze, etc
21:44:14 [Kittrina]: with no guards about it's been pretty hard to deal with and maitain a working bar
21:44:17 [Kittrina]: that's about it
21:44:56 [Aleric]: Tried talking with the Regiment and/or Mortima's bunch, the Militia?
21:44:58 [Geneviève]: As always I'll say the 'not enough guards' and the Council's response is a sore point on my behalf.
21:45:16 [Nífty]: Mortima seems to have gone inactive again
21:45:44 [Kittrina]: It's been hard; there's not been many about. But will have a chat to Samian about it at soem point
21:46:43 [Kittrina]: the issue is also people not being willing to to take being thrown out of/taken to the guards after doing stupid things at the bar- eg, woman threatens to burn down bar, we take her to CC, she casts smoke bomb icly and climbs out a window before any guard
21:46:47 [Kittrina]: members can come
21:46:53 [Kittrina]: it's been happeneing a looooot
21:47:15 [Nífty]: The downside when your hub becomes a hotspot, it attracts many uh-... less sophisticated elements
21:47:44 [William]: people want to be "cool" and radical without facing any consequences, it's an endless circle of evil.
21:47:56 [Kittrina]: Aye, and I'm not sure there's any solution besides ploughing through it and carrying on and dealing with it as much we can.
21:47:57 [Amaryl]: more guards won't solve that problem though
21:48:01 [Braiden]: I'm very rad.
21:48:05 [Amaryl]: since those people don't want to be jailed either.
21:48:12 [William]: Realistically those people would be stabbed and pushed into the canals.
21:48:16 [Amaryl]: and guards don't want to guard those people in jail since they'll escape anyway
21:48:27 [Aleric]: The Smoking Blade handled such issues back in the day.
21:48:47 [William]: the only way to really handle some cases would be to ignore them
21:48:53 [Geneviève]: That may be true in your experiance, Amaryl. But my own experiances of guarding have been different.
21:48:56 [Aleric]: Gave warnings OOC and if they ignored them, they got banned.
21:49:21 [Nífty]: Talking with annoying RPers oocly solves problems surprisingly often
21:49:23 [William]: It's all down to the people playing said characters, in the end.
21:49:59 [Geneviève]: So long as you have a motivated team of RPers who're active enough to interact with criminals throughout the day you can jail almost anyone.
21:50:17 [Lexgrad]: Even if they ignore you there is a change that when they have time to think they will concider your words
21:50:54 [Lexgrad]: When i guarded the worst criminals where often chars from big RP guilds, the newb rpers went along fine.
21:51:01 [Braiden]: In a perfect world everyone would be thinking the same way and we'd have an endless circle of the same crap over and over xD
21:51:48 [Braiden]: Sometimes there's wierd things in the game world, it happens
21:52:16 [Geneviève]: And what Nifty said. As soon as someone was arrested Tarv or I spoke to them OOC and asked if they wanted to try and escape and talked through any plan with them so we could devise one that worked without causing collosal disruption.
21:52:16 [Geneviève]: Or they'll realise you're being incredibly reasonable and accomodating so offer to just wait it out.
21:54:58 [Kittrina]: anyway, there's not much more to say on that, I think, it's just a case of asking for consideration from those of you that are here a little I suppose Razz
21:56:11 [Aleric]: Thank you, Kitt.
21:56:24 [Aleric]: Lex, my man? Got something for us?
21:57:54 [Lexgrad]: kk so firstly, the shroud, TLA and LoD have joined forces and are currently in Alterac.
21:58:33 [Lexgrad]: We are working with others to set up a big thing upt north with pvp, rp scarlets scourge livings and deadsa.
21:59:09 [Lexgrad]: Lex has also Vowed never to return to stormwind without an army and people kneeling to him however.....
22:00:11 [Lexgrad]: I have a guy in SW and the plan is to set up a paramilitary group, looking to deal with the perceved fanaticals that have groen in SW
22:00:20 [Lexgrad]: been 3 weeks so far Razz
22:01:17 [Lexgrad]: Basiclly grow the living side of the guild and have a "cultist group" who have different goals to the normal.
22:01:56 [Lexgrad]: So I will get on that and let you guys know how it goes.
22:02:16 [Lexgrad]: And we are going to do bad stuff to braiden Razz
22:02:32 [Lexgrad]: That is about it.
22:02:39 [Aleric]: ...Lex. FU. Made me think of the theme to True Blood. >.<
22:03:00 [Braiden]: Braiden is on the side of justice!
22:03:14 [Aleric]: William Walla- Helmsley!
22:03:19 [William]: Hi
22:03:25 [Aleric]: Hi William.
22:03:35 [William]: I'm William and I'm...
22:03:36 [William]: Well
22:03:42 [Coppersocket]: an alcoholic?
22:03:46 [Aleric]: An RPer.
22:03:51 [Kittrina]: Hi William *applause*
22:03:53 [Braiden]: Even worse
22:03:57 [William]: both could probably be said about me at times.
22:04:00 [Coppersocket]: *claps hands*
22:04:04 [William]: Anyhow
22:04:29 [Aleric]: (If we manage to finish before 22:30 it'll be a new record!)
22:05:04 [William]: Not much to say, we've been a bit slow lately, people having exams, people being on irl trips and such. Should pick up now, though I'm still looking for people to take on key roles to be able to sit back every now and then and not have to run everything
22:05:07 [William]: personally.
22:05:34 [Geneviève]: It neer happens, William. I can tell you that from experiance. Razz
22:05:42 [William]: It can.
22:05:49 [William]: I've experienced it, true story.
22:06:00 [William]: then those people quit and you're back to it
22:06:05 [William]: but a break is nice in any case
22:06:24 [Geneviève]: Actually...I suppose Tarv and my month away would support that conclusion.
22:06:55 [William]: Anyhow, all in all we're doing alright, working through things at a fair pace given the circumstances.
22:07:03 [William]: Hoping for more noble guilds about, etc
22:07:28 [William]: oh yes
22:07:40 [William]: slowly planning a wpvp campaign for next year, as well
22:07:45 [William]: rp-wpvp, obviously
22:08:11 [William]: that's it really
22:08:26 [Aleric]: Thank you, William.
22:08:58 [Aleric]: Kitt, you had an issue to bring up?
22:09:13 [Kittrina]: the guard/crimes one I already mentioned, that's it
22:09:23 [Kittrina]: unless people have things they wish my crier to shout about
22:09:48 [Lexgrad]: keep shouting about Jarrics conquests.
22:10:12 [Aleric]: Amaryl then.
22:10:57 [Amaryl]: Right, looking at the attendee's my next request will mostly not be targeted at the correct audience, but lets hope people do read the notes on the forums xD
22:11:57 [Amaryl]: SWTOR will obviously, bring a DIP in the DB RP for the end of Dec beginning of Jan. so lets try to keep the "RP is dying Threads" to a minimum...
Logging started on 12/07/2011 at 22:12:22.
22:12:47 [Geneviève]: *nods*
22:12:51 [Aleric]: *nods*
22:12:55 [William]: I'd expect rp is dead threads, rather than dying
22:13:08 [Braiden]: QQQQQQQQQQQQ?
22:13:09 [Lexgrad]: agreed... with the others.
22:13:16 [Aleric]: I have one last thing to bring up then unless no one else...?
22:13:40 [Coppersocket]: The "Rp is dead" threads has been going on since vanilla tho
22:14:14 [Braiden]: RP is always dead, that's why I rarely go a night without bumping into loads and loads of random stuff that keeps me occupied in game Razz
22:15:17 [Coppersocket]: Man, what a disaster
22:15:40 [Braiden]: I know, I got too much RP going on... it's killing me
22:15:57 [Geneviève]: I think we can call it, Aleric. 2015 is a nice time.
22:16:03 [Geneviève]: 2215*
22:16:04 [Lexgrad]: come to the acherus, we will rp with you braiden!
22:16:18 [Braiden]: That place lacks class
22:16:37 [Coppersocket]: Undercity is a nice RP hub I hear, let's all go there
22:16:57 [Lexgrad]: agreed!
22:17:08 [Braiden]: I prefer silvermoon
22:17:22 [Braiden]: alot of solid material there
22:17:31 [Aleric]: Right
22:17:32 [Aleric]: It has been a privilege to organise these meetings and run them for the community. Personally I've gotten quite a bit out of it; I've proven to myself that I can run projects and be consistent.
22:17:43 [Aleric]: From what I have gathered it has had a positive effect and that is what I had hoped for when I set out in July.
22:18:21 [Coppersocket]: This was way more entertaining than I though it would be, truth to be told. Glad I participated
22:18:30 [Aleric]: I hope to that they will continue in my absence and will become even better.
22:18:30 [Kittrina]: likewise
22:18:34 [Braiden]: Good luck over at the Darkside anyhow Aleric.
22:18:54 [Lexgrad]: Good luck dude. Gonna miss you.
22:19:04 [Coppersocket]: Ah, you quitting? Take care
22:19:28 [Aleric]: I'm off to get my jollies off using Force Lightning in SWTOR.
22:19:38 [Aleric]: Which says a few things about me.
22:19:39 [Aleric]: Anyway!
22:19:41 [Amaryl]: see you in three months then Smile
22:19:45 [Lexgrad]: haha
22:19:50 [Coppersocket]: Indeed
22:20:16 [William]: Yes, I don't see this one as what will topple Kotick's goldmine
22:20:18 [Aleric]: We'll see, Amy!
22:21:18 [Aleric]: Well, whichever way things turn out; take care everyone. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
22:21:29 [William]: .o/
22:21:37 [Kittrina]: yup Very Happy you too
22:21:50 [Aleric]: Class dismissed.

Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 39
Location : Luleå, Sweden

Character sheet
Name: Sir Aleric Dylain
Title: Knight

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Minutes Empty Re: Minutes

Post by Morgeth Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:00 pm


21:08:57 [Skaraín]: Right, We could begin. Welcome to the 7th Stormwind Communty meeting. Its been 4-5 months since last one.
21:09:43 [Skaraín]: To avoid it meeting to draw to long i would ask you to skip all unneeded talk from the raid chat.
21:10:24 [Skaraín]: The meeting will start with a Recap: What have happen the past months? how are things progressing? Is there any active plots or projects, in general or among guilds.
21:10:28 [Skaraín]: Anyone who wish to begin?
21:10:37 [Kittrina]: I'll start for Blades?
21:10:41 [Ilyanain]: May I?
21:10:47 [Ilyanain]: Ah, you go xD
21:11:03 [Skaraín]: Kittrina was first, then Ilyanain from the regiment. feel free to begin.
21:12:04 [Kittrina]: Alrighty. Well, after a plot about 6/7 months in making, We went on the run, had a civil war style plot, with Kitt possessed and hunting the others with some cultist involvement. We've been cleared/pardoned/exorcised etc ICly and returned to the city-
21:12:27 [Kittrina]: And are rebuilding icly, so going to be doing a fair few events in the coming weeks to get back into the SW scene in general.
21:12:53 [Kittrina]: That's it for the moment.
21:13:17 [Skaraín]: Thank you kitt. Ilyanain from the Stormwind Regiment next.
21:14:13 [Ilyanain]: Right, well, for the Regiment, nothing new really, we've been keeping steady and such, one plan that is in the making is moving to Theramore for an extended period of time, rping around there and building up to the action in MoP
21:15:36 [Ilyanain]: thats all for us I believe Smile
21:15:50 [Skaraín]: Is there more? -ah alright. Who wishes to speak next?
21:15:57 [Vesilí]: DWARVES!
21:16:16 [Skaraín]: Since it shouted, it can begin. Vesili can speak.
21:16:58 [Vesilí]: TTH is really strong. We again can pretty much consider everyone else sub-race, numerous of events planned and strong rpe'rs in the backbone
21:17:20 [Vesilí]: If all goes well a "Night of the Long Knives"-themed event will soon take place, involving Stormwind
21:17:45 [Vesilí]: Any questions feel free to ask, but we are here, strong , fat and burly as usual. Ready to help the community
21:17:50 [Vesilí]: Thats all. Thank you
21:17:58 [Ilyanain]: Night of the Long Knives?
21:18:09 [Vesilí]: Google it
21:18:19 [Ilyanain]: Okay, thanks Smile
21:18:38 [Skaraín]: Since it was dwarves it would only be fair to have the Gnomes next, if their speaker is present (and no, i do not mean Cartel)
21:19:00 [Coppersockét]: Well we're not really just Gnomes but most leaders are Gnomes
21:19:18 [Sullee]: There are no Tinker's court supreme gearholder on.
21:19:20 [Coppersockét]: Want to take it Swind?
21:19:22 [Sullee]: I'm a gearholder though.
21:20:10 [Sullee]: The Tinker's court has been set up. All positions have been filled and soon the first bi-monthly Tinker Court meetings will be held. We're attending council and senate meetings to.. spread our RP.
21:20:23 [Vesilí]: Long live the Tinkers!
21:20:38 [Sullee]: I don't know anything bout Debri's plans for future large-scale events, however. I'm not in the technocratic republic as you can tell.
21:20:52 [Skaraín]: Alright, was that all?
21:20:59 [Sullee]: All I can inform you of, yes.
21:21:10 [Greden]: I can check the republics calendar if you want.
21:21:20 [Skaraín]: Would the speaker of the mafi- cartel take the next turn?
21:21:40 [Coppersockét]: Right
21:21:49 [Cornley]: Gnomafia
21:22:04 [Coppersockét]: All hail commuism and all that, Stalin's awesome. Now, The Cartel's been under some changes recently
21:22:19 [Cornley]: Hail Stalin o/
21:22:26 [Vesilí]: Stalin was actually a monster, but yhea...
21:22:28 [Sullee]: *applauds vigorously*
21:22:38 [Coppersockét]: Most noitcable of all, we've changed leadership. Ezlbag is the current leader.
21:24:28 [Coppersockét]: We've also been 'removing' one of our lovely leaders, Greenbeard is no longer officially with the organization. Due to a event which spanned for about two weeks.
21:24:41 [Imrian]: Swindle?
21:24:43 [Coppersockét]: Yes
21:24:47 [Sullee]: We greatly miss him.
21:24:49 [Imrian]: why not? Neutral
21:24:56 [Cornley]: In fact they turned into nancies who go around sporting capitalistic items.
21:25:49 [Coppersockét]: Why? Because to some, Swindle is a risk to the Company, but anyway- Currently we've got a few things brewing. First, our lovely friends the TTH crashed the Lady
21:26:09 [Gilran]: The Lady?
21:26:19 [Coppersockét]: We, being the friendly and lawful citizen we are, are planning to give them flowers in return. The Shady Lady. The pub in Dwarven District.
21:26:30 [Gilran]: Oh yeah
21:26:32 [Gilran]: I remember it.
21:27:15 [Coppersockét]: By flowers I mean bombs. We're setting up something tonight to crash their happiness.
21:28:05 [Coppersockét]: We're also currently planning to take care of Krickle, which has once more returned to us. For those of you who don't know who he is, he's quite the nasty fellow
21:28:34 [Kittrina]: He beat up my town crier QQ
21:29:03 [Sullee]: He's wanted by Gnomeregan, Ironforge and Stormwind. HE CAN'T RUN FOREVER!
21:29:06 [Coppersockét]: We were planning on making an event in Gilneas, but I'm not entirely sure if that's going to happen now that people seem to be returning to Stormwind
21:29:31 [Coppersockét]: Oh and we're now based in a flourist shop
21:29:44 [Ezlbag]: That was put on hold for now til atleast after we solved the leadership stuff.
21:30:25 [Coppersockét]: That's all I think, unless you got something Bag?
21:31:03 [Ezlbag]: Well, from what i saw you covered most of it.
21:31:52 [Skaraín]: Thank you Copper. An next is Beladon from the most beloved Disciples of Light.
21:31:58 [Skaraín]: *applaudes*
21:32:03 [Coppersockét]: all praise the green
21:32:06 [Coppersockét]: /end
21:32:07 [Sullee]: .. Speak for yourself.
21:32:18 [Cornley]: Fuck dah' green.
21:32:34 [Brigand]: Wait, We are praising green?
21:32:45 [Coppersockét]: Yes, praise me as your goddess.
21:33:19 [Beladon]: Currently Dol is not involved in any major Rp plots, we have few investigating the Necromancer when they are around and we have an investigation into finding a religious fanatic who has been murdering people with suspicious backgrounds.
21:33:31 [Beladon]: Otherwise it's mostly just patroling and Training
21:33:57 [Beladon]: Oh, we're going to be patrolling Redridge more in the coming weeks due to an increase in Bandit activity.
21:34:17 [Beladon]: And In the next few weeks I plan to take the guild into Outlands for a campaign against Demons
21:34:42 [Sullee]: Sounds like your every day routine..
21:34:46 [Beladon]: Thats all I can really say for the moment Smile
21:34:50 [Skaraín]: Thank you. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak?
21:35:03 [Ezlbag]: Oh! I just have some sort of question for Disciples...
21:35:10 [Dwyburn]: Can say a few words for our guild, if you want, after the questions.
21:35:32 [Taku]: Well, I guess I could speak a bit about the newest shit around, my shit.
21:35:33 [Dotwolf]: And i have somethign short to say as well.
21:35:52 [Skaraín]: Ezlbag > Dwyburn > Taku > Dotwolf, alright?
21:36:41 [Ezlbag]: As i heard the Disciples were doing some rugby thing with the Stormwind Regiment, im wondering if they might be up for trying to set up a larger event with this, possibly pulling in several SW based guilds to form "teams" of their own.
21:37:03 [Remaí]: Warcraft Bloodbowl.
21:37:09 [Remaí]: My input for tonight.
21:37:15 [Sullee]: I love the idea.
21:37:16 [Beladon]: I actually had something like that in mind, Perhaps a tournament of sorts with pre-set rules? Very Happy
21:37:22 [Sullee]: Sullee will be quarterback.
21:37:44 [Skaraín]: Dwyburn, the estrade is yours.
21:38:33 [Dwyburn]: Grand, I speak for Freelancers, new RP guild basicly set up as a Stormwindian counterpart of the explorer's league.
21:40:03 [Dwyburn]: We'll spend a lot of our time out on various expedition, and be in the royal library in SW in our downtime.
21:40:38 [Dwyburn]: Currently we have 21 members, Radke leading as surpreme Guild master, me being the only officer.
21:41:35 [Dwyburn]: We're not doing too much currently, just trying to get to know one another and see how it works.
21:42:07 [Dwyburn]: That is all I can think of, unless there's questions or Radke has more.
21:42:22 [Manoch]: this is a rather large raid... is this ALL for Foray Industries?
21:42:28 [Gilran]: I'd have a question.
21:42:32 [Bridlington]: Yes, it's all for us!
21:42:51 [Skaraín]: Manoch, Bridlington. If you'd mind tell about those things, but later. there are a few speakers before you.
21:42:57 [Manoch]: will do.
21:44:22 [Gilran]: Well, I just wanted to ask you would be interested in some coperation with Ironforge Explorers, since you claim to be Stormwindian version of Explorer's league if I got it right?
21:46:24 [Dwyburn]: That sounds doable. Could plan a trip to Ironforge too exchange experience and all, and start with that.
21:46:53 [Gilran]: Sounds good.
21:46:55 [Skaraín]: Thank you. You can discuss details in private. And next, the self proclaimed lord of Booty Bay, there you go.
21:47:14 [Taku]: Alright, I just want to tell a bit about the Drunken Lass. The idea behind it is that I want more RPers down to Booty Bay, as it could be used as a great RP hub. And I find lack of pirate RP around s'well. So I am sort of planning events that could-
21:47:19 [Taku]: Be with both The Drunken Lass' and Stormwind's people, as plundering in the city, negotiating, trade etc. We are still at the beginner phase though, looking for members, but I mainly want to attract people down to Booty Bay, with some different things-
21:47:23 [Taku]: Down there, like fishing contests IC, auctions and more. To interest people and get pretty much, shit and people down there. (We're even opening a tavern down there soon enough!) And of course, we want people to join the pirate crew of the Drunken Lass!
21:47:27 [Taku]: That's all as far as I can think, I'm real tired atm so I might have done this real bad and shit. xD Thank you all! *Bows deeply*
21:47:48 [Samian]: Auctions?
21:47:50 [Samian]: Fishing in BB?
21:48:00 [Samian]: You need ho's and disgustingness I'd say!
21:48:10 [Bridlington]: I am in need of a fleet.
21:48:16 [Samian]: Additional hubs are always good though
21:48:53 [Manoch]: aye, and theres little chance of ganking due to the BB guards. I'll come down for it all.
21:49:09 [Skaraín]: Yes, i an Taku had idea of making Booty Bay a trade city (and a shady place) but more of it later. Dortwolf, if you may?
21:49:10 [Coppersockét]: Those things hit like trucks..
21:49:24 [Skaraín]: (they do, its amusing to see a rogue die in 3sec)
21:49:38 [Dotwolf]: I will speak on behalf of John Grenier(aka Tuomas) more percise since he will permanantly leave DB, before he does he is planing a last event as ferwell of his last char alive char (gren). Thing is for it to work it would be nice if we gathered
21:49:54 [Dotwolf]: For example DoLs and/or chapter maybe regiment among others for a most likely explosive event (which will probably mean the end of the Legions hand ). It's in the making but i just wanted to inform you all about this.
21:50:58 [Samian]: Just tell Tuomas to get in touch
21:51:04 [Samian]: Once he knows what he wants
21:51:15 [Dotwolf]: I shall, that is all.
21:51:27 [Sullee]: Nice idea to end with a smash. If all of us did it RP'd be blooming.
21:51:55 [Skaraín]: Thank you. I believe its time for the new kind of villain, "Industries".
21:52:10 [Skaraín]: Manoch, Bridlington.
21:52:12 [Manoch]: Lies and Slander. Brid, go for it Smile
21:52:26 [Bridlington]: What would you like to hear?
21:52:41 [Humphry]: Dirty secrets?
21:52:42 [Skaraín]: Anything you wish to tell, share, announce.
21:52:44 [Manoch]: ((I have my own thing to talk about in a sec, by the way.))
21:53:38 [Bridlington]: Foray Industries ltd., run by the industrious Professor, mister Bridlington and soon madam Sophyra will revolutionise all of Azeroth in time. Starting humbly from the poorest districts of the Stormwindian slum, we soon hope to expand outwards and -
21:53:46 [Bridlington]: industrialise Stormwind on unprecented scale!
21:54:38 [Bridlington]: Thus far I have attempted to incooperate several of the world's guilds in what plans I have in mind, the Cartel being the very first with an event in Stranglethorn to enslave the indigenous troll tribes for the cotton plantation.
21:55:15 [Bridlington]: I will continue to provide role play to this realm should there be the possibility to, and I urge all people to look for a way to get involved in this new initiative, since truly... who doesn't enjoy the sight of downtrodden labourers?
21:55:37 [Bridlington]: Professor Warrington?
21:55:43 [Manoch]: yes?
21:56:32 [Sullee]: Filhy capitalists!
21:56:40 [Bridlington]: You may.
21:56:50 [Manoch]: now now, Sullee, we have a position for you to. Latrine cleaner.
21:57:12 [Bridlington]: Before you speak, Prof, I would like to ask one more thing.
21:57:26 [Manoch]: my only notes to add to Foray, as the current topic, is that my own event, which i'll discuss shortly, will be linked to it slightly.
21:57:27 [Bridlington]: Do you, the community present, find industrialisation acceptible?
21:58:08 [Sullee]: Within bounds, of course.
21:58:12 [Dotwolf]: *nod*
21:58:24 [Sullee]: Anything is acceptable as long as it is done well.
21:58:24 [Humphry]: Considering the world has the internal combustion engine I see it as a logical step, yes.
21:58:38 [Sullee]: Eternal Combustion Engine*
21:58:56 [Bridlington]: Do not expect steampunk, or assembly lines. The most advances technologies will be from the 1880's.
21:59:03 [Skaraín]: From my opinion, Yes. Its a new kind of roleplay, a new villain. We all know its the money that runs even the real money, and there are always greedy people seeking to abuse it. This also brings a new villain, a new thing to curse and insult in bars.
22:00:31 [Sullee]: Will there be mass-food production in the future?
22:00:37 [Skaraín]: As long as you are not trying to force-recruit every stormwindian roleplayer to your factories. I would enjoy however seeing rumors of taking the poor npc's into them.
22:00:49 [Sullee]: I'd like to be chairman of that.
22:00:52 [Skaraín]: When you run out of trolls, that is.
22:01:01 [Dotwolf]: And gnomes.
22:01:04 [Skaraín]: And gnomes
22:01:07 [Dotwolf]: jinx
22:01:13 [Coppersockét]: Gnomes? You mean human children
22:01:25 [Dotwolf]: Both, miss Copper.
22:01:39 [Bridlington]: The orphanage will be the next plan!
22:01:55 [Skaraín]: Hehe. Well we will finnish with the recap of guilds and organisation soon. then we can move to the discussion.
22:02:02 [Skaraín]: Manoch had something, didn't you?
22:02:06 [Manoch]: Two things, aye.
22:02:54 [Manoch]: firstly, im interested in all manner of gossip and rumors, compromising photos and letters, etc, from anyone of importance in the Alliance, so leave me an IC letter at the Blue recluse to contact me about that.
22:03:02 [Manoch]: thats for general political blackmail material.
22:03:09 [Samian]: And how would we know that?
22:03:17 [Bridlington]: Rumour, of course.
22:03:24 [Manoch]: theres rumors posted in Defias RP, both normal and criminal sections.
22:03:29 [Samian]: Alright cool
22:03:48 [Skaraín]: Not a rumor that would be found among "good" people, maybe common and poor, criminal.
22:04:00 [Skaraín]: I'd imagine, but not my rumor.
22:04:00 [Manoch]: the type of people who will sell that information, yes.
22:04:38 [Manoch]: secondly, i'm putting together a long RP event, an archaeological dig in Uldum. This will include travelling there, curse breaking, tomb exploration, perhaps a horde attack, and when we return, selling the goods we find in a public auction, and splitting
22:04:55 [Bridlington]: I'm game!
22:05:02 [Manoch]: the profits between charities and the workers themselves. This will also involve a side project of capturing pygmies as a slave force for Foray Industries.
22:05:05 [Bridlington]: I have to venture to Tanaris anyway, to sign a contract.
22:05:19 [Bridlington]: Yes, we can hand them to Sophyra for her tea plantations.
22:05:26 [Bridlington]: Or put some on the boat.
22:05:34 [Manoch]: I'll be needing medics, scouts, guides, workers, archaeologists, cursebreakers, rune scholars, historians, etc.
22:05:43 [Manoch]: as well as a ship from Booty Bay to Tanaris IC.
22:06:07 [Taku]: Like the sound of that.
22:06:14 [Kittrina]: Blades would be up for providing guards etc.
22:06:25 [Manoch]: awesome. perhaps the slavery side as well?
22:06:59 [Kittrina]: Possibly aye
22:06:59 [Manoch]: oh, and if I can get it, i'd like a horde side attack at somepoint, perhaps small scouting forces trying to take our goods for the good of the horde war effort.
22:07:03 [Manoch]: that kind of thing Smile
22:07:20 [Manoch]: any questions at all? this is also posted in Events section, on
22:07:43 [Coppersockét]: I'd like to add something before we end things, a quick one by the way.
22:08:05 [Skaraín]: We are closing the end, but not 'in' the end, but feel free.
22:08:41 [Grenier]: Hail everybody...
22:10:02 [Grenier]: Ok. What did I miss?
22:10:08 [Coppersockét]: Are you done, Manoch?
22:11:07 [Manoch]: I am, yes.
22:12:23 [Coppersockét]: Well, I'm just going to remind anyone who may have simply missed it. On DefiasRP forums, Game Related, I've created a thread simply labeled "Join a Family!", it's a thread focused for people who wishes to broaden their families with other
22:12:23 [Coppersockét]: people.Mostly focused on non-royal families, those that would just be 'commoners' and such. Most have already probably seen this, but good to tell people about it anyway
22:13:03 [Manoch]: .... oddly enough, I thought that was all about a mob family...
22:13:19 [Manoch]: i must have a look now.
22:13:26 [Skaraín]: Thank you Copper. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak/announce something? I have something myself, but i will wait to the last.
22:16:44 [Kyrbÿ]: Setting up in stormglen.And am currently plotting an event to get a convoy coing.Just need a few more members.
22:17:05 [Manoch]: A convoy to where?
22:17:23 [Kyrbÿ]: Bringing grain from SW to Gilneas.
22:18:24 [Kyrbÿ]: Plan to ask TTH stormgrade ect. For protection and prehapes red blade for a bit of rp fighting.
22:18:47 [Kyrbÿ]: Ofc ABoC will show so craic will be had.
22:19:40 [Kyrbÿ]: At the moment that's all.Just recruiting and thinking.
22:19:56 [Skaraín]: Keeping TRP2 tracking off is a easy, yet effective way to counter them. Another mean is to use transmog gear, but im sure you know that already.
22:20:07 [Manoch]: bob - perhaps arrange an event with the Circle of Darnassus, or who ever the Elven guild is?
22:20:21 [Skaraín]: Nature's Grasp, Manoch?
22:20:25 [Manoch]: thats the one.
22:20:46 [Coppersockét]: Currently TTH has something ongoing with Nature's Grasp don't they?
22:20:52 [Kyrbÿ]: Aye NG will be popping by.
22:23:29 [Kyrbÿ]: Baisic stuff..Gonna try rp with as many people as I can and invite as many people as i can to events.Gilnian RP has suffered badly so lots of ground to make up.
22:23:47 [Kyrbÿ]: Join CotB....Done.
22:24:21 [Skaraín]: Heh, thank you Bob. Anyone else with announcements? Anything, before i move my thing.
22:24:32 [Reyleigh]: I got something
22:24:41 [Skaraín]: Feel free to, Reyleigh.
22:25:28 [Reyleigh]: Hello everyone! Just wanted to announce it here (already done so at the DB forums aswell) that I've opened a weapons shop in Old Town.
22:25:44 [Reyleigh]: It is oocly called Honest Blades but ICly it would be Rey's Blades.
22:25:44 [Coppersockét]: We're robbing you, done
22:26:01 [Kyrbÿ]: I love you rey just what i needed.
22:26:02 [Manoch]: I'll come by and blackmail you for a percentage of the profits, then.
22:26:04 [Reyleigh]: Do repairs and sell weapons, soon with enchantments.
22:26:35 [Reyleigh]: I got Blacksmithing (Currently lvling it still) so I can take actual orders for special blades.
22:26:48 [Reyleigh]: It's also a great place to find some casual RP
22:26:55 [Reyleigh]: That is all, thank you.
22:27:05 [Dotwolf]: And you could hire people, good.
22:27:06 [Manoch]: Reyleigh - mind if we work together with my warrior, Ravenia? she could become an apprentice, and I have nearly max BS anyway.
22:27:09 [Skaraín]: So basicly a weapon shop in old town. It sounds nice.
22:27:31 [Reyleigh]: I'm sure we can work something out ^^
22:27:48 [Manoch]: lovely, will get into contact then.
22:29:38 [Skaraín]: It'll be my turn, if no-one else have anything.
22:31:28 [Manoch]: anything else to add, anyone?
22:31:49 [Skaraín]: If things have gone according to the plan, not many should know of this, least Ic'ly. I have started and am leading a new Cultist guild names Veil of Shadows. Our idea, set to a nutshell is to cover the lands in shadows, overthrow the order and reforge
22:31:49 [Skaraín]: the world better, newer, (and ACTUALLY a nice place)
22:32:20 [Skaraín]: We are basicly against 1.) The Light 2.) The ruling, kings, guards.. all that kind of stuff, and we want... of course... POWER.
22:32:35 [Samian]: Obviously a nice place in the making then >.>
22:32:45 [Taku]: And they live in Booty Bay! Very Happy
22:33:08 [Grenier]: Samian, or you try grand or just don't try!
22:33:26 [Skaraín]: Nah, its just a temporary base. The organisation works mostly without a guild, there -is- a guild, but its only for those who are not able for some reasons to actually be out in the world.
22:34:05 [Skaraín]: I wont, obviously, reveal how widespread this is. Its your job to find out our existance and to find the members. I'd believe its interesting roleplay when you can't know "is the person right next to me a cultist?"
22:34:51 [Skaraín]: So far we have taken over Booty Bay, without even Taku knowing it (sorry pall ^^) and annoyed the Disciples with waves of undead a few weeks ago.
22:35:57 [Skaraín]: Im looking forward providing some terror, chaos, fear and other nice things to provide during our quest of world dominance. Feel free to contact me if any such is wanted, we be gladly bashing guards or Light dogs ^^
22:36:12 [Dotwolf]: (Seal of approval)
22:36:24 [Skaraín]: Hush, you are not supposed to LIKE me.
22:36:31 [Sullee]: I hate you.
22:36:40 [Dotwolf]: Like what, who, where?
22:36:43 [Kyrbÿ]: Lads.
22:36:50 [Dotwolf]: No i like girls.
22:37:27 [Skaraín]: That is all from me. There may not be a recruitment thread coming, since i like to keep it growing slowly and shape over Roleplay. I can just say.... watch out who to trust.
22:37:28 [Grenier]: Skarain, yuo're keeping cultist rp going here. Something I failed to. You've my best wishes, and I like you.
22:37:33 [Skaraín]: That is all from me.
22:37:39 [Samian]: Honestly though
22:37:41 [Beladon]: Hah, we've outlasted the scum of Azeroth before and we'll do it again, our Fresh recruits are raring to get some action.
22:37:44 [Samian]: its not like cultist rp has ever been lacking
22:38:39 [Dwyburn]: Aotd has been around longer than I have.
22:39:10 [Skaraín]: Samian don't worry. We are not being overpowered monsters consuming everything. We are more like... a widespread organisation. I do not intend to cause undead running on the streets.
22:39:20 [Skaraín]: Expect if wanted.
22:41:17 [Samian]: I'm not worried, the cultist thing always just gets recycled over and over, it doesnt excite me too much anymore
22:41:31 [Samian]: Then again that might be Kathless's fault
22:42:25 [Skaraín]: It may. Well let me know if there is anything that begins to annoy in our operation or anything. I do this to provide roleplay and cordinate those who love to do evil deeds, not to annoy people.
22:42:39 [Skaraín]: Anyways, we should move on.
22:43:09 [Samian]: If you want to improve the community you should come with a more original plot imo Mad
22:43:11 [Samian]: but yeah
22:43:25 [Kyrbÿ]: I shall.
22:43:34 [Kyrbÿ]: Wc.
22:43:46 [Skaraín]: I am new in this, it may shape in time. - Now that we know basicly what is going on, what have happend and so... it there anything we'd like to create.. i remember something about the rubgy, no?
22:44:34 [Coppersockét]: I call first player
22:45:54 [Bridlington]: It's following me!
22:46:23 [Skaraín]: ... i take it that the player who spoke about it earlier have gone offline. Well, is there anything else someone would like to discuss about?
22:47:17 [Kyrbÿ]: Like to thank DoL and crw for helping with ABoC.
22:48:45 [Dwyburn]: I have a quick note: See the Freelancers recruitment thread, and jum down to our ganking policy. Not tested yet, but I'm happy with the basics of it
22:49:01 [Dotwolf]: Yes i've read it too
22:49:22 [Dotwolf]: It's well thought out.
22:49:44 [Skaraín]: Its a good idea. A way to treat the.. sometimes annoying part of the game as Ic.
22:50:08 [Dotwolf]: anoying person following me right now sadly
22:50:24 [Grenier]: Patience, patience.
22:50:35 [Skaraín]: Well if there is nothing else... Do we still wish to keep going the Guild Lottery? The basic idea was to make rolls for each guilds, and they will find a new way of getting involved.
22:50:41 [Samian]: YES
22:50:53 [Kittrina]: yeah sounds good
22:51:02 [Nífty]: The Cartel is in
22:51:34 [Dotwolf]: I love the idea.
22:51:36 [Dwyburn]: Freelancers is in, although we're in the birthing phase Razz
22:51:51 [Skaraín]: Someone remember how it was done in the past? I am afraid i have forgotten >_>
22:52:01 [Samian]: I say
22:52:03 [Samian]: Everyone rolls
22:52:06 [Skaraín]: Each guild leader rolls, and based on that?
22:52:09 [Samian]: and the 2 numbers closest together
22:52:15 [Samian]: have to come up with a plot inbetween guilds :>
22:52:33 [Ezlbag]: Uuuugh... we might get put with the regiment!
22:52:36 [Ezlbag]: Who would want that!?
22:52:41 [Samian]: Everybody?
22:52:43 [Dotwolf]: No one
22:52:48 [Nífty]: The regiment is a loller guild
22:52:48 [Samian]: Everyone.
22:52:52 [Ezlbag]: Yeah actually... that would be awesome
22:52:53 [Taku]: *Nods in agreement at Ezl*
22:53:04 [Dotwolf]: Regiment will get regiment
22:53:07 [Dotwolf]: Done!
22:53:15 [Coppersockét]: I once saw Samian eat food, he's such a metagamer
22:53:23 [Samian]: yeah their gm is a dick
22:53:24 [Samian]: so
22:53:26 [Samian]: are we rollan?
22:53:35 [Skaraín]: Hehe. Im going to ask ONE person from each roleplaying guilds to roll a 1-100, and we pair guilds based on that.
22:53:37 [Samian]: I'll be late for a classy event
22:53:43 [Nífty]: Ask me!
22:53:48 [Coppersockét]: >:
22:53:55 [Coppersockét]: Racism
22:54:05 [Nífty]: The GM rolls Mineral, duh
22:54:13 [Coppersockét]: Racism!
22:54:27 [Skaraín]: One person, not leader. Is the Cartel ONLY guild involved? >_>
22:54:32 [Coppersockét]: Yes
22:55:22 [Samian]: So..
22:55:25 [Samian]: Taku and the cartel?
22:55:30 [Samian]: Cultists and the blades?
22:55:43 [Samian]: And the regiment has to put up with trade hippies?
22:55:50 [Nífty]: YEAH
22:55:58 [Kittrina]: all sounds good ^^
22:56:10 [Nífty]: Pirate event for the Cartel, yep yep
22:56:16 [Taku]: Awww yeah.
22:56:52 [Skaraín]: Prettymuch. Pirates with Cartel. Industries with Blades, Regiment with
22:57:31 [Dotwolf]: are freelancers still here?
22:57:39 [Dotwolf]: or i could roll on their behalf i guess
22:57:42 [Skaraín]: They are paired with Regiment i think.
22:57:53 [Dotwolf]: ah :p
22:57:53 [Dwyburn]: Aye.
22:59:30 [Skaraín]: Thank you for coming. Next meeting in a month, if nothing prevents me from keeping it.
22:59:44 [Grenier]: Aye, I'm gonna die IC before leaving definitely.
23:00:02 [Dotwolf]: *speaks when everyone leaves* XD
23:00:06 [Taku]: Very well, brilliant meeting. /nodnod.
23:00:31 [Coppersockét]: and remember
23:00:38 [Coppersockét]: Worship the green

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Minutes Empty Re: Minutes

Post by Morgeth Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:51 pm


21:10:33 [Skaraín]: Welcome to the ... 8th Stormwind Community meeting. Those who are new in here the meeting is held about once a month, and is done to promote roleplaying. Here we brief each other what have been happening, share ideas, brainstorm, advertise RP and
21:10:33 [Skaraín]: all kind of fun stuff we are to lazy to do on the forums
21:12:01 [Skaraín]: The meeting will last for about...2-3 hours, depending on people. It will being with a Guild Recap, what have those organisations been doing? Are there large changes inside organisations or plotlines? After that is the turn of Unguilded organisations,
21:12:01 [Skaraín]: like all the "posh" people, or Kirin Tor community. After that its time to discussion, is there something we wish to organize? Is that a breat noble ball? An auction? A beach party or shall we recreate the Steelboot Tournament
21:12:34 [Skaraín]: In the end there will be RP Lottery, guilds paired together with d100. This is volunteer, but it offers you a random guild to find RP with, more of it later
21:12:58 [Skaraín]: We will begin with the Guild Recap. Anyone volunteer to begin?
21:13:17 [Braiden]: I'll go, since all of them commoners are lazy
21:13:30 [Skaraín]: Braiden, House Mistmantle will begin.
21:14:05 [Braiden]: First of all, I'm not fat. Secondly House Mistmantle is going about opressing people as usual.
21:14:44 [Braiden]: Not much more to say that I can reveal... yet
21:15:22 [Skaraín]: Always so secretive, Braiden. Who will be the next one?
21:16:12 [Skaraín]: Copper, would you?
21:16:21 [Coppersocket]: Sure
21:17:28 [Coppersocket]: We're making plans on making Braiden fat (Not really, but would be funny). We're currently undergoing some changes in the Cartel, as some of you may be aware, our leadership has changed drastically over the last few weeks.
21:18:18 [Coppersocket]: Me, now being the head, have a issue with the Dwarves, who oh so accidentally killed Ezlbag. This sort of war between the TTH and the Cartel has been ongoing a while now.
21:19:05 [Coppersocket]: Currently we're overlooking changing our rank system and have, after yesterdays event where we outright attacked Dwarves in the middle of the street in anger- have moved to Westfall.
21:19:30 [Jeremias]: The Disciples have been sniffing around that case >.> with Herad...
21:19:36 [Coppersocket]: Oh yes
21:19:43 [Coppersocket]: The Disciples that has GPS system on the Cartel
21:20:26 [Coppersocket]: Yeah. Regardless of who it was, it was shameful.
21:20:45 [Coppersocket]: Anyhow, that's all from us.
21:20:46 [Jeremias]: Because of the tram thing?
21:21:39 [Jeremias]: I spoke to Zalissa about that at the time, so..apologies again.
21:21:51 [Skaraín]: Thank you Copper. Though that GPS was..unfortunate... you can talk that in private. I will squeeze here between a word or two of the Blades
21:22:38 [Skaraín]: The Blades for Hire is doing well. We have had a great number of new members and are currently out on a job helping Freelancers. There are no major plots going on, expect maybe the hunt for Vincents head, but who isn't hunting that man these days?
21:23:06 [Skaraín]: That's all from the Blades. Would Irene tell a word about the Regiment here?
21:25:09 [Inneh]: Just discussing something.. give me a minute
21:26:44 [Inneh]: The Regiment is doing the usual, Recruiting, Drills, mainly maintaining the reinforcement of justice within Stormwind, not many changes still I still have to verify with Samian about the idea about General Marcus Jonathan and how this will affect the
21:26:48 [Inneh]: Guild function.
21:27:15 [Coppersocket]: Will there be a rebuilding of the stairs anytime soon?
21:29:56 [Inneh]: Now Gwendelyn Asboroudh of the Chapter of anethion will represent the Regiment in the council by the Majors orders as Icly we will answer to General Marcus Jonathan, and that was decided inside the Regiment
21:29:56 [Braiden]: Question: Will there be clarification on how this affects relations overall? I mean it's bound to cause trouble if it's not made totally clear OOC what the intention is other then the obvious.
21:30:14 [Inneh]: But mainly the guild stay pretty much as always on how it will affect to action IC inside the city.
21:31:31 [Inneh]: also I will be out for a month
21:31:42 [Skaraín]: You'll be given space to answer to that, if anyone is willing to say a word or thought.
21:32:15 [Skaraín]: But Basicly, is General Marcus Jonathan a NPC or PC?
21:32:22 [Drustai]: ... he's an NPC
21:32:46 [Drustai]: He sits there on his horse in the Valley of Heroes, welcoming all newbies to Stormwind /nod
21:33:30 [Skaraín]: I take it there is no more questions. Would Samiah speak next?
21:33:42 [Achanian]: Good evening to you all! Thank you for having us. I am speaking for the guild "The Order of Azora". As our present active core consists mainly of new members (including me), we are currently working on expanding the Order.
21:34:05 [Achanian]: As Samiah isn't available atm, I will speak for the Order.
21:35:32 [Achanian]: As one can guess, we are based around the Tower of Azora and its lore.
21:35:42 [Coppersocket]: So you're all Gnomes?
21:35:52 [Achanian]: No, sry Coppersocket.
21:35:55 [Coppersocket]: Heresy
21:35:57 [Arenfel]: Can I just interject quickly?
21:36:08 [Achanian]: Of course.
21:36:19 [Arenfel]: Is the Tower of Azora not currently being used by House Mistmantle? Or am I incorrect.
21:36:40 [Braiden]: I believe we have an old deal concerning just that, isnt a big deal to share as neither guild uses it all the time anyways
21:36:43 [Achanian]: It's true. There is an arrangement between Samiah and the leader of said guild.
21:38:07 [Achanian]: In order to expand our own RP, we would love to find other guilds who might want to RP with us.
21:38:44 [Skaraín]: Achanian. You are basicly an independant Mage tower, who is fighting a NPC as one of the IC goals, the other tower..guy?
21:39:11 [Coppersocket]: Curious, is thee a goal to the guild? Speaking as someone who honestly have no idea about the Azora tower, to me it's just some weird tower in the middle of Elwynn with lots of Gnomes
21:39:35 [Skaraín]: yes, i believe we all would be interested hearing answer to that question.
21:39:37 [Arenfel]: it has a rivalry with that tower in Redridge doesn't it?
21:39:48 [Arenfel]: Ilgalar or something?
21:40:00 [Samiah]: lol it is that but theres also alot of lore to do with it and yes we do "fight npcs" yes the tower of ilgalar
21:40:29 [Skaraín]: Are there other kind of IC goals in the guild? Long or short term?
21:40:49 [Samiah]: but we also do other things, we work with other mages etc to protect ilgalar and sw
21:41:24 [Aesculus]: Besides the whole fight against Ilgalar thing. I do think we've got enough room to expand to other side stories eventually.
21:41:41 [Samiah]: uhmm we have chalenges for the long term like to defea ilgalar and short term we do other things
21:43:08 [Aesculus]: It's not like we sit in the tower all day. We RP in SW as well. Smile
21:43:57 [Samiah]: lol no we do more than that we havent really started but we would like to go onto exploring etc
21:44:37 [Skaraín]: Well every guild starts from something. I'll return to it later, if you are finished... are you?
21:45:42 [Achanian]: I think we are, for the moment. Just wanted to point out that we're not just a group of mages. We are having places for other characters as well.
21:46:18 [Achanian]: We don't want you to think we're a bunch of snobby mages only keeping to themselves.
21:46:50 [Achanian]: We are eager to interact with the other guilds of Stormwind.
21:47:38 [Skaraín]: I'll pop a word about Freelancers again her between. Freelancers, those archeologists are currently out on an expedition on Darkshore. After having one of their events crashed by a certain guild they will stick for now on Alliance areas. They do welcome
21:47:38 [Skaraín]: anyone to join their Roleplay.
21:47:56 [Skaraín]: And they are stationed in SW Keep, the Library mainly
21:48:46 [Skaraín]: Blue Recluse, feel free to go.
21:49:35 [Zathoroz]: Yeah, as said earlier dor Diel Shanre is currently building up plots ourself, right now we are on the topic of selling Kaja Kola, we have been playing abit with a medical clinic, which is still up and such.
21:51:16 [Zathoroz]: So, thats about it from the recluse unless you got questions, i'll try to answer the best i can.
21:51:33 [Coppersocket]: What's with the Name?
21:51:58 [Zathoroz]: The name means The Blue Recluse in thalassian
21:54:05 [Skaraín]: Thank you, well moving on. Who would be willing to speak next?
21:55:17 [Skaraín]: If Wulf would speak a word of two about the Disciples, thank you.
21:56:01 [Wülfgnar]: We have a lot of internal problems and changes at the moment as well as dealing with others. Not much is going on out of that I guess.
21:56:20 [Drustai]: DoL's current actions: Arresting everyone. /nod
21:56:30 [Wülfgnar]: That is untrue =p
21:56:40 [Drustai]: Very Happy
21:57:38 [Skaraín]: Heh, well moving on. Would the RHS say a word or two?
21:59:04 [Allonia]: Ok. Ravenholdt Sanctuary is currently mostly doing some training and rebuilding. There is also some future cross-faction rp events being planned.
21:59:20 [Allonia]: That's mostly what I can say Smile
22:00:30 [Skaraín]: Alright. Kwelan will tell a word or two about TLA, what have been going on and so
22:01:49 [Kwelan]: Sadly we've had a bit of a bad run, so to speak. Celadazar has been inactive for a month now, possibly a second month soon to come, but we are regaining members and rebuilding, i also just want to point out we will gladly organise RP events with any guild
22:01:49 [Kwelan]: which would somehow have even a bit of interest in the north. It's but a matter of time and work before TLA regains it's former membership again.
22:02:41 [Skaraín]: Thank you. Would the dead people step up? (Wardens)
22:03:40 [Ashiná]: We are currently just trying to fix ourself up internally for now
22:03:52 [Ashiná]: And to try and fix our terrible rep
22:04:07 [Skaraín]: Good Luck. Shroud surely did good work back then x)
22:05:45 [Bridlington]: A quick word, if you don't mind.
22:05:56 [Skaraín]: Go for it, Mr.Reaver
22:06:29 [Bridlington]: OK, some two weeks ago I set up a new guild, and the recruitment message describes it best, in my opinion.
22:06:37 [Bridlington]: has been founded specifically for all characters unable or unwilling to conform to any specific institution or grouping in the world of Azeroth. Should your character comply with the above mentioned, be sure to apply!
22:07:17 [Bridlington]: I remember there being a high demand for a non-conformist guild, just for the citizens, and here it is. So, get on your alts and get joining Wink
22:07:25 [Bridlington]: Thanks.
22:07:52 [Skaraín]: Thank you, Brid. Are there any more of the guilds that wish to speak? AC?
22:08:42 [Dakro]: Aye, the crusade has just been formed we are recruiting members at the moment as weve only been around two days
22:09:37 [Laensis]: If I may throw in my part, Silent Sun Merchandise is setting up a store in Mage Quarter. Ironforge simply didn't work, there isn't any random rp there and that particular shop I chose never has any activity.
22:10:22 [Drustai]: will we be moving on to non-guild organizations?
22:10:54 [Laensis]: Mine certainly is non-guild, I'll likely join citizenry as a honest merchant.
22:11:08 [Skaraín]: Please, let others speak before interrupting.
22:11:11 [Bridlington]: You're more than welcome. Smile
22:11:39 [Skaraín]: Is there any more, Dakro?
22:15:16 [Dakro]: sorry, theres quite alot going on atm. No theres not much to say, we are just attemping to recruit and build our numbers at the moment, then we shall move to the plaguelands for events.
22:15:56 [Skaraín]: Alright. Be cautious when going out. You might get company very soon if you stay for longer time.
22:16:30 [Dakro]: Understood
22:16:59 [Skaraín]: If there are no more guilds who wish to speak, we'll move to the unguilded organsiations and groups. This Include the Nobles, Magical People, Religious and so... groups that are not bound by Guild.
22:17:09 [Skaraín]: Would Vaell or Arenfel willing to start with the Kirin Tor?
22:17:40 [Arenfel]: Uhm, I've been taking a short break so I'm not really aware of much to do with the Kirin Tor. At the minute, at least.
22:17:59 [Drustai]: I can speak for the Kirin Tor
22:18:12 [Coppersocket]: Aren't you dead yet?
22:18:16 [Vaell]: To add on to his point, there is little going on with them currently. For anyone who is not aware, the Kirin Tor are a non-guild organisation of magi that meet occassionally.
22:18:20 [Drustai]: I've been dead since WotLK
22:18:28 [Coppersocket]: deaded
22:18:36 [Drustai]: actually Vaell, I'd say there is quite a bit going on with them
22:18:37 [Skaraín]: Hehe, well feel free to speak.
22:18:52 [Vaell]: Referring to the cultist situation?
22:18:55 [Drustai]: not Dalaran stuff, no. But quite a lot of cultist hunting in the Stormwind community.
22:18:56 [Drustai]: yup
22:19:18 [Drustai]: we're hot on the heels of some of Stormwind's most well-hidden villains /nod
22:19:23 [Vaell]: Yeah, to add on to Drustai's point, we're currently hunting down Gende and friends. The Kirin Tor working together to exchange information, training and aid.
22:19:41 [Bridlington]: As long as you stay away from me. *prods with heated metal rod*
22:19:41 [Vaell]: Which is good fun - and any who are affiliated or wish to be involved should contact us ICly. It is no secret, I'd imagine.
22:19:49 [Coppersocket]: Curious, while it may not directly relate to the Kirin Tor, if I may.
22:20:14 [Drustai]: Sure
22:20:22 [Vaell]: HOWEVER, I would like more magi to be involved int he Kirin Tor / more events in Dalaran. We have a rich city that is hardly populated and a great RP hub, rarely used. So I'll speak to more KT related people and see if we can get a few events going.
22:20:30 [Vaell]: Classes, balls anything.
22:20:53 [Coppersocket]: Is there any activity going from the Mages to hunt down the murderers of Ildranor now that Drustai knows who they are?
22:21:14 [Skaraín]: We'll speak of "what we wish to create" after these unguilded organisations.
22:21:34 [Vaell]: I'm not sure myself, I've not personally been involved with that so...
22:21:35 [Vaell]: Drust?!
22:21:45 [Drustai]: Not the murderers of Ildranor, no, because that situation is not a cultist one. Dru's only involvement in it was as a favor to Rhag.
22:21:59 [Coppersocket]: I see, thanks
22:22:29 [Drustai]: That's all for the KT side of things.
22:23:39 [Skaraín]: Alright. I would ask about the Nobles, but there aren't much going on, is there?
22:23:57 [Coppersocket]: they're happily swelling
22:24:05 [Braiden]: No, some secluded meetings and such
22:24:08 [Braiden]: but nothing major
22:24:21 [Vaell]: The Buckholme family is planning to have a bit more of an active scene, but nothing set in motion as of yet.
22:24:36 [Bridlington]: Hey, why haven't I been invited to these meetings?
22:25:10 [Braiden]: Because. Anyhow that's all
22:25:24 [Skaraín]: Hehe alright. I'll tell a word or two about the Veil
22:26:15 [Skaraín]: Veil, or Veil of Shadows was an unguilded Cult, much of the headache of Magical people. We have had some heavy setbacks thus far, due of a betrayal, and we have been in hidding hoping people would "forget" of our existance.
22:26:28 [Drustai]: don't count on that.
22:26:33 [Drustai]: :3
22:26:56 [Skaraín]: Do not intend to Razz. There isn't much going on at the moment. I do intend to bring it up again, to bring some opposition. If nothing else, use Gende to weave magical mysteries.
22:27:24 [Skaraín]: That is all of the Veil. is there anyone to tell about the anti-magical group?
22:28:21 [Braiden]: prolly not
22:28:35 [Skaraín]: Alright, i will say what i know about it then.
22:29:35 [Skaraín]: There is a group out there, oppositing all magic users. Mainly Arcane ones, i'd believe. There have not yet been examples of their actions yet, ones that i know, but if the magical community rises i believe it will spice up roleplay around Magic.
22:30:18 [Skaraín]: That is all from me, if no-one got anything to add to it, would Bridlington tell how is the quest of world domination going?
22:30:42 [Bridlington]: Haha, very subtle.
22:31:12 [Bridlington]: All you need do is regularly check up on the Foray Industries, Ltd. front page
22:31:24 [Wülfgnar]: and no more shooting me in the leg =p
22:31:24 [Drustai]: Foray Industries is pleased to announce that acquisition and exploitation of all available worldly resources is on schedule.
22:31:27 [Drustai]: Razz
22:31:37 [Bridlington]: Drustai is absolutely right.
22:31:38 [Arenfel]: And now for the Foray Team Spirit Award!
22:31:46 [Bridlington]: Very soon, Arenfel.
22:31:54 [Bridlington]: God, you guys are taking the piss tonight. :'D
22:32:13 [Skaraín]: Hehe, Well are there any other unguilded organisations that wish to speak?
22:32:23 [Bridlington]: We've recently signed up with the Steamwheedle Cartel, giving the company (note, not the owners) legal neutrality.
22:32:40 [Braiden]: There's always... dun dun dun
22:32:43 [Braiden]: the council
22:32:53 [Bridlington]: Today I rolled the dices, and production has increased by 4.8%, sales by 5.4%
22:32:54 [Skaraín]: *Gende crushes Council Chamber roof*
22:32:59 [Drustai]: *hiss*
22:33:23 [Bridlington]: I'm working to set up a small "Committee of Industralisation", which anybody influential could attend
22:33:28 [Skaraín]: Anyways, moving on to Discussion.
22:33:41 [Skaraín]: Is there something that doesn't already exist but what we'd like to organize, like a Masquerade, a Tournament, a Ball, Public Event or anything between sky and earth? If we do, how will we create it?
22:33:44 [Bridlington]: And I'm in negociations with the Cartel to get some four large events in Tanaris going
22:35:19 [Bridlington]: Regarding these events, please contact Swindle on Cornley. It's going to be grand!
22:35:40 [Skaraín]: Done?
22:36:19 [Bridlington]: Following this meeting, we could always go up to my private quarters to continue the party. I'm done, thanks. Wink
22:36:46 [Skaraín]: Following the meeting we can all split to our private sections.
22:38:43 [Skaraín]: Speaking of things we wish to create... I do intend in near future seek to bring the Magical Community more together. I do intend re-creating the Arcane Conclave, a meeting of various magical guilds and organisatons within Alliance. I'd hope to make these
22:38:43 [Skaraín]: every second week, or least once a month, depending on the interest.
22:39:33 [Aesculus]: Might rather do them monthly than weekly. You'll run out of topics quickly otherwise.
22:40:11 [Skaraín]: Also, I'd look forward to the co-operation of various guilds to organize other kinds of magical activity, but that is yet on the planing stage, and hopefully i would not be doing that planing alone
22:40:14 [Skaraín]: Done, questions?
22:40:38 [Samiah]: It would be nice to have like a ball or some sort of event like that.
22:40:44 [Vaell]: no that sounds good to me. It was one of the points I thought would be fun. I wouldn't mind adding to that and bringing together a closer KT community / mage community by introducing lessons in various schools of magic.
22:41:00 [Vaell]: and yes ^ Dalaran events such as a ball, auction etc anything.
22:41:01 [Laensis]: Isn't Valerias about to open some lounge in the Recluse?
22:41:13 [Bridlington]: I'd like to get more people involved with Foray Industries. Please, don't be shy to poke me and ask if you could join in.
22:41:26 [Skaraín]: Would we be able to keep on one topic at a time?
22:41:30 [Bridlington]: Never!
22:42:17 [Skaraín]: Anyways. That is do-able, Vaell, it was the original meaning with Kirin Tor project. What i would want to do is co-operation of -various guilds and organisations-, since not everyone wish to belong to the Kirin Tor. Though i do agree that Dalaran is a nice city.
22:43:20 [Braiden]: True story. Tough is there really much to discuss concerning that particular point? I believe it's a subject to be poked in as the conclave reopens
22:43:25 [Braiden]: since that's step one
22:43:45 [Skaraín]: I'd look forward to Snatching the Azorans, Kirin Tor and other magic users for later discussion of the subject.
22:43:46 [Skaraín]: True that
22:44:12 [Skaraín]: Now, Samiah did bring up that she'd like to see a ball or some sort of "party" event, i believe?
22:44:20 [Samiah]: yes
22:44:29 [Samiah]: oh and i have to go...
22:44:41 [Samiah]: lo lsorry but ill tlak to the recluse people about it
22:44:47 [Skaraín]: Good timing, is there are support on the idea?
22:44:53 [Bridlington]: Aye.
22:44:59 [Bridlington]: Get in touch, I'd like to sponsor it!
22:45:10 [Laensis]: I actually have something to suggest for the Cartel. THe ship in SW harbor. I don't know if any of you can remember the Low Lantern Tavern from Baldur's Gate - a sort of a cheap drinking, gambling den and a brothel located on an old ship
22:45:10 [Laensis]: docked permanently in the city.
22:45:44 [Vaell]: I believe that is owned by the Drunkard Lass or w.e they're called
22:45:47 [Vaell]: a pirate guild
22:46:08 [Skaraín]: I think they did merge with Grim Heart Sails
22:46:14 [Aesculus]: reminds me of the ship from oblivion...except for the brothel and all.
22:46:56 [Coppersocket]: Huh?
22:47:06 [Aesculus]: Never mind, carry on Smile
22:47:20 [Coppersocket]: Oh
22:47:25 [Coppersocket]: Well, the thing is
22:47:29 [Coppersocket]: We've already just moved
22:47:45 [Coppersocket]: We're settling in, in Westfall, did it today actually
22:48:11 [Wülfgnar]: finally rp in Westfall!
22:48:19 [Coppersocket]: Currently we're holed up in the Gold Coast Quarry, we're going to be gentle and beat the head in of the current bandit group holing up there.
22:48:50 [Kyrbÿ]: Aww the group's old training area Sad
22:48:53 [Coppersocket]: We're taking the entire area, from GCQ to Moonbrook as ours
22:49:22 [Coppersocket]: Of course, anyone's free to RP there, although if they encounter us... It could get fun <3
22:49:41 [Bridlington]: I'll show up just to trololol.
22:49:44 [Coppersocket]: I personally believe it's more logical for a group of our kind to be in Westfall
22:50:11 [Coppersocket]: And with the current pinch, the Regiment and the TTH both out for the Cartel, well...
22:50:18 [Coppersocket]: It was better to move
22:50:30 [Laensis]: Who will terrorise Stormwind though?
22:50:38 [Coppersocket]: We will
22:50:42 [Coppersocket]: We
22:50:47 [Coppersocket]: 're still going to work in SW
22:51:38 [Coppersocket]: We're just based in Moonbrook, we'll still move around making sure to be racist bastards and rob you
22:51:56 [Laensis]: <3
22:51:57 [Bridlington]: You aren't racist, just xenophobic!
22:52:16 [Coppersocket]: Well, Copper's a purist, if that counts
22:52:19 [Bridlington]: And, bitch, rob me and I'll smear your guts over the nearest wall.
22:52:27 [Coppersocket]: oh please
22:52:44 [Coppersocket]: You couldn't smear butter on a wall if you tried
22:52:53 [Bridlington]: I smeared your mum, if that counts
22:53:19 [Coppersocket]: All that toxic aftermath of her, mmm~
22:53:34 [Skaraín]: So we can expect still as much stealing as ever, just less people around Shady Lady. Also, Westfall RP might get a spike. The idea of the "Boat Bar", while being good, i do not think there are many groups to run one such.
22:53:53 [Skaraín]: Not to mention, we have just recently got Recluse back on business.
22:53:55 [Coppersocket]: Yeah, we don't have interest in a bar
22:53:57 [Braiden]: Because we dont have two bars with filth already!
22:54:15 [Braiden]: *rages over the fact that upper class blue recluse is filthy nowdays*
22:54:22 [Skaraín]: Pig = Filth bar, Recluse = High-up bar, least what i'd hope it to be.
22:54:27 [Bridlington]: It is?
22:54:37 [Braiden]: OF COURSE, IT HAS COMMONERS!
22:54:42 [Braiden]: Anyhow, go on
22:54:45 [Bridlington]: I have my meetings there. Now I'll have to find a place where it smells.
22:54:54 [Coppersocket]: It's still pretty unclear where I will go with the Cartel after this. I'll need to build contacts with people from other guilds now that me and Corn are all that's left to lead
22:55:12 [Bridlington]: Soon just Cornley. Don't worry. Smile
22:55:19 [Vaell]: I'm guessing this is almost over so Razz do you mind if I say one thing before I go?
22:55:22 [Bridlington]: I mean... Look, an obvious distraction!
22:55:35 [Dakro]: ( Invite Maliel)
22:55:38 [Braiden]: Get back on track folks, I'd rather not sit here forever
22:55:40 [Vaell]: invite maliel
22:55:47 [Braiden]: do it yourselves!
22:55:49 [Vaell]: meant to type that.
22:55:51 [Vaell]: tit.
22:56:15 [Maliel]: Good evening, gentlemen
22:56:31 [Skaraín]: True enough. Well, thus far 1.) Magical Community, more action 2.) Some kind of Ball, who would be organizing and where?
22:56:43 [Skaraín]: Maybe a "Garden Party" in the SW keep?
22:56:46 [Coppersocket]: Moonbrook
22:57:11 [Bridlington]: Ahum. Events in Tanaris and the Barrens!
22:57:46 [Drustai]: ... complete with ABoC.
22:57:58 [Skaraín]: Aye, that is the shadier side.
22:58:00 [Wülfgnar]: be nice to have one big a non-contested zone.
22:58:15 [Liennia]: Aye
22:58:17 [Coppersocket]: It's settled then, Moobrook
22:58:19 [Skaraín]: Like a Ball, or Tournament?
22:58:31 [Wülfgnar]: both!
22:58:33 [Braiden]: House of Nobles might be arranging some stuff like that soon at least... tough for some reason we dont get loads of actual attendees even to events that are open to the public
22:58:36 [Skaraín]: Copper? You wish an event in moonbrook?
22:58:42 [Zathoroz]: both at same time
22:58:46 [Coppersocket]: I wish all the nobles to come have a ball in moonbrook
22:58:52 [Braiden]: Nice... nice
22:59:07 [Coppersocket]: Or just Braiden on his own
22:59:13 [Coppersocket]: either works
22:59:17 [Bridlington]: You know I'm interested, Braiden
22:59:26 [Bridlington]: Accept my extended hand, and we'll get going
22:59:44 [Braiden]: Piece of shit Bridlington! Tough yes, I know.
22:59:47 [Skaraín]: Braiden. The Aishlinghall Ball did get a lot people, and it was a "noble ball"
23:00:09 [Bridlington]: Braiden, that's not what your wife told me!
23:00:51 [Skaraín]: Anyways, bring up "what do you wish to see?" and we see if -we- can arrange such, and how
23:00:57 [Braiden]: Well there's been several tries both before and after that with halfassed results. If there's actual intrest then sure thing, I keep arranging things like that even tough there's a small turnout mostly anyways
23:02:07 [Inneh]: something that concerns me though is the trial system, I have to keep people in the cells for how long,, not even notices are given
23:02:52 [Decurius]: We'd need more Magistrates, I guess.
23:02:56 [Vaell]: true
23:03:01 [Vaell]: or an actual justice system
23:03:04 [Vaell]: Judge Dredd style Wink
23:03:13 [Bridlington]: Ask me to do the job, and I would.
23:03:24 [Braiden]: Trials are not mandatory, Samian and I have certain disagreements on how things should be handled there aswell. In the case you are refering to Irene I visited the command centre several times the very same evening
23:03:41 [Braiden]: Tough it was empty, due to patrolls/whatever I suppose
23:04:04 [Inneh]: Alright, though there could some sort of mail/scroll notice system.
23:04:18 [Vaell]: there is and it should be used, ... braiden.
23:04:39 [Lexgrad]: Let me start by saying, you all suck!
23:04:48 [Coppersocket]: Lolpaladin
23:04:50 [Lexgrad]: Samian more than the rest!
23:05:01 [Lexgrad]: Bridlington is a close second.
23:05:10 [Vaell]: Can I butt in with a little thing I've got planned?
23:05:14 [Bridlington]: No, no. You're getting it wrong. Samian sucks, and I suck you.
23:05:21 [Laensis]: I bet you could suck a golf ball through a straw,
23:05:44 [Skaraín]: That is what Discussion is about, Vaell, though... is there any more thoughts about the Justice system and how long people are in jails?
23:05:46 [Braiden]: I agree Vaell but it's not possible for two magistrates to handle everything. None else wants to do the job and on top of that there is discussions that implies the trial system is not wanted at all by the regiment
23:06:04 [Samian]: It is not wanted because it is not active enough adn there are a23092348i9023849 criminals
23:06:14 [Arenfel]: I was always under the impression that there were no more magistrate positions available?
23:06:25 [Samian]: I'm all up for a functioning justice/law/magistrate system, but it needs to work properly then
23:06:36 [Braiden]: That's why I have bumped the thread several times Arenfel
23:06:36 [Samian]: every person arrested should get to see a magistrate
23:06:36 [Bridlington]: From this day forth, I'm a magistrate.
23:06:42 [Vaell]: ^ I mean, not to be a dick, but I want to bring up Nifty. The poor sod had to spend 25 days in our Disciples cells before getting any form of a verdict.
23:06:45 [Samian]: or people should just stop whining about criminals not getting trials
23:07:02 [Braiden]: Well there's a reason it's not mandatory as I said, I dont disagree at all with you.
23:07:11 [Vaell]: And when one is faced with "Stick around" or doing something uncharacteristic so that they can continue rping, they're going to choose the latter.
23:07:12 [Arenfel]: It's not mandatory? o_O
23:07:19 [Samian]: Its not mandatory yet everyone rps that it is because everyoen sucks
23:07:30 [Skaraín]: Please, keep a civil tone.
23:07:32 [Samian]: especially Lexgrad
23:07:46 [Bridlington]: Don't you talk to Lexgrad like that, Quinian!
23:07:50 [Lexgrad]: The buckholme fudge was guards could deal with shit and in matters of public interest there would be magistrates. Therefore everyone can have their cake and eat it.
23:07:55 [Bridlington]: *ghetto girl neck sway*
23:08:14 [Lexgrad]: But it was poopooed Sad
23:08:48 [Skaraín]: So, one of the problems is that there is not enough Magistrates? What i would suggest that there was some kind of working table, where you can straight away see what punishment comes from what crime. If it is something larger, it it taken on a Magister.
23:09:05 [Lexgrad]: DW, samian is just jelly cos Jarric is fatter than him Razz
23:09:06 [Samian]: no you are just pointlessly limiting the guard
23:09:16 [Samian]: either have a fully functioning system or stop mentioning it
23:09:30 [Arenfel]: I think the magistrate system should be implemented to an extent,
23:09:38 [Bridlington]: Here's an idea:
23:09:49 [Lexgrad]: Fudge can work big sam. Make it only big crimes (ie rp interesting ones) with trial.
23:09:50 [Bridlington]: Make a thread on the forums, and just make a small post whenever a person is arrested.
23:09:52 [Arenfel]: If both parties are happy to have the matter resolved by the guard, right then and there. It should be done and dusted, no?
23:10:31 [Braiden]: That's the basic plan
23:10:44 [Braiden]: The intention of the system to begin with
23:11:19 [Bridlington]: Then do it, and I'll gladly role play a magistrate... even on Bridlington. I know both books from heart.
23:11:31 [Braiden]: It wasnt intended as a RP-blocker mechanic to keep people in jail. It was intended as a fun and character developing part that was optional because we didnt want to be dicks OOC
23:11:45 [Samian]: Can we start rping like it is optional then?
23:11:50 [Samian]: Rather then constantly whine about it icly?
23:12:01 [Braiden]: It's not fucking rp'd as anything but
23:12:14 [Samian]: yes it is, everytime a guard issues a verdict people start going amnesty international whiney
23:12:27 [Samian]: because apparently Stormwind is Den Haag 2012
23:12:39 [Braiden]: Well then, that's because the player has the right to decide if their character gets a trial or not
23:12:44 [Samian]: and everyone should apparently get a trial
23:13:04 [Braiden]: If they can handle the wait then they are free to use the system
23:13:14 [Alarianna]: Guards word = law, if a guard is in a bad mood and strikes somebody down, who is to argue with the guard, we're in a medieval-esque environment, in those times one pissed off guard could kill and get away with it
23:13:18 [Braiden]: If not then they have to deal with yours
23:13:23 [Alarianna]: Disrespect the law, pay the consequences, end of story
23:13:34 [Samian]: They always get trials if they ask for it
23:13:39 [Alarianna]: Don't like it, don't RP a criminal Very Happy
23:13:42 [Braiden]: Then what's the issue here?
23:13:42 [Samian]: and punishments are never issued without the persons consent
23:13:44 [Wülfgnar]: I have to agree with Skarain's idea..more than anything.
23:13:54 [Samian]: yet still we get repeated amnesty rpers demanding trials for everyone
23:14:20 [Skaraín]: What about if... you make a few guards with the right of quick-trial people?
23:14:25 [Lexgrad]: Sam in fairness it is the dumb ass executions and blatez law breaking by the guards which peeps moan about more than anything.
23:14:28 [Skaraín]: Meaning, i was trialed in the command center.
23:14:35 [Braiden]: Judge Dredd...
23:14:44 [Skaraín]: By Braiden, yes, but it would not 'have' to be Braiden?
23:14:44 [Vaell]: ^
23:14:46 [Lexgrad]: ATM there is that, a guard officer can do that.
23:14:46 [Samian]: Senior guards can already issue verdicts
23:14:55 [Skaraín]: But the problem is?
23:14:56 [Wülfgnar]: Braiden could appoint some-one in the disciples or regiment to handle the trial if it isn't serious?
23:15:16 [Samian]: name 1 dumb ass execution
23:15:24 [Braiden]: Rae, Valestrion already promised a magistrate candidate from the disciples
23:15:27 [Samian]: and each time members of the regiment get complained about to a serious extend they get removed
23:15:32 [Bridlington]: Lazel, Tuomas
23:15:39 [Lexgrad]: There isnt a problem really. Guards can and have been dealing with little stuff, when you get the big stuff (ic interesting stuff) then it gets a trial.
23:15:52 [Braiden]: I suggested to Sam during a conversation the other day that the regiment would do the same then you'd swich magistrates to avoid bias
23:16:35 [Braiden]: Anyhow
23:16:40 [Samian]: its exactly the same thing
23:16:46 [Samian]: Samian and Valestrion can already issue punishments
23:16:46 [Wülfgnar]: the problem is, criminals wanting a fair justice system, it isn't going to happen. We are not the UK.
23:16:57 [Samian]: thank you
23:17:03 [Vaell]: It is true
23:17:23 [Skaraín]: So that was the problem, 'now' i get it.
23:17:37 [Decurius]: Sure, but even in medieval times there were some grants for prisoners.
23:17:45 [Vaell]: Depends on the period.
23:17:46 [Wülfgnar]: Needs to be more consequences, asking for consent to punish OOCly is the problem as the person will keep doing it and then saying ''no I dont want my character to die''
23:17:55 [Vaell]: In most, if a common man was to do something wrong, he'd be punished by the guards.
23:18:05 [Braiden]: It's a non issue currently anyhow, I dont get where the hate is at... people who complain should have a look at the magistrate documents to begin with... consequences is a diffrent thing
23:18:20 [Ashiná]: And that is the fun part. If its 100% fair it gets boring. This is medival time with corrupt
23:18:20 [Decurius]: That, Braiden.
23:18:30 [Bridlington]: I say, contact me while I'm on, and I'll do trials quite quickly.
23:18:54 [Wülfgnar]: Bridlington doing trials? lulz
23:18:56 [Ashiná]: *corrupt - noncorrupt people
23:19:05 [Braiden]: It's also very open to apply to be a magistrate, if it's an apropriate character from an IC pov you'll likely get in
23:19:07 [Bridlington]: You got it, Wulfgnar!
23:20:45 [Alarianna]: How about a new system, if we get trouble, we throw the prisoners into a gladatatorial pit to fight for our amusement Very Happy
23:20:54 [Drustai]: Trial by Combat!
23:20:55 [Alarianna]: The one that comes out alive gets to live
23:20:58 [Bridlington]: And... why not?
23:21:10 [Lexgrad]: Just rembember that consquences is a sword with two edges before we open that little box.
23:21:11 [Decurius]: Trial by combat is very medieval, I agree.
23:21:25 [Vaell]: Wait, with all things put aside... Is there any place on the map which has a gladiatorial pit?
23:21:32 [Alarianna]: Dire Maul
23:21:33 [Lexgrad]: Yes.
23:21:38 [Lexgrad]: Even better in SW
23:21:43 [Alarianna]: Phased though, and in SW?
23:21:43 [Vaell]: and also - trial by combat with the ability to request a champion.
23:21:46 [Coppersocket]: Stoen Cairn lake is a lovely gladiator pit
23:21:55 [Vaell]: where is that?
23:21:57 [Lexgrad]: Just outside the dwarf bit.
23:22:00 [Drustai]: Stockades also works
23:22:02 [Skaraín]: What is the chance of 2 point justice system? Meaning... Guards would be able to deal with the verdicts themselves, those common crimes. However, if they feel (IC,OOC) that it should be taken to a Magister (and let people play the game of loopholes) on
23:22:02 [Skaraín]: more serious and delicate matters, then it would go that far. Otherwise Guards would deal with majority of things themselves?
23:22:05 [Coppersocket]: Dead men walking
23:22:19 [Vaell]: oh yeah, definitely. I think thievery should be the loss of a hand.
23:22:26 [Samian]: That is basicly how it is going atm
23:22:30 [Vaell]: to be marked as a thief. That is such a brilliant piece of history that works incredibly well in fiction.
23:22:30 [Lexgrad]: Vaell...
23:22:34 [Lexgrad]: Just rembember that consquences is a sword with two edges before we open that little box.
23:22:35 [Wülfgnar]: aslong as there is no complaining OOC then i'm fine with whatever!
23:22:36 [Lexgrad]: Just rembember that consquences is a sword with two edges before we open that little box.
23:22:38 [Lexgrad]: Just rembember that consquences is a sword with two edges before we open that little box.
23:22:48 [Lexgrad]: V important we get that into our heads.
23:22:49 [Vaell]: I disagree!
23:22:55 [Samian]: I mind the ic complaining more because people pretend we have a fully functioning magistrate system
23:22:57 [Samian]: which is not true
23:23:05 [Samian]: we've had like 12023 magistrate's system on this realm so far
23:23:05 [Skaraín]: I would ask people to avoid unnecessary speak, so we get out of here still today.
23:23:06 [Bridlington]: Remember, Wulfgnar, Manoch is suing you!
23:23:10 [Vaell]: I think that if anyone is to play a successful thief, they need to understand consiquences.
23:23:14 [Vaell]: Thievery = loss of hand.
23:23:18 [Vaell]: or at least fingers.
23:23:21 [Lexgrad]: No it is not cool to cut a mans hand off for thieveing siting consquences then hide when he comes at you with a gun for vengence.
23:23:25 [Wülfgnar]: You know what i'll do with that piece of paper? Wipe my arse with it =p
23:23:34 [Braiden]: There's been alot of suggestions but it's not anywhere near a point where this is agreed upon.
23:23:36 [Bridlington]: I'll suck Braiden's penis and have you beheaded.
23:23:42 [Arenfel]: And you know what else he does with his ars--- Nah I won't go that far.
23:23:48 [Skaraín]: Bridlington, keep on topic.
23:23:49 [Wülfgnar]: ../careface.
23:24:13 [Bridlington]: Personally, I think this should be discussed elsewhere.
23:24:17 [Kyrbÿ]: Think I'll log.
23:24:20 [Coppersocket]: You're all racist pigs! To death with you all
23:24:22 [Bridlington]: Both very strong points, and something should finally be put on paper.
23:24:27 [Skaraín]: More of, it is not going anywhere, so i agree.
23:24:32 [Braiden]: So seriously, if we get into this topic we'll never get out.
23:24:35 [Lexgrad]: There is nothing to discuss Very Happy We have a system, we have always had one.
23:24:54 [Lexgrad]: There isnt a problem but the ones we are miking.
23:24:54 [Samian]: imo a solution is simple
23:25:12 [Samian]: if people icly go "human rights! Everyone deserves a trial!1!"
23:25:16 [Samian]: you tell them to fuck off icly
23:25:22 [Wülfgnar]: Will do.
23:25:24 [Samian]: and to stop breeding with their own family
23:25:43 [Vaell]: can't help doing that though.
23:25:46 [Skaraín]: ....Samian just won the thread. End of discussion.
23:26:01 [Lexgrad]: And if a guard breaks a law and is caught, regardless of rank a magistrate steps in Razz
23:26:15 [Samian]: ofcourse
23:26:18 [Samian]: but often when guards fuck up
23:26:21 [Ezlbag]: Why?
23:26:25 [Samian]: its because they are being stupid or w/e
23:26:27 [Samian]: its mainly oocly
23:26:28 [Ezlbag]: Why can't just the upper ranks deal with that?
23:26:37 [Vaell]: On another point, some of you might have read my thread concerning a new character of mine - my first proper criminal. I made the thread as the character will have an extreme adult nature to it, some sadistic shit planned! So I'll be speaking to people
23:26:45 [Vaell]: OOC about involving them before doing anything. Consent ;D
23:27:08 King Varian Wrynn yells: People of Stormwind! Citizens of the Alliance! Your king speaks!
23:27:10 [Lexgrad]: Why? Cos Consquence is a sword that cuts both ways ez.
23:27:12 [Vaell]: though I won't reveal plans to that person, I can simple assure them it'll be disgusting and brutal. Anyone who wants to help feel free to /w me and let me know. This own't go underway for a little while yet.
23:27:23 [Coppersocket]: Feel free to contact us if you want to have some people backing you up, Vaell, but you already know this.
23:27:29 [Vaell]: and if anyone wants to be a victim, do tell me. Whether you make a new character or not.
23:27:37 [Vaell]: awesome Very Happy
23:27:51 [Vaell]: But do remember, if you involve yourself and get grossed out, it ain't my fault!
23:28:06 [Vaell]: The character is a mix between the Joker and Hannibal Lector
23:28:16 [Vaell]: to simplify that is.
23:28:17 [Arenfel]: Anyways if we're done I'll be off for now o/
23:28:21 [Skaraín]: Thus far the discussion have included: I do intend working with magical community...thingy. 2.) If Guards are complained ic, point towards Braiden and "go complain to him" 3.) Vaell wants to murder people, with an OOC agreement 4.) A ball of some kind
23:28:21 [Skaraín]: would be nice, those with interest talk with Braiden
23:28:23 [Ashiná]: Take a lot to gross me out, don't worry :-P
23:28:31 [Skaraín]: Anything else we'd like to talk about before we proceed?
23:28:52 [Maliel]: Well yes.
23:28:54 [Maliel]: If I may.
23:29:10 [Maliel]: Seeing as the last Argent Crusade guild has disolved, I had decided to revive it.
23:29:18 [Vaell]: (oh and also, contact Inneh as she is pretty much my Harley Quinn in this mess)
23:29:23 [Lexgrad]: o/
23:29:26 [Skaraín]: Please, let Maliel speak!
23:29:38 [Maliel]: Under the pretense that Highlord Tirion had sent an envoy to lend what aid he could in the fight against the Earth Warder.
23:29:42 [Vaell]: I was typing that before i saw her response!
23:29:42 [Lexgrad]: Argents! *clap clap clap*
23:30:08 [Maliel]: We've began using the Argent Dawn office in the Cathedral Square as a recruitment front.
23:30:22 [Maliel]: And feel that a tournament would be perfect event for us to host.
23:30:40 [Vaell]: awesome!
23:30:42 [Maliel]: And it would certainly give our very young guild the recognition it needs to once again have a place on the server.
23:30:44 [Wülfgnar]: yes! tournament! finally!
23:31:10 [Maliel]: I ask for a couple of days so that me and my troupe can sort something out, later posting it on the forums as to date, requirements and so on.
23:31:15 [Skaraín]: Would Wulf, DoL, Chapter seek to co-operate with Maliel to bring that event to life?
23:31:24 [Samian]: Are you going to rp them being completely neutral btw?
23:31:33 [Maliel]: Yes of course, we remain entirely neutral.
23:31:36 [Lexgrad]: Up to them Smile
23:31:37 [Samian]: alright
23:31:44 [Alarianna]: There's Vale if you need to talk with him on it /nod
23:31:45 [Samian]: yeah I know its up to them I'm just wondering Very Happy
23:31:45 [Wülfgnar]: We had already been discussing about one in northrend
23:31:47 [Maliel]: And that our mission is for the good of Azeroth completely.
23:31:48 [Ezlbag]: If they are the argents, it really isn't Lexgrad
23:32:08 [Valestrion]: What's this about?
23:32:13 [Vaell]: LOL
23:32:17 [Samian]: new batman movie
23:32:21 [Vaell]: Calm down, sir!
23:32:27 [Maliel]: It's refreshing to see a highly organized, mature gathering of people, I feel we truly can make something of it.
23:32:29 [Lexgrad]: Isnt a lore thing it is a rudeness thing Ez and Sam.
23:32:37 [Lexgrad]: Well, protocal.
23:32:39 [Aesculus]: Right guys, The Azorans will take their leave for now since we're starting some guild RP. Thanks for having us! Smile
23:32:41 [Samian]: What do you mean?
23:33:02 [Lexgrad]: Look forward to seeing argent RP about.
23:33:16 [Vaell]: I'd be willing to slap a char in it too.
23:33:47 [Maliel]: Dakro and myself hold interviews for potential recruits at the Argent Dawn office.
23:34:06 [Maliel]: Contact myself or him to schedule one, and we'll gladly accomodate all those devoid of the dark arts.
23:34:14 [Skaraín]: Alright. I trust that Maliel and the other Holy People are able to arrange this. Looking forward of seeing the even itself.
23:34:24 [Skaraín]: Anything else someone would like to bring up?
23:34:37 [Maliel]: Your vote of confidence is appreciated, we'll make it happen.
23:35:19 [Bridlington]: Send all your unwanted and uneducated children to a factory owned by Foray Industries! We'll give them a few lessons in life, for sure.
23:35:53 [Braiden]: Awesome. Remember that Braiden fed you when looking for allies in Stormwind
23:36:05 [Bridlington]: Bitch, you declined me!
23:36:09 [Coppersocket]: Braiden
23:36:23 [Skaraín]: Alright. shall we move on to the last part?
23:36:29 [Braiden]: Lottery
23:36:35 [Skaraín]: Rp Lottery - The willing (this is volunteer, and not force on anyone) Guilds and Organisations are paired together using d100. Those groups will find a new reason to be involved with each other. The groups may discuss how they will after the meeting.
23:36:36 [Coppersocket]: no wait nevermind
23:36:52 [Skaraín]: I would like to know which guilds wich to partipate.
23:37:01 [Skaraín]: *Wish
23:37:06 [Braiden]: Los Mistmantlos is game
23:37:10 [Bridlington]: Foray Industries, Ltd. would like to partake!
23:37:14 [Faineon]: TLA of course.
23:37:41 [Coppersocket]: Let me check, one second
23:38:00 [Skaraín]: Alright. Waiting and looking if there is more people
23:38:05 [Skaraín]: or rather, guilds
23:38:11 [Leeria]: Lottery?
23:38:19 [Braiden]: Basicly
23:38:25 [Skaraín]: did /w her
23:38:25 [Coppersocket]: fuck it, we'll partake
23:38:26 [Braiden]: guilds are paired trough random
23:38:34 [Allonia]: well I'll be off for now then Smile goodbye everyone! have fun
23:38:39 [Braiden]: then you find excuses to rp between guilds
23:38:44 [Braiden]: paired
23:38:45 [Braiden]: easy
23:39:05 [Maliel]: I thank you for your time, I'll see you all soon hopefully
23:39:10 [Skaraín]: Yes, that. Thus far it is Mistmantle, Foray, TLA, Cartel - anyone else?
23:39:32 [Maliel]: I'm sorry, I'm quite new to this concept, what exactly is the lottery?
23:39:36 [Leeria]: Hm, we'll say no for this meeting up untill we have fixed internal affairs
23:40:06 [Skaraín]: We pair guilds with a random roll. those guilds find a new reason to be involved with each other.
23:40:10 [Bridlington]: Come on, DoL
23:40:35 [Maliel]: Count the Crusade in!
23:40:43 [Bridlington]: Regiment and Kirin Tor are slacking, too :p
23:40:52 [Braiden]: screw those guys!
23:40:53 [Drustai]: well I don't know about Vaell
23:41:02 [Drustai]: but I don't really care for arranged RP
23:41:14 [Ezlbag]: The kirin tor isn't really a guild either though.
23:41:33 [Skaraín]: (neither do i, but i asked last time if people still like to keep this going, so i keep it going)
23:41:34 [Braiden]: right
23:41:40 [Braiden]: countdown for last chances?
23:41:47 [Vaell]: yeah it'd be a bit weird to involve the KT out of the blue
23:41:58 [Bridlington]: My IC organisation is involved. *shrugs*
23:42:00 [Coppersocket]: Actually
23:42:02 [Braiden]: It's not out of the blue
23:42:04 [Braiden]: it's more like
23:42:07 [Coppersocket]: The Cartel jumps this one
23:42:15 [Coppersocket]: At least this month
23:42:15 [Braiden]: basic plotline -> let the rp flow based on that
23:42:29 [Braiden]: Might not even be alot
23:42:46 [Coppersocket]: I don't feel we're on steady ground enough to be able to try make a plotline with another guild right now. we're having too many problems as is
23:42:49 [Skaraín]: Anyways. Mismantle, Foray, TLA, Crusade - I will roll them myself.
23:43:08 [Skaraín]: One to much, but who cares
23:43:15 [Skaraín]: Its Mistmantle and Foray, and TLA and Crusade
23:43:21 [Faineon]: Allright.
23:43:23 [Bridlington]: Oh, how ironic.
23:43:36 [Skaraín]: Yep. Industry would be fun with a religious order Very Happy
23:43:52 [Bridlington]: Religious Faith. I'm already working on it with Osmand.
23:44:04 [Bridlington]: Count Mistmantle, I'll get in touch regarding the Sir Wulfgnar Case.
23:44:06 [Maliel]: Who do I contact to arange a meet with TLA?
23:44:06 [Braiden]: *snubs foray*
23:44:12 [Drustai]: Foray Industries: Bringing capitalism back to religion.
23:44:16 [Faineon]: *waves* Kwelan here.
23:44:28 [Bridlington]: Drustai, Exaythe did a better judge with the obscene slogans and statements :c
23:44:44 [Bridlington]: job*
23:44:46 [Skaraín]: Hahaha. Anyways, i'd like to thank everyone for attending the event. Next one in a month.
23:44:47 [Braiden]: well then
23:44:48 [Skaraín]: o/
23:44:48 [Drustai]: k
23:44:50 [Braiden]: toodles
23:44:59 [Decurius]: o/ Thanks to thee.
23:45:01 [Bridlington]: Tatty-bye!

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